The letter ends here.

Although everyone knew that Lin Feng later came out of his sadness, they still felt upset.

An Nuan appeared for three weeks and disappeared from Lin Feng's world.

How they wished that An Nuan could stay forever.

In that case, perhaps the five-year separation would not have happened.

Aunt Zhang sighed.

Later, she also knew that An Nuan had left Jiangcheng.

Fortunately, Lin Feng came out.

The letter continued to read.

"I went back to the welfare home.

I locked myself in the room and didn't want to see anyone.

I hit the wall madly.

I was punishing myself.


Why didn't I dare to hand you the note.

I hate my cowardice.

I hate my timidity.

I was like this at that time, crazy and ignorant.

I just hesitated and hoped for others' charity.

I never knew how to fight for myself!

In this way, I stayed alone until the evening.

Suddenly I remembered.

I haven't read your note yet.

I picked up a rag and wiped the blood off my hands quickly.

Took out the two notes from my pocket.


I still remember it to this day Yes, the words you wrote on the note.

Never dare to forget, always keep it in mind.

You wrote.

—— I have no secrets, but I have a few wishes.

—— The first wish: I hope my deskmate can be more cheerful, don't always blush when seeing me, I am not a scourge.

—— The second wish: I hope there will be no more homeless children in the world, my father often takes me to the welfare home, they are really pitiful.

—— The third wish: I hope my motherland will become stronger and stronger, and I hope I can see it rule the world in my lifetime.

I was in tears at that time.

Your first wish is actually related to me.

Kind you, hope I can be more cheerful.

Tears fell again .

I quickly moved the note away to prevent it from getting wet.

That night, I stayed awake all night.

I kept thinking.

You are not an orphan, but you can empathize with those orphans.

And I am in an orphanage.

But I have never thought about doing anything for them.

I will only immerse myself in my own world and feel sorry for myself.


It was the first time I saw someone say nakedly that they hope the motherland will rule the world.

At that time, I still had a vague concept of the country.

But you can say such words.

What kind of daughter did your father teach?

After that night.

I figured it out.

I can't keep absorbing nutrients from you.

I want Like you.

Pass this love to others.

After that, I began to cheer up.

Go and actively embrace everyone who is good to me.

I began to pay attention to other people's lives.

Started to study the trivialities of life.

Suddenly, one day, I found that I had a strong talent for scientific and technological creativity and production.

I began to study hard and finally achieved some results.

I got some money.

Without any hesitation, I donated it to the welfare home.

Because now, it has become a common wish for you and me.


You are a light in my life.

Pointed out the direction for me to move forward. "


The letter was almost over when it was read here.

Zi Feng and others suddenly realized that

It turned out that Aunt Zhang said that Lin Feng's eyes were red and swollen that day and he came back with a note because of this matter.

Everyone sighed and felt fortunate at the same time.

"Fortunately, An Nuan left a note, otherwise Lin Feng would not know what he would become. The ending is still good!" Zi Feng said softly.

But after saying it, he found something wrong.

Lin Feng said at the beginning of this letter that he and Nuan Nuan had not seen each other for five years.

What happened?

That separated them.

When Zi Feng thought of this, she felt distressed.

After listening to Lin Feng's story, she didn't want any tragedy to happen.

Looking around, everyone's face changed slightly after hearing her words.

Everyone thought of it.

Maybe the ending is not so good!

"Sister Zhang, what did Lin Feng write on that note?" Teacher He has high emotional intelligence and quickly broke the dull atmosphere.

Aunt Zhang walked to the counter, took out an envelope and said, "I'm ready. I thought An Nuan would come and wanted to give it to her personally. Now it seems..."

At this point, Aunt Zhang paused, her eyes looked at the camera intentionally or unintentionally, as if

What are you praying for?

At the end, he said, "Now it seems that it's the same for you."

Teacher He took it.

Huang Lei, Zi Feng and the other four people hurried forward.

The envelope was opened, revealing a blue note.

Teacher He stretched out his hand and took the note out.

It said.

"I want to protect you forever."


In an instant.

Everyone couldn't hold it anymore.

They finally understood why Lin Feng was so regretful and crazy at that time.

Although there were only five short words, this was a true love letter.

Zi Feng even avoided the camera and sobbed softly.

The scene of Lin Feng running wildly on the street seemed to be right in front of him.

He cried loudly at the door of An Nuan's house. How sad he must have been at that time.

And that night, Lin Feng hammered the wall alone until his whole hand was stained with blood.

How desperate he must have been at that time!

——I want to protect you forever!

This is what the cowardly Lin Feng said with so much courage.

"Teacher Huang! Teacher He!"

Zi Feng lost control a little, her voice trembling.

Huang Lei and Teacher He saw this and hurried to her side, comforting her softly.


Seeing this note.

Even if they were used to the ups and downs, they were crying in their hearts.


Yihui Building.

An Nuan looked at all this with a calm expression.

At first, she was really excited.

But now, it was like an outsider.

Everything broadcasted in Longing for 6.

It's all past.

What does this have to do with what he did later.

Her heart is dead.

An Nuan kept reminding herself.

He knew she was pregnant, but he disappeared without a trace.

He made her suffer the cold eyes of the world.

An unmarried girl, but with a big belly.

That feeling is still unforgettable.

Then, my father went bankrupt again, and the creditors came to the door every day.

I was a pregnant woman, but I was worried all day long.

Since you have been so rich since you were a child, you are willing to spend a lot of money to help those orphans, but you have never thought of helping me.

Lin Feng, all this you directed will only hurt my heart more.

What's more.

And my daughter almost died.

As for the wishes you mentioned, they were all because I was ignorant before.

Since you left, I no longer know how to love others.

Now, I only care about my family.

And at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

An Nuan quickly turned off the projector and took a deep breath.

Soon, the door opened.

Her assistant walked in and said, "Mr. An, someone brought a file bag and said that you must open it yourself."

"Who is it?" An Nuan frowned.

The assistant replied respectfully: "No, I just said you'll understand when you open it."

"Put it here." An Nuan pointed to the table.

The assistant responded, put the file bag on the table, and walked out.

An Nuan didn't look at the file bag, but quickly turned on the projector.

There's no need to think about it, this must be sent by some suitors.

Over the years, through hard work, I have gradually become the "Yi Hui" company.

In addition, she is young and beautiful, even if she has a child, she still has many suitors.

And An Nuan guessed that this is most likely Cheng Huazhe.

What a haunting guy.

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