On the other side.

Huang Lei and Teacher He were surprised.

Fu Zhiyuan!

It's Fu Zhiyuan again.

Before, when An Nuan called the program team, it was this person who came forward.

Tell everyone that Lin Feng will attend his daughter's birthday party.

Could this person be Lin Feng's assistant?

Not like that.

That voice, that tone.

More like someone who has been in a high position for many years.

"Sister An Nuan, don't be sad, didn't Lin Feng agree to attend..."

Zi Feng said this and covered his mouth.

Almost let it slip.

This episode of the program.

Everyone avoided Lin Mumu intentionally or unintentionally.

Just to protect her.

Hearing this.

An Nuan wiped away her tears.


There are still four days before she can see him.

By then, everything will be clear.

But An Zhengping didn't know about this.

He walked to Director Yang's side, staring at the letter.

At this moment.

He also thought it through.

His daughter wanted to see Lin Feng so much.

As a father, he should do something.

Seeing Uncle An coming over, Director Yang smiled bitterly, handed the letter over, and said, "Uncle An, Lin Feng didn't say where he was in the letter."

An Zhengping didn't reply, but took the letter and checked it carefully.

After that, it was all about Lin Feng's longing for An Nuan.

After that, it was about Xu Rongrong's previous matter.


As Director Yang said, there was no useful information.

An Zhengping returned the letter to Director Yang.

Then he turned to the program team and said, "I know you have ten letters. Can you take them out?"

Director Zhang clenched his palms.

His mind was spinning rapidly.

Should he take them out?

The program was filmed here.

He was deeply shocked.

Should he let the sad father and daughter know the truth?


He felt it was too cruel.

"Take it out." Director Zhang closed his eyes and said.

As soon as he finished speaking.

Huang Lei stepped forward and said, "Director Zhang, no."

Teacher He also quickly followed and said, "It's really not possible."

Director Zhang looked at the two of them in confusion.

He didn't understand what they meant.

Huang Lei left the camera, quickly walked to Director Zhang, and said in a low voice.

"Director Zhang, in these three episodes, Aunt Zhang, Director Yang in front of us, and the mysterious Fu Zhiyuan, don't you think we have been arranged all along?"

Director Zhang smiled bitterly and whispered: "Of course I know, I have had this feeling from the beginning."

"That's right, Teacher He and I actually discussed it privately. At the beginning, we both agreed that the other party had no ill intentions and seemed to have a last resort." Huang Lei's expression was serious.

Director Zhang was stunned for a moment, and he didn't quite understand what Huang Lei meant.

"We discussed it. Based on Lin Feng's previous experience, he simply couldn't do it and arrange so many of us in."

"Besides, in China, the Rose Island cannot be owned by a private person."

"Also, Lin Feng said that he has always been with An Nuan, do you understand?"

Director Zhang nodded after listening, and then began to shake his head again and again, with a puzzled look in his eyes.

"Growing so many Juliet roses requires not only financial resources, but also manpower." Huang Lei explained, "Such a large project cannot be unreported. In other words, the information was artificially erased."

"Tell me, who can have such great power, and Fu Zhiyuan's call is too timely."

"Finally, Lin Feng said that he has been with An Nuan, knows everything about her, and has endless resources."

Director Zhang widened his eyes and said in disbelief: "What do you mean?!!!"

Huang Lei did not reply, but nodded to indicate his acquiescence.

Shocked, Director Zhang was still a little puzzled: "What does it have to do with these letters."

"Lin Feng, or Fu Zhiyuan, actually hopes that we read them one by one, and Aunt Zhang and Director Yang are proof of this."

Hearing these words.

Director Zhang suddenly realized.


Whether it is Aunt Zhang or Director Yang.

It seems that someone is waiting for the program team.

And what they said is all evidence of the current letter.

He is not stupid.

Of course I understand what this means.


Thinking about what Huang Lei said just now, and then thinking about the contents of the last few letters.

Director Zhang opened his mouth wide.

No escape.

Lin Feng

He is not an ordinary rich man at all!

Figured out these links.

Director Zhang showed apology in his eyes and shouted to An Zhengping: "Brother An, Lin Feng said that he will visit you in a few days. You can ask An Nuan for details."

Hearing this.

An Zhengping looked at his daughter in confusion.

The latter nodded.

Seeing this, An Zhengping did not hesitate anymore and returned the letter to Director Yang.


Although Director Zhang was off camera.

But this sentence was recorded completely.

The live broadcast room was already boiling.

"Lin Feng is finally going to show up. This season's show is not in vain. It's like watching a TV series."

"Come on, he just said he was going to see An Nuan, he didn't say he was going to broadcast live."

"These letters were all written by Lin Feng, and the program team obviously communicated with Lin Feng. He spent so much effort, isn't it just to win An Nuan back!"

"Yeah, you see, An Nuan cried several times in this episode, and she has obviously forgiven Lin Feng."

"I don't think so. Maybe An Nuan is very touched now, but when she goes home and thinks calmly, Lin Feng once abandoned her, maybe things will change again."

"Lin Feng must have had his reasons for leaving Nuan Nuan. Are you all blind?"

"Yes, a group of blind people are watching the live broadcast."

"Speaking of reasons, I always feel that there is a sense of sadness in the letter. Do you think Lin Feng is dead?"

"Pfft, pfft!!! Don't talk nonsense!!!"



Filming site.

Director Yang smiled at Huang Lei, then bowed.

Seeing this, the six or seven "Yihui" executives around him also followed suit.

Huang Lei waved his hand.

This episode.

Although it was completely out of the script.


In terms of the program effect alone, it was explosive.

It can be said that.

It was Lin Feng's letter and everything he arranged that caused the traffic of Xiangwang 6 to surge and the whole network to discuss it.

Strictly speaking, the program team and Lin Feng achieved each other, and no one suffered.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

At this moment.

The phone rang.

Following the sound, everyone looked at An Nuan.

But Director Yang showed a warm smile.

An Nuan was shocked.

At this moment.

Could it be that Lin Feng called?

Her heart was beating violently.

She quickly took out her phone.

But when she looked closely, she showed disappointment.

It was not Lin Feng, but the assistant.

An Nuan thought about it and hung up the phone.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

As soon as she hung up, the urgent ringing sounded again.

An Nuan frowned.

She had already told me before.

During the program, do not disturb me unless necessary.

The assistant has been with me for three years, so he should not be so ignorant!

Did something big happen?

Thinking of this,

An Nuan pressed the answer button.

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