The man was so scared that he was scared.

The kick was so powerful that the other party didn't even consider him as a human being.

It's over, it's over!

His life is in danger now.

"What's that smell? It's piss. It's so fucking disgusting!"

The voice sounded again, full of disgust.

"Come on, wake him up. Now that he's awake, let's start now."

The man said.

Cheng Anzhe heard several uniform footsteps, coming from far away.

He couldn't think at all.

Hearing the footsteps, he just screamed in fear.

Under him.

The urine even splashed on his trouser legs.

Not long after.

Several big hands pressed on his shoulders, and lifted him up regardless of his screams.


The loud voice said again.

"Lin Feng is kind-hearted.

He should have told everyone.

If someone really pursues An Nuan.

Don't stop him.

This is her own happiness."

The speaker paused, and then continued angrily.

"But this scumbag.

Dare to pursue An Nuan.

From the beginning.

I felt that he had no good intentions.

This time.

He actually followed An Nuan to the kindergarten.


These two days, I have already investigated clearly.

This guy has ruined many good girls.

Everyone, tell me.

Forgive him or not!"

The man said.

Suddenly, there was a uniform shout: "No mercy!"

"Everyone knows Lin Feng's situation.

If at this time.

An Nuan is in trouble.

None of us has the face to see him.

How to do things.

You should know.

If there is any responsibility.

I will take it!"

The man said.

Cheng Anzhe heard his footsteps leaving.

After a while.

He even heard countless footsteps running towards him.

There must be at least hundreds of people.

What's going on!

Where is he?

Who are these people?

Cheng Anzhe didn't have time to think, and couldn't think.

He was knocked to the ground by a few punches, and his eyes were full of stars.

"Don't hit the head, leave him alive!"

Another deep voice sounded.


Cheng Anzhe felt that his internal organs were crushed by countless big feet.

Then his hands.

Then his thighs.

In the end, even the things under him were stepped on several times.


A violent scream sounded, and Cheng Anzhe fainted completely.


When he woke up again.

It was completely dark.

And this time.

His hands and feet were completely untied.

The black cloth in front of him was also untied.

The mouth was full of the salty taste of remaining blood.

He moved his hands.

But found that he couldn't move at all.


His hand was completely broken.


He saw a mobile phone placed one meter in front of him.

He tried to crawl and slowly moved to the side of the phone at a snail's pace.


He unlocked the phone with his tongue and called the police.

About ten minutes later, the police arrived.

Cheng Anzhe's tense nerves completely relaxed.

But after relaxing.

The severe pain began to come.

Cheng Anzhe couldn't help but scream.

Tears fell down in big drops.

Although he was not a wealthy man.

But he had lived a superior life since childhood.

When had he ever suffered such a hardship!

Soon, the ambulance arrived.

Took Cheng Anzhe straight to the hospital.


Jiangcheng Hospital.

"Comrade police, the vital signs have stabilized."

At the door of the ICU, a doctor said to the police outside.

"How is the injury assessment?" The police outside the door asked.

The doctor frowned and organized his words.

"He was obviously beaten by a group, and the other party's attack was very strong."

"Except for the broken hands and several blows to the head, the rest are soft tissue injuries, but..."

"But what?" The police outside the door asked hurriedly.

"But, I guess he won't be able to move in the future." After the doctor said, he pointed to the police's body.


Hearing this.

The police outside the door took a deep breath.

Any man who heard this answer would feel a chill in his back.

"It's hard to say how serious the injury is. The people from the appraisal department will come over later."

"Thank you, doctor. Can we go in now?"

"Wait a minute. We'll take him to the hospital later."

"Into the ward, you can ask again there."

Inside the ward.

Cheng Anzhe's eyes were dull.

Just now, the doctor had told him about his injuries.


He was almost a eunuch.

This was the guy he cared about the most, but he couldn't use it.

Tears fell again, wetting the pillow.

Outside the door.

There were several footsteps, sonorous and powerful.

Cheng Zongzhe sat up suddenly, and then felt a sharp pain.

There was no time to think about it.

He was about to run away.

The footsteps were so similar to those who beat him today.

"What are you doing, sit down!"

A sharp shout came.

Immediately, a pair of big hands came forward and held Cheng Anzhe down.

This feeling is so familiar!

"Please, let me go."

"Please! "

Cheng Anzhe didn't dare to open his eyes and yelled wildly.

Before, that extreme fear swallowed him again.

"Open your eyes, we are the police!"

Cheng Anzhe calmed down, opened his eyes slightly, and then broke down and cried again.

"Okay, with us here, you won't be hurt again." The police comforted, "Who hit you, tell me exactly what happened."

Hearing this.

Cheng Anzhe recounted what happened today in detail.

However, he completely concealed the fact that he was following An Nuan and was going to expose Lin Mumu's kindergarten.

The police took a notebook and recorded it carefully.

It was really too strange.

This Cheng Anzhe actually said that hundreds of people beat him.

And for some reason.

What a joke!

"Comrade Cheng Anzhe, if you don't explain clearly, we can't help you. "The police patiently persuaded.

The severe pain came again, Cheng Anzhe looked painful, and kept saying: "Comrade police, there were really hundreds of people beating me, they were so cruel."

The police who inquired didn't believe it at all.

How could such a thing happen.

For no reason, hundreds of people were gathered just to beat him up!

"Have you done something recently that has provoked any enemies?" The police asked patiently.

When Cheng Anzhe heard this, his expression immediately became unnatural: "Don't you have surveillance? Why don't you check it?"

"We did check the surveillance. According to the time, it shows that you drove out by yourself."


Cheng Anzhe screamed.

How could it be possible.

I was obviously tied up.

How did it become that I drove out by myself.

"So, comrade, please explain the matter clearly, otherwise I really can't help you. "

After listening.

Cheng Anzhe shrugged his head.

He told everything about following An Nuan today and what he heard when he was tied up.

The policeman frowned again. The matter was still too unbelievable.

And at this moment.

The phone rang.

The policeman took out his mobile phone and pressed the answer button.

Not long after.

He looked at the person in front of him with a look of shock.

Then, he stood up suddenly, tore up all the transcripts in his hand, and threw them into the squat toilet to flush them away.

"Comrade police, what are you doing! "Cheng Anzhe exclaimed.


The policeman ignored him at all.

He walked out without looking back.


He heard the door being slammed shut.

The loud noise made Cheng Anzhe's head dazed.

Ring, ring, ring!

The phone rang again.

This time, it was his own mobile phone.

Cheng Anzhe leaned closer and saw that it was his father.

Suddenly, a sense of bitterness came over him.

He clicked the answer button with his tongue and cried out immediately: "Dad, your son was beaten..."

Before he finished speaking, his father's roar came from the phone.

"Cheng Anzhe, what on earth have you done wrong? Our Cheng family is going to be in big trouble!"

Hearing this, Cheng Anzhe was stunned and speechless for a while.

"Now all the companies that have dealings with our family are terminating their contracts with us one by one."

"They all say that it's because of you, and there is no room for negotiation." "

"Where are you now? Hurry home and come with me to apologize."

Cheng Anzhe was completely stunned.

On the phone, his father kept cursing.

He understood.

He had offended someone who he could not afford to offend.

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