The old man was so handsome, and he was so handsome.


Everyone took a deep breath.

The five people all had the same idea in their minds.

If they were in Lin Feng's situation, they would definitely not be able to resist the temptation of money.

"No wonder Lin Feng is so rich now. People like him should make money." Peng Yuchang said loudly, his eyes full of admiration.

The others also felt the same way and nodded.

People like him should make money!

Then, Huang Lei picked up another design drawing and looked at it.

Aunt Zhang introduced: "Lin Feng later involved in more and more fields, and he began to lean towards industrial manufacturing.

These are all design drawings of some fine industrial products, and his hand-drawn ones are all waste drafts."

After hearing this, the other four people also came forward to watch.

The lines on the design drawings are dense, and there are many professional symbols that are difficult to understand.

Everyone looked at it for a while and then put it down.

The shock on their faces became stronger and stronger.

That is, from this moment on.

The five people's affection for Lin Feng has completely surpassed Nuan Nuan.

This mysterious man.

His childhood life was so difficult.

But he did not fall down despite the hardships.

In the end, he emitted his own brilliance.

This is the most inspiring story in the world.

In the live broadcast room.

"This is the first time I feel so useless. I feel like I'm a burden to the whole society."

"Compared to Lin Feng, I feel like I'm a piece of trash in society."

"Don't feel sorry for yourself. How many geniuses like Lin Feng can come out?"

"Yes, his talent is simply terrifying. He can earn 1.5 million US dollars at the age of thirteen. That's US dollars."

"Besides, he donated it. Anyway, if it were me, I would definitely not be able to do it."

"Ask yourself, I can't do it either. If I had that money, I would have reached the peak of my life."


"Yihui" Building.

In the projection in front of them, the five-member group was deeply shocked.

However, An Nuan's expression was no longer fluctuating.

At the beginning, perhaps she had a little thought.

Perhaps Lin Feng really had his reasons.

But after watching this episode.

The whole episode is still clichéd.

The trial reading keeps telling everyone.

How miserable Lin Feng was when he was a child.

How excellent he is when he grows up.

And how deep is his love for Nuan Nuan.

But who can know.

The great harm that Lin Feng caused to herself and her daughter.

That year, her daughter almost died!

And she called Lin Feng countless times.

Sent him countless text messages.

She cried every day, stayed up all night, and stayed with her daughter.

She was afraid that her daughter would leave without seeing her for the last time.

She already lost her father, and she couldn't live without her mother.

At that time, she had completely put down her dignity.

Almost begging, she sent a message to Lin Feng to come forward and save her daughter in danger.

Because Lin Feng is her daughter's biological father.

At that time, only he had a chance to save her daughter.

Thinking of this, An Nuan's mouth was already cold.

Is this you, Lin Feng!

Disappeared for five years, and then suddenly appeared.

Make a show, just want to embrace us mother and daughter again.

Do you really think so.

Am I still the naive Nuan Nuan?

I have been tempered into steel by the experiences of these five years.

The past came to mind, and An Nuan's eyes were red again.

But this time, it was because she thought of her daughter.

Thinking of the harm that Lin Feng, the bastard, had caused to them.


The show is still going on.

"The letter has not been read yet, should I continue reading?"

Zi Feng turned to the last page of the letter and looked at Huang Lei and Teacher He with an inquiring look.

The latter shook their heads.

In fact, up to now, there is still a key answer that has not been revealed.

That is what Aunt Zhang said, that Lin Feng began to change after crying.

Why did he cry?

Why did such a change happen?

In fact, Huang Lei and Teacher He both knew.

Because the answer is on the last page of the letter.

And it was this last page that made them and Director Zhang feel that it was imperative to change the location of the second season of Longing 6.

"Aunt Zhang, please take us to visit the welfare home." Teacher He said with a smile.

Aunt Zhang looked at the children playing outside and responded, "Of course."

After that, she led the program team to the back.

Everyone's attention was on Lin Feng's story.

In addition, the house in front was not big.

So no one noticed anything unusual.

After walking for three minutes and passing through a corridor, everyone was shocked.

This welfare house was very big, so big that it didn't look like a welfare house.

Strictly speaking, it was more like a school.

At the moment, everyone was in a big playground.

And this playground was also divided into more than ten areas.

In each area, there were dozens of children playing and frolicking.

Their laughter from the heart infected everyone.

The five people couldn't help but smile.

The scene in front of them seemed noisy, but it was actually full of hope.

It swept away all the sadness left when they read the letter before.

The camera panned.

Facing those children.

And it was at this time.

Peng Yuchang exclaimed: "Look, there is a fence built on that playground, and there are handrails on the fence."

Everyone looked at it carefully.

All I saw was that area was full of children with leg diseases.

Those children were trying to walk by holding onto the railing.

"Look, that is a solid wooden board." Zhang Xiaoxing also shouted.

As he looked over, there were dozens of children playing various games by groping with their hands.

"And there, what is there?" Zi Feng also shouted in disbelief.

Wherever I looked.

In this area, there was actually a group of children without arms, practicing to grab various things with their toes.

And those objects were obviously tailored to them.

From low to high difficulty, everything was available.

Including the program crew, everyone was infected by the scene in front of them.

At this moment, all the sufferings I had experienced before were nothing.

Compared with these children, I was already happy.

But, this should have cost a lot of money.

Such a large venue, and so many people.

Everyone looked at Aunt Zhang, knowing that this must be Lin Feng's work.

"This is what was built with that money, but this is only a small part."

Lin Feng once said that he hoped that the children could receive treatment in the sun.

Because only light can dispel the darkness of life. "

After Aunt Zhang said this, she pointed to several houses in the distance.

"There are also many rehabilitation treatment rooms in there.

If it rains or the weather is bad, we will take the children to the house."

"Aunt Zhang, how many people have you adopted here?" Zhang Xiaoxing asked incredulously.

"Including normal children, there are about two thousand people, and those little angels account for about half of them." Aunt Zhang said this, pointing to the children with physical disabilities.

Little angels!

What an appropriate name.

Zi Feng looked at those children.

They are overcoming the difficulties brought by their physical disabilities through their own efforts.

At this moment, they all have light on them.

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