The letter continued to read.

"Later, you appeared by the lake almost every day.

And I waited for you by the lake every day.

Three months passed, and autumn came.

The plate of roses in your arms no longer bloomed.

You were very sad at that time, always staring at the plate of flowers.

I asked you: It's just a plate of flowers, why did you spend three months painting it?

You didn't say anything at that time, but there were tears in your eyes.


Actually, I know!

At that time, I wanted you to open your heart to me and tell me what you really feel.

Seeing your sad look, my heart was broken at that moment, and I just wanted to hold you in my arms and protect you for the rest of my life"

When the letter reached this point, everyone was attracted.

Huang Lei thought about it and asked in confusion: "Why does he know the girl's story? Has he investigated this girl?"

No one present could give him an answer. Everyone's eyes were on Zi Feng, waiting for her to continue reading.


"At that moment I decided that I would confess to you.

I tried to fold paper roses, but found that this little thing was so difficult.

Day and night, it took a whole week to completely complete ninety-nine roses.

I know it's tacky, but it represents eternity.

When I packed these roses and sent them to you, you cried and nodded with tears.

Do you know?

How happy I was at that time.

Those days, I was like a child, smiling when I saw people.

When others chatted with me, I would always talk about you.

I wish I could share with the whole world that you are my girlfriend."


Seeing this, everyone had a bad premonition.

Before, everyone thought it was unrequited love, so they hadn't seen each other for five years.

Now, the letter clearly stated that they had become lovers.

Since they had become lovers and had not seen each other for five years, they must have broken up.

Zi Feng could not bear to see the story of separation, so he took a deep breath and handed the letter in his hand to Peng Yuchang.

Continue reading the letter.

"Later, as I got along with you, I liked your purity and kindness more and more.

It's a pity that the time was too short, and you went to work soon.

You went to a design company, responsible for design and receiving customers at the same time, and you were exhausted every day.

But every day when I sent you to take the bus, you always waved goodbye to me with a smile.

I once told you to change to an easier job.

But you always answered: It doesn't matter, just make more money.


Later, I found out that you were earning the bride price for me!

Your father must ask the future son-in-law to pay a bride price of 500,000 before he can marry you.

You didn't want to quarrel with your father, and you realized that I had nothing.

So you, kind-hearted, kept it from me and took on this pressure alone.

Silly girl, you should have told me."


When Huang Lei read this part of the letter, there was a trace of disdain in his eyes.

In the letter, the author did not say what profession he was in.

In addition, Nuannuan knew that he had nothing, so he must be an unemployed vagrant in society.

What a good girl, delayed by a lazy man.

Fortunately, Nuannuan gave up on him and returned to freedom.

The person who wrote this letter should reflect on it. Men should be responsible.

Teacher He frowned slightly and looked at Huang Lei.

They are all old hands in society, and what they despise most is irresponsible men.

Zi Feng, Zhang Xiaoxing and Peng Yuchang did not feel much.

What they thought in their minds was that Nuannuan’s father must have broken up the couple, which caused them not to see each other for five years.

Sighing in their hearts, young people always have an inexplicable yearning for love, which is not related to firewood, rice, oil and salt, and the trivialities of life.

Continue reading the letter.

"Later I found out the reason.

I'll tell you that we will have a lot of money.

And I also have a decent job.

You don't believe it because you've never seen me at work.


I wanted to tell you what I did.

But, I didn't say it in the end.

Forgive my selfishness. During that time, everything had to be kept secret."


Read here.

Huang Lei snatched the letter from Peng Yuchang and said angrily.

"What's the secret? His woman worked so hard, but he wanted to keep it secret. It's so annoying."

"Don't read it,

Don't mislead the audience with such a fragmented worldview. "

Huang Lei is a true man, and he stood up for Nuan Nuan.

The writer of this letter is a complete scumbag!

Teacher He is a good guy, and there are millions of people watching in the live broadcast room.

Add to that Director Zhang's anxious eyes, how can he just read it.

"Teacher Huang, maybe there will be a reversal later, let's read it patiently first."

After that, Teacher He stepped forward, gently picked up the letter, and handed it to Peng Yuchang.


The letter continued to read.

"Days pass by, and you make more and more money.

Nuan Nuan.

I can't confess everything to you, nor can I deprive you of your right to work.

I can only use my own methods to make your work easier and make money faster.

I remember that day, you excitedly told me that you had taken a big business with a reward of 500,000.

I lifted you up high and celebrated with you.

That day, you finally opened up to me and told me the story that was buried in your heart.

Your mother was diagnosed with cancer when she was pregnant with you.

If she had given birth to you, she couldn't take medicine, which would accelerate the spread of cancer cells.

But she chose you without hesitation.

In the ninth month after you were born, your mother passed away.

Before she passed away, she shot eighteen videos.

She also knitted eighteen sets of sweaters of different sizes overnight.

Your birthday is in winter.

Every time you have a birthday, your father will take out a sweater and put it on you.

And tell you that this is a gift from your mother far away.

Then, he will play the video on the tape and wish you a happy birthday.

At first, you didn't find anything wrong.

Because every year your mother's clothes are different, and even her face has changed.

When you were eight years old, you had your own cognition and knew that your mother had passed away.

The young you, with tears in your eyes, held the videotape and played your mother's video over and over again.

You suddenly found that there was a pot of roses in the video, blooming.

You searched the house over and over again like crazy.

Finally, you found the flower under your father's bed.

Unfortunately, after many years, even the soil inside has become hard.

You took all your pocket money and the videotape and walked through the streets and alleys.

Finally, with the help of kind people, you found out that it was a Juliet rose.

From then on, you put your thoughts for your mother on this pot of flowers and kept guarding it.

That day, you cried and said to me.

At our wedding, you wanted to cover it with Juliet roses so that your mother could also witness your wedding.

But in the end, you shook your head again and began to comfort me instead.

I know what you are thinking. How can a poor boy afford such expensive roses?


Whenever I think of what you said that day, I burst into tears and feel distressed.

Little you, how pitiful.

Five years.

The roses I planted on the island should have matured.

I hope you can see their first bloom.

Because that means I came to see you.

Lin Feng. ”

The first letter ends here.

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