Xu Zheng.

Well-known actor and director.

After becoming famous for his role in”Brilliant Pig Bajie”, he also starred in”Love Call Transfer”, which quickly raised his popularity. After more than 20 years in the industry, Xu Zheng has excellent acting skills and a good reputation. In recent years, he has transformed into a director.

He has won major film awards for the”Lost on Journey” series of films.

And now”Dying to Survive”》……

It’s a new movie he’s currently filming.

Ton ton ton!

While everyone is resting……

Xu Zhengyi sat down and took a few gulps of water.

“Where did you find this actor? His acting is so bad!!”

Xu Zheng panted, obviously very angry.

“Director, calm down.”

The assistant director at the side said.

Xu Zheng:”Xiao Liu, have you booked the flight to Changjiang, Hainan tomorrow?”

Assistant Director:”Director Xu, are you really going to the Mushroom House to find Du Jing? Isn’t he a singer? Do you really want him to act? And with his identity……It doesn’t fit our role at all.”

Xu Zheng already had an idea in his mind:”It’s okay, maybe there will be an unexpected surprise…….”

The story started three days ago.

At that time, the conflict between Du Jing and Cai Kunkun had just started, and it caused a sensation on the Internet.

In his spare time, Xu Zheng was also eating melons with relish.

Unexpectedly, he would eat melons himself! That night, he received a call from Du Jiejing!

Xu Zheng and Du Jiejing are also personal friends, and their relationship is pretty good.

During that time, Xu Zheng happened to complain in his circle of friends that”Dying to Survive” was missing a role. In fact, it was just a cameo role with only three minutes of screen time. As far as the script was concerned, this plot was not important in the whole movie…….

But Xu Zheng always thought that if this scene was filmed well, it would be the finishing touch!

He had also found some well-known actors to play the role, but none of them could give the feeling he wanted.

As a result, he posted a few complaints on his WeChat Moments, but he didn’t expect that Du Jiejing saw it!

At that time, Du Jiejing called him and said that she wanted to introduce Du Jing to play this role.

Xu Zheng had heard of Du Jing…….

Although I don’t know the exact relationship between Du Jing and Du Jiejing, I know they are very close! It’s hard to refuse, so

I can only agree…….

Xu Zheng always felt that letting Du Jing play the role might bring unexpected results!

“What time did you book the flight?”

“Four o’clock in the morning”

“Four o’clock flight……Then we can get to the Mushroom House at around 7 o’clock. OK, let’s arrange it this way first. I’ll go early and come back early, so I should be back before noon.”

In fact, he could just let the assistant director go in his place…….

Although it is a guest role, this role is very important to Xu Zheng. He needs to contact Du Jing in person.

And this time when he goes to the Mushroom House, he has an important matter to ask Huang Lei and He Jiong for help!

Time is very tight.

Xu Zheng must hurry up…….

The night was silent.

The next morning.

Shark Pond Village, Mushroom House.

As the sun rose, the golden light spread down, and the sky was golden.

The villagers in the village had already gotten up, some went to the beach to catch seafood, and some went out to sea to fish in the morning sun.

The sea breeze was blowing, and the coconut trees were swaying.

Everywhere was pleasant and peaceful.

“Get up, friends. Reba will be leaving soon.

Huang Lei and He Jiong got up at about six o’clock.

Because Reba had to leave at eight o’clock, the first thing they did when they got up was to make breakfast.


“I ‘m so sleepy.”

Several people got up, yawning and stretching.

Reba had packed her luggage and walked down from the second floor with her suitcase.

Seeing that everyone had gotten up, Reba felt a little embarrassed:”You don’t have to see me off. You can sleep a little longer.”

He Jiong smiled and said,”It’s okay~~ You are the first guest to come to our Mushroom House this season. Of course I have to see you off when you leave. Wait, the noodles with soybean paste will be ready soon.”

“Thank you, Mr. He.

Reba nodded.

Not long after, Du Jing also got up.

They sat under the shed and blew the sea breeze for a while, which made them feel much more awake.

Looking at Du Jing sitting opposite them,……

Reba took a deep breath and smiled:”Du Jing, come and play with me when you have the chance.~~”

The people around looked at Du Jing in a flash.

What a guy!

Reba took the initiative to invite him.

Du Jing paused and smiled,”Okay, I’ll do it when I have time.””

“Then let’s make an appointment.”

Seeing Du Jing agreed, Reba was very happy.

After leaving this time, I really don’t know when we will meet again. No matter whether Du Jing is being polite or not, Reba always feels that this way she can have a thought.

“That……How about adding WeChat? Otherwise, how can we contact each other in the future?”Reba said quietly.

They didn’t leave any contact information on the night of the anniversary, and they didn’t have the chance to bring it up in the past two days.



Peng Peng, who was drinking water, almost spit it out when he heard this.

Peng Peng was stunned:”Add…Add a WeChat ID? ? Reba, you and Jing really don’t have any contact information!!”

Du Jing had said before that they only met once, but no one believed it!

This is too weird!

It was rumored online that they were in love, but they didn’t even have a WeChat ID!

Zhang Yixing laughed and said,”It’s normal. Couples will delete their contact information after a quarrel and break up. Now they are about to get back together.”


Du Jing:”……”


But the two didn’t explain anything.

With the addition of VX, Reba’s heart is obviously more at ease, and the smile on her face is more natural

“Let’s eat~~”

Not long after, Huang Lei and He Jiong came out with hot noodles.

“Let’s eat!”

Reba was the first to speak, and she was obviously in a much better mood.

As time passed,……

Before she knew it, it was already 7:30 in the morning.

Normally, Reba should have left at this time, but perhaps because of Du Jing, she wanted to stay a little longer…….

A figure suddenly appeared on the beach in the distance.

He looked a little fat, holding several bags of gifts in his hands, and looking around as he walked.

Looking closely, the fat man had a shiny bald head, which was even reflecting light in the sun!

“Hey, who is that person? He looks familiar.

Peng Peng raised his head and glanced into the distance.

“Could it be our new guest in the Mushroom House?”

“It shouldn’t be, the director didn’t tell us there were new guests coming.”

Several people were very curious.


Huang Lei recognized him and said:”This bald guy…It’s a fight!!”…….

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