The first time, the second episode of Longing for the Future has officially started.

Millions of people are waiting with black screens in the live broadcast room.

Everyone is looking forward to the content of the next letter.

Perhaps, the inside story of the matter can be revealed.

On the other side, on the top floor of the "Yi Hui" building.

An Nuan leaned on the chair in the office, her eyelashes trembling slightly.

There are five minutes left before Longing for the Future 6 starts.

She had already made up her mind not to pay attention to any news about Lin Feng.

But when the time came, she couldn't help but feel a throbbing in her heart.

And those pasts with Lin Feng flashed through her mind like a movie.

"Nuannuan, these paper roses are for you. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Nuannuan, I am the happiest person in the world with you..."

"Nuannuan, is this true? I am going to be a father! Oh my God!"


An Nuan closed her eyes and exhaled tremblingly.

Lin Feng, you have been gone for five years without a sound.

Do you know how I have been through these five years?

I have a home but cannot go back. I can only live in the basement in fear.

My daughter also had such a thing...

I called you so many times, but you didn't answer any of them.

I will never forgive you, never.

I only hate you!

She looked at the time. There was still one minute before the broadcast of Longing 6.

Her heartbeat was getting faster and faster until she felt she couldn't breathe.

And her hand had already touched the remote control involuntarily.

Just take a look!

At least you are the father of the child.

An Nuan found an excuse for herself, reached for the remote control, and turned on the projection...


Teacher He's young face filled the entire camera.

He shouted warmly: "Hello, audience friends, this is..."

Teacher He took a step back, revealing Huang Lei and four others.

Everyone shouted together: "Longing for life!"

The camera panned and the picture was aimed at a welfare home.

"This time, Longing for life 6 came to a new shooting location."

"I know everyone must be very curious, why not shoot on Rose Island?"

"Don't worry, the answer will be revealed soon."

After Teacher He finished speaking, the camera turned to Zi Feng.

She took a letter from the staff and slowly opened it...

"Yes, the answer is in this letter."

In the live broadcast room.

"Why in the welfare home? Is Nuannuan here?"

"Longing 6 really understands the hearts of netizens, but can the letter be read all at once?"

"The program team also needs good ratings, and I think it's more interesting to do it step by step."

"I hope we can get more information this time, find Nuannuan, and let her be a special guest."


"Yi Hui" Building.

An Nuan clenched her palms tightly, her fingers had already dug into her flesh.

Tears were already welling up in her eyes.

When her daughter got into trouble, she promised not to cry in the future.

But why can't she stop crying now.

Just hearing a little bit of news, she was completely lost.

She calmed down, thinking about what happened to her daughter, and her heart gradually became calm and cold.

Lin Feng.

Why are you so cruel to abandon us mother and daughter.

Why are you so cruel to let my daughter lose her father!


Zhang Xiaoxing and Peng Yuchang walked in front of Zi Feng, both of them staring at the letter closely.

Among the five of them, only Huang Lei and Teacher He had read it, and they had only read the second letter.

Zi Feng opened her lips slightly, and a gentle voice that belonged only to a young girl rang out.

"Nuannuan, I'm writing to you.

These days, deep longing has invaded my whole body.

I feel pain in every part of my body.

It has been 1856 days and nights since I left you.

How I wish I could return to you.


You always asked me before.

Where are my parents?

I just shook my head and didn't tell you.

And you, seeing my lonely look, always silently held me in your arms and comforted me softly.

Nuannuan, it's nothing.

Your appearance has illuminated my life.

In fact, I am an orphan.

My parents put me in a box and abandoned me at the door of "Anxin Welfare Home".

Anxin, Annuan.

Just look at this name and you will know how destined we are."

Reading this, Zifeng, Zhang Xiaoxing and Peng Yuchang all widened their eyes.


The full name of the heroine finally appeared.

"Yihui" Building.

An Nuan's eyes suddenly shrank, and her heart seemed to be stabbed.

So, he is an orphan!

No wonder he never mentioned his parents.

Whenever she mentioned them, the sadness in her eyes could not be concealed at all.

Silly, even if you tell me, what will I do? I will only love you more.

Suddenly, An Nuan was shocked.

Unconsciously, she began to think about Lin Feng again.

She clenched her fists again.

So what if he is an orphan!

Can an orphan abandon his family and daughter?


Continue reading the letter.

"I was born a step slower than others in development.

I couldn't speak until I was five years old, and I could only babble when I was anxious.

The people in the welfare home were very kind to me and tried every possible way to treat me.

But in the end, no reason was found.

In the end, it could only be attributed to genes.

This incident also led to the fact that the children in the welfare home were unwilling to play with me.

No one was willing to adopt me, thinking that I was a mute.

That day was my sixth birthday.

In order to get the children to accept me, the welfare home specially held a small birthday party.

That day, you came.

You were so small, with pigtails.

You followed your father and made faces at me.

Then you ran to me, grabbed my arm, and wanted to play with me.

You know, at that moment, I saw the light.

No one of my age was willing to interact with a mute like me.

I was so excited at the time.

I started to babble.

I regretted it after I finished shouting.

I was afraid that when you were angry, After finding out that I was dumb, you ignored me.

But you didn't dislike me at all.

You just said that what your brother said sounded like singing.

Then, you pulled me to run wildly.

At that moment, my tears came out, and I ran with you woodenly.

In the aisle, your pigtails swayed slightly.

And I seemed to see an angel descending into my world.

The birthday party officially began.

The welfare home staff formally introduced you.

At this time, I knew that your name was An Nuan.

Your father came to the welfare home to show his love in order to shape your values.

An Nuan, what a nice name.

I kept reciting it in my heart and remembered it firmly.

The party began.

Your father brought a big cake up.

Although I was young at that time, I understood it.

The value of this cake far exceeded any previous one in the welfare home.

Your father smiled at me and said, "Happy birthday. "

At that moment, I felt that the world was sweet.

After the birthday song, the staff asked you to cut the cake for me.

You were very excited at the time and did it seriously.

But in the end, when you handed it to me, you accidentally dropped it on the ground.

You cried and kept saying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

And I walked to your side and said the first sentence of my life: "An Nuan, it's okay."

Everyone in the welfare home was shocked.

They all looked at me in amazement, and then showed ecstatic expressions.

Nuan Nuan.

Do you know.

The first sentence I said in my life was to protect you!"


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