After seeing this, An Nuan finally confirmed it. Lin Feng was the boy. The boy she had a brief contact with in junior high school. He became her deskmate when her father took her back to Jiangcheng. At that time, she felt that he was a little different. He was always a little dull when facing her. He also smiled foolishly from time to time. When she talked to him, his face always turned red. At that time, she thought he was such a shy boy. Unexpectedly, it was because of this reason. The boy in her memory slowly overlapped with Lin Feng. An Nuan sighed. It's a pity that it's too late to say anything now. I have already let go of my obsession.

Go embrace a new life.

Moreover, the pain that Lin Feng caused her.

It is far from being offset by talking about the past.

In the projection.

Zi Feng is still reading the letter.

The people around him are also listening quietly.

Only Aunt Zhang looks at the camera from time to time, with tears in her eyes.

"Nuan Nuan.

You walked briskly to my side and smiled at me.

I was both excited and shy at the time.

After class.

I want to take out the photo to show you.

Let you know that we knew each other when we were young.

You cut the cake for me at that time.

But, I was timid again.

Looking at your smile, I became stupid.

At that moment, I thought of love.

Is it true that I have fallen in love with you.

Nuan Nuan.

I want to tell you.

I have fallen in love with you long before you fell in love with me."

After reading the letter, Aunt Zhang spoke faintly: "At that time, Lin Feng was He has changed.

He became cheerful and smiled all day long.

We were really happy at that time, this child finally came out.

And what made us even happier was.

He began to actively contact various people and cultivate his communication skills.

I asked him what happened at that time.

He did not hide anything and said that he had seen An Nuan.

An Nuan.

This name.

Everyone in our welfare home knows it.

All the staff used their connections to look for her.

Seeing that he found An Nuan, the big stone in our hearts fell. "

Director Zhang wiped his tears.

Even if he had read the letter before, he couldn't help but be shocked again at this moment.

And he was different from Huang Lei and Teacher He.

They only read this one in advance, but he read all of them.

These letters are suicide notes!

They are the suicide notes written by Lin Feng to An Nuan.

Lin Feng should have been dead long ago.

Whether it is for ratings or to let Lin Feng fulfill his last wish.

He is willing to create the program along the current route.

Even if it was arranged by someone!

In the live broadcast room.

"Tears, I also have a childhood sweetheart female classmate, she still often appears in my dreams, I have never forgotten."

"The love in school days is the most beautiful, classmates, enjoy it, after entering the society, it is the world of money."

"Lin Feng really loves Nuan Nuan, if there is someone who can love me like this, it would be great."

"Come on, I don't want such love, it's too heavy."

"Bearing weight? Are you mentally ill? This is the purest love, as precious as diamonds."

"I agree that the society is too impetuous now, how many people can have high-quality love?"

"I also agree that this kind of knowing each other since childhood and growing up together is too beautiful."

The letter continued to read.

"Those days.

It was the happiest time of my student days.

I looked forward to going to school every day.

Because I could see you when I went to school.


You really haven't changed at all.

Others don't want to talk to me.

But you.

Every time I want to talk to you, you pretend to listen.

It's just.

I'm really too shy.

When I see your warm smile, I always can't speak.

Forgive me for being so cowardly.

You have a good family and a sweet look.

Your drawer is always stuffed with love letters.

I also wanted to write one to you at that time.

But I changed my mind.

Forget it, how can I compare to those people.

I'm just a child from an orphanage.

Nuannuan, you deserve better.

And I, as long as I can protect you silently.

Just looking at you from a distance is enough.


Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, you have been here for a week.

That day, in Chinese class.

The teacher called you up and asked you to read your composition.

And told the whole class to learn from you.

You stood on the podium, and tears flashed in your eyes when you opened your first sentence.

After reading.

I knew.

It turned out that you were from a single-parent family.

Your mother had passed away long ago, and she filmed a birthday video for you.

Even you are like this, you are still full of love for this world.

And what qualifications do I have to be self-enclosed and not communicate with anyone.

From then on, I actively embraced life.

Use my own love to face the people around me.

Especially Aunt Zhang and others.

After that incident, they always protected me and kept me from getting hurt.


You are excellent, and the teacher appointed you as the deputy monitor.

Originally, our class did not have this position.

For you, the teacher made an exception.

And also handed the class fee to you.

At that time, I was happier than you. "


Read this.

Everyone suddenly realized.

So this is what the "I know" in the first letter means.

Lin Feng has always known An Nuan's sad story.

Huang Lei was a little embarrassed. When he heard the first letter, he misunderstood that Lin Feng was secretly investigating An Nuan.

He looked at the people next to him and found that no one noticed this at all, so he returned to normal.

"Why do I feel that An Nuan has always been protecting Lin Feng? Why doesn't Lin Feng, as a boy, protect An Nuan?"

Zhang Xiaoxing asked in confusion, but he regretted it as soon as he said it.

I saw Aunt Zhang showing an angry look and said, "How could it be that there is no, Lin Feng has been silently protecting him, but he didn't mention it in the letter."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean any harm in what I said just now." Zhang Xiaoxing said hurriedly. He didn't think about it just now and blurted it out.

Aunt Zhang also apologized and said, "I was wrong. I reacted a little too much. It's really that Lin Feng is such a pitiful child. "

After that, Aunt Zhang spoke again: "You don't know, Lin Feng is simply a miracle.

Although he doesn't talk to people, his grades are ridiculously good.

From elementary school to junior high school, he is the first in the school.

But because he doesn't like to communicate with people, the teacher didn't let him be a class leader.

Two weeks before he met An Nuan, I went to his parents' meeting.

In that junior high school, other people's families are well-off.

Often take out some high-end toys.

That day I saw that Lin Feng looked at the robots in other people's hands with envy.

When I came back, Lin Feng was standing in the school parking shed.

Staring blankly at those beautiful bicycles.

When he saw me coming.

He pretended to leave as if nothing had happened and smiled at me.

At that time.

I felt very distressed.

If any family can have a child like Lin Feng.

Will definitely hold it in the palm of their hands and cherish it well. ”

Everyone listened attentively, completely attracted by the story.

“What’s next?”

“Did Lin Feng have his own bicycle?”

Aunt Zhang smiled and said, “Of course, but the twists and turns in it are too touching.”

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