“Oh my God! He’s a genius! I wanted to write a song about rock and roll, but I couldn’t find inspiration! I feel inspired! ”

“He really impressed me! I suddenly felt like someone was going to rob me of my job…”

“I must find Du Jing to help me see my songs, and let him help me fill in the lyrics!”

“His future future development must be limitless!”


Zhang Jie and the others all looked at the man standing on the stage with burning eyes…

Even if he just stood there quietly, it was as if his whole body was radiating.

Enough to be eye-catching!

Even many people remembered what he once said, he will lead the music of Yan Guo to the world!

At first, everyone thought it might just be a joke.

But now it seems that this is true!

And that day may not be particularly far away from them!

Du Jing, he can do it!

At this moment, everyone’s hearts are full of confidence in Du Jing!


At this time.

On the stage, the singing continues.

I saw Du Jing wearing a white T and a pair of simple jeans, dancing his body on the stage with the music.

The song is getting hotter and burner!

In addition, the lyrics were easier to remember, and the audience also began to sing softly along with the music.

Everyone twisted their bodies and enjoyed the moment of!

All bad emotions dissipated at this moment.

They only have to swing with the music, to release themselves, to find themselves!

Finally, the song comes to its climax!

Listening to the extremely joyful and exciting music, everyone’s mood was extremely happy.

Right at this moment.

Du Jing walked down directly from the lifting platform and came to the band.

I saw him under the attention of everyone, first high-fived with the piano player!

Then he directly took the piano in his hand, his fingers flexibly slid on the keys, and one wonderful note after another poured out!

That handsome and wanton action amazes everyone!

They have long known that Du Jing is an all-rounder in musical instruments!

Whether it’s piano, guitar, bass, or whatever, you can play it easily!

And every instrument can play to its greatest strengths!

After the piano was played, Du Jing raised the microphone again.

At this time, the music suddenly became low, but it was also the most amazing lyrics!

“Black is not nightfall,

It’s a long period of loneliness,

Look at the darkness beneath your feet,

Looking at the stars above your head,

All things can be looked forward to,

Only true love is the shortest,

What is lost is never returned,

The world is conserved and now doubled,

Flag-waving enthusiasm


Hearing this, one picture after another appeared in everyone’s mind.

Some desperately learn to draw for their art dreams.

Some went abroad for further study for the sake of their ideals.

And some had to bow to reality and start working day and night …

These pictures are all experienced by everyone present, even if things are different, but everyone is chasing their dreams!

But after all, reality and dreams are the opposite!

For a moment.

Some people cried…

The song resonated with them, as if it was about their lives.

Eighteen years have passed since a teenager was born to adulthood!

These eighteen years are long and short. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A small baby grows directly into an adult, and a teenager can easily pursue his dreams.

And this period of time for a middle-aged person, but it is short and cannot be replicated, like a blink of an eye!

The first half of the song is played by multiple instruments, from far and near dreamy, as if it comes with the filter of an old movie…

For more than ten years, everyone has experienced all kinds of pain, grievances and depression!

And Du Jing wrote all this into a song, like a cup of bitter coffee, although bitter, but always evocative.

The years that passed, the hardships I experienced when I was young, the dreams that passed away…

All this is actually the essence of life!

The ideal is plump, the reality is skinny.

Experience can reconcile a person with reality, but it is difficult for a person to kill his dreams beyond the nine clouds!

No one can be 18 forever, but there are always people who are 18!

Learn to recognize reality and reconcile with reality, but never compromise with reality!

In fact, everyone has their own dreams, but in real life, we will always encounter some very helpless things.

Maybe these things overwhelm us!

We can reconcile with reality and relax ourselves…

But there can be absolutely no compromise!

This is what Du Jing wants to express!

For a moment.

Everyone stopped swaying

“Day and night carousels non-stop,

Flying abusive men and women,

Love and hatred,

A generation will grow old,

But there are always people who are young


I saw that the song entered the end…

End of lyrics.

The background music is like pressing the pause button and stops abruptly!

And Du Jing didn’t know when he took an electric guitar, closed his eyes, and plucked the strings!

The sound of the electric guitar is exciting!

This is a solo unique to Dujing!

Electric solo, sometimes exciting, sometimes low…

It seems to be narrating everything experienced in life, and it seems to be persuading everyone to let go of 803!

The audience in the audience has all fallen!

The barrage in the live broadcast room is constantly rolling.

“Groove! It’s so impressive! ”

“This last piece of electric guitar solo feels like it touches my soul!”

“Amazing! This rock song is simply at the forefront of the music industry! ”

“The whole song can be said to advance layer by layer, just like life, there will be different stages. And this lyrics, when I first listened to it, seemed to be very sad! But in the end, it is telling us to be free and positive! ”

“Du Jing is really a genius! I love him to death! ”

“Woo hoo, I wanted to cry when I first listened.”

“Me too! But you can hear that Du Jing is letting everyone reconcile with reality, don’t let yourself be so tired! ”

“I suddenly remembered who I used to be… I didn’t have much money at the time, but I loved art! So my parents borrowed money for me to participate in training and art exams! Even though I was trying hard and slept three or four hours a day, I still didn’t get into the exam… At that moment, I had to bow my head like reality! Now that I have the financial strength, I can continue to learn to draw! I just realized how cool it is to reconcile with myself and reality! ”

“Me too! My family is poor and can’t afford to go to three books, so I can only go to a specialty! At that time, I was depressed, but later, I learned to reconcile with reality! I found that life is actually more than that road…”


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