During these few days.......

《The plot of"The Legend of Zu" is constantly advancing.

There are more and more related revelations on the Internet. The popularity of"The Legend of Zu" remains high, and there are new Weibo posts on the hot search list almost every day!

Otherwise, Du Jing said that Zhang Dahai is a smart man........

Zhang Dahai and Chen Laofei have been working as paparazzi for many years!

He knows very well what will cause heated discussions and what will infringe on Du Jing's interests!

Zhang Dahai has a very good grasp of this balance........

On-site Reuters! The passionate fighting scenes in"The Legend of Zu Mountain" are so exciting!

Shocking! Chen Yao was injured during filming, and the reason was that the filming of"The Legend of Zu Mountain" was too difficult!

Reversals and reversals! The high-energy plot of"The Legend of Zu Mountain" made the surrounding extras' scalps numb and cheered!

《The filming of"The Legend of Zu" is progressing very fast, and the climax has been filmed!!

One Weibo after another was released by Zhang Dahai.

The titles are very attractive!

But in fact, no plot is leaked.

But the relevant photos and videos with such titles have caused countless viewers to scratch their heads and their curiosity is so strong!

"Oh my god, what on earth is being filmed in"The Legend of Zu Mountain"? Dozens of extras are acting so arrogant? ?"

"Is this a martial arts film? The extras can also do Qinggong? ?"

"Du Jing is simply a"May 20" god, his shooting speed is so fast!"

"And did you find out?.......《The crew members of"The Legend of Zu" all listened to Du Jing's words, and the cohesion was very high! Other crews might take a whole day to shoot a shot, but when it came to Du Jing, it was almost always done in one take!"

"Looking forward to the release of"The Legend of Zu", this movie will definitely be a hit!!"

"Looking forward to"The Legend of Shushan"》!!"

"Looking forward to"The Legend of Shushan"》!!"


In just a few days

《The number of followers of the special topic of"The Legend of Zu" has exceeded 50 million!

At least half of these 50 million people are die-hard fans who are just waiting to watch the movie in theaters.

If the movie ticket is priced at 60 yuan per ticket.

These people alone can push the box office of"The Legend of Zu" to 1.5 billion!

In other words.......

《The Legend of Zu has not been released yet, but it has already earned a guaranteed box office of 1.5 billion!

This is indeed due to the contributions of Zhang Dahai and Li Ergou.

Without their daily Reuters and publicity, the popularity of The Legend of Zu would not have been maintained so high, and the attention would have dropped a lot.

And they are not without any advantages........

In just a few days, the marketing account they jointly operated gained more than 2 million followers, catching up with their years of hard work.

Of course, their little profit is definitely not comparable to Du Jing's.

In addition to online public opinion.

During this period, Du Jing's studio is also catching up with the progress of decoration.

The large flat has been rented, and the hard furnishings are all there, and only a little soft furnishing will be needed.

Wang Xia found several decoration teams and started work at the same time.

Fortunately, Du Jing was in control of the whole scene during filming........

Wang Xia had enough time to communicate with the decoration company.

Because the studio is a comprehensive development of singing, acting, and filming, there are a lot of equipment that needs to be purchased, such as recording equipment, various musical instruments, regulators, etc. Wang Xia controlled the whole process and did not make any mistakes.

Du Jing has decided.......

After the filming of"The Legend of Zu" is finished, we will take advantage of this wave of popularity to announce the official establishment of the physical studio!

The ribbon-cutting ceremony has been arranged.

Some celebrities who know Du Jing have received invitations from Du Jing.

He also invited several media to broadcast the whole process live.

You can imagine.......

What a sensation the ribbon-cutting ceremony of Du Jing Studio will cause!! At eight o'clock in the evening.

Nanshan Film and Television City, the top of the main peak.

The night is shrouded, and a bright moon hangs in the sky. The surrounding clouds roll, and under the moonlight, sharp peaks rise from the ground and pierce the clouds.

The surrounding scenery is like a fairyland in the sky!

"That's all for today. Thank you for your hard work. I will give everyone a big red envelope after the film is finished!" After watching the rough film just shot, Du Jing was very satisfied.

"Not hard!!"

"Director Du is so generous!"

"Director Du is so generous!!"

When they heard that there was another red envelope to be given, everyone was instantly excited.

"Everyone, tomorrow we will be shooting the climax of the film. It is very important and the time is very tight. Everyone should be mentally prepared and try to finish it in one day."Du Jing said loudly with a loud speaker in his hand

"Director Du, rest assured"

"We have no problem!"

Everyone responded.

Seeing everyone's enthusiasm, Du Jing didn't say anything more.

Everyone was really hard-working during this period. They were nervous every day. Except for sleeping, they were filming!

The scenes that were originally estimated to be completed in half a month were shortened to about eleven or twelve days.

Tomorrow we will shoot the climax.

The day after tomorrow we will shoot the ending, and the whole film will be officially finished!

Finishing a movie in more than ten days, no one would believe it, even if they did! It would be a big bad movie!

But in fact, Du Jing did it!

However, it is not ruled out that the special theme of"The Legend of Shushan".......

The framing is simple and there is no need to move the location, which greatly shortens the shooting time.

Moreover, 90% of the shots in the whole film need post-production.

"Chen Yao."

Du Jing suddenly shouted

"What's wrong?"

Chen Yao hurried over.

She seemed to be in a good mood........

She has been in the industry for so many years, but she may not have acted in as many dramas as she has in this period. She is very happy and grateful to Du Jing.

Du Jing:"Tomorrow there will be a crying scene for you, which is the highlight and may be the scene that the audience will remember the most. Be prepared."

Chen Yao thought for a moment and said,"Is it the scene where Li Yingqi sacrifices himself?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Du Jing nodded:"Read the script carefully tonight and prepare your emotions."

This scene is the end of the battle. In order to prevent the blood demon from escaping, Li Yingqi used her own soul to entangle the blood demon's soul. Under the attack of the Nanming Lihuo Sword, they dissipated together. At the last moment, Li Yingqi recalled the memory of her previous life. She said goodbye to Xuantian Sect in tears. At this moment, she was both Li Yingqi and Master Gu Yue.

This scene is the sublimation of the"emotional line" of the whole film........

Once the filming is done, the audience will definitely remember Chen Yao as an actor!

"Got it. I'll do my best."


Du Jing nodded and said no more.

It was getting late........

The crew members went down the mountain one after another. The next morning, just like every other day.

《The crew of"The Legend of Zu" took the cable car up the mountain.

The only difference from the previous time was that the atmosphere today was a bit depressing.

Not to mention the staff, even the main actors were under a lot of pressure.

Because today's filming was the most exciting scene in the whole film!

After arriving at the top of the mountain, the staff began to work, laying tracks, building dead wood, setting up cameras, and checking the wire.......

Several leading actors held the script in their hands and kept reciting their lines......

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the filming officially started!

The ending plot:

【After the three elements of Xuantian Sect merged into one, he and Changkong Wuji immediately went to Mount Wutai. Under the protection of the collective monks of Mount Wutai, the two of them left their bodies and entered the blood cave. Changkong

Wuji took advantage of the fight between Xuantian Sect and the demonized Dan Chenzi to rescue Li Yingqi from the blood cave........

The blood demon's blood cloud formation was also launched at this moment. The blood cloud covered the sky and oppressed Mount Wutai.

The head of Mount Wutai used the sect's magical power, the Daluo Buddha's Hand. The two golden Buddha's hands were as big as mountains and slammed into the blood cloud. But it only lasted for a moment. The head vomited blood and was severely injured. The whole area collapsed.

Then the blood demon released countless ghosts and snatched away the bodies of Xuan Tianzong and Changkong Wuji.

At the critical moment, Li Yingqi and Changkong Wuji's Yuanshen arrived and entangled the blood demon, but their magic power could not last too long.

On the other side, Xuan Tianzong reluctantly used the Nanming Lihuo Sword to get rid of his demonized best friend Dan Chenzi and arrived in time!

After Xuan Tianzong's Yuanshen returned to his position, he used all his strength to destroy the blood cloud. In order to prevent the blood demon from escaping again, Li Yingqi entangled it with his Yuanshen, and they dissipated together under the attack of the Nanming Lihuo Sword........】

This is the ending.

After filming this part of the plot, the whole movie is almost over, with only the last small part left to wrap up the whole movie!

"Preparation of each department"


Under the direction of Du Jing, the filming began.

Several leading actors were hung with wires, soaring into the air in the green screen studio, and constantly performing various actions.

"Cut! The action is not strong enough, do it again."

The strict director Du came online.


"Click! Stand firmer and move with more force!"



"Click! Not good enough, try again"


"Five mirrors once"



In a short period of time, Du Jing called out"cut" repeatedly.

The atmosphere on the scene was extremely depressing.

Fortunately, the main actors had already prepared themselves mentally and withstood the pressure. They shot for more than an hour and finally finished the scene.���


There was almost no rest time.

One shot after another.

As time passed.......

Finally, the last scene was filmed.

Next, it was Chen Yao's highlight.


She adjusted her breathing and tried to calm down.

This section is about Li Yingqi regaining his memory. At the last moment when his soul dissipated, he said goodbye to Xuantian Sect. Li Yingqi only had one sentence throughout the whole process, and the emotions contained in it were almost all expressed by his eyes and micro-expressions. The difficulty coefficient is very high

"All departments in place"


Chen Yao stood in the green screen.

The lighting technician turned on the lights, and several cameras were aimed at Chen Yao from various angles, and kept zooming in, almost touching Chen Yao's face.

Every subtle movement of hers was clearly displayed on the monitor.

Dozens of people in the crew were silent, and their hearts were lifted.

After shooting this scene, the whole film was equivalent to being finished!

What everyone didn't notice was that on the path not far away, a very beautiful figure in sportswear and ponytail was approaching.

It was Reba!

She came to visit the set!.......

Time: Long Cô Nương

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