The next day, the official Weibo of Xiang Wang 6 released an announcement: "In view of the unprecedented popularity of Xiang Wang 6, everyone is also very concerned about Lin Feng's situation. Therefore, the program team temporarily decided to start broadcasting again in two days. Witness Lin Feng's improvement with everyone. Stay tuned." As soon as the news was released, the whole network went crazy. In the past, Xiang Wang was broadcast weekly. Now, not only is it really broadcast twice, but it has even become three times. For a time, Douyin, Weibo, and Tieba were discussing this matter everywhere. However, unlike in the past, there are fewer and fewer people who sing the opposite tune. Everyone seemed to have formed a tacit understanding, consciously or unconsciously, and tacitly expected Lin Feng to get better.

At the same time.

Lin Feng's skinny photos.

have been circulated wildly on self-media.

Moreover, they have also made the front page headlines of major portals.

What shocked everyone even more was that the Central Media of China was also reporting on this matter.

In the morning, it was just a mention on the news channel.

At noon, it took five minutes to report directly on the "News 30 Minutes" program.

In the evening "News Network",

That's not all, it was ten o'clock in the evening.

Major video websites simultaneously announced that they would broadcast "Longing for Life 6".

At the same time, everyone turned on the TV and found that all channels had a scrolling subtitle.

—— This station will broadcast "Longing for Life 6" throughout tomorrow.


What's going on?

Video websites are fine, maybe they want to take advantage of the popularity.

Local satellite TV is fine, they want to increase the ratings.

But what is the situation with the central media?

They are also going to broadcast "Longing for Life 6".

What's more exaggerated is that all 21 channels including digital channels will be broadcast at the same time.

It's a blast!

China is in an uproar.

This time.

"Longing for Life 6" is no longer just the most popular program on the Internet.

Tomorrow, it will become the most popular live broadcast in the history of China.


Longing for Life 6 lounge.

Director Zhang paced back and forth in the room.

The air conditioner was already turned to the lowest setting, but his forehead was soaked with sweat.

The unprecedented pressure made him a little breathless.

Not long ago.

The director of Durian TV suddenly called him.

He was informed that all TV stations in the country, including well-known large video websites, would broadcast tomorrow's live broadcast.

In addition, all the signal vehicles in the station have been driven to Rose Island.

I just heard the news.

Director Zhang also made a few jokes, thinking that the director was joking.

But the director said it a second time in a serious tone.

Director Zhang couldn't laugh anymore.

This is real!

It was at this moment that he began to understand.

Yesterday, Fu Zhiyuan asked him to just respect the program team.

If he had communicated directly through the upper level, Longing for 6 would have to be broadcasted on Saturdays a week.

Logically speaking, this is a good thing.

Even the Spring Festival Gala doesn't have such a standard.

As the director of the program, he will definitely go down in history.


Such a big battle made him feel a little pressure for no reason.

And the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, and the pressure became greater and greater.

"Dong! Dong! Dong!"

There was a knock on the door.

Director Zhang was happy that someone to share the pressure had come.

Not long after, Huang Lei and Teacher He walked in.

"Director Zhang, what's the hurry?" Huang Lei asked with a smile as he came in. "Teacher He just took off her clothes and didn't even take a shower when you called her here."

Director Zhang responded with a serious expression, "Just now, the director called me."

When this was said, Huang Lei and Teacher He reacted completely differently.

As an old employee of Durian TV, Teacher He knew the director's style of doing things.

Generally speaking, he would not interfere too much with the specific content of the program.

At this moment, at this critical moment, the call must have happened.

And Huang Lei, who was not from Durian TV, was not so sensitive to this situation.

Seeing that both of them looked a little serious, he could not help but frown.

"What did the director say?" Teacher He asked quickly.

Director Zhang hesitated for a moment and responded, "It means that tomorrow's live broadcast will be broadcast by all TV stations across the country, including the major video stations."


Huang Lei and Teacher He said in unison.

After that, Teacher He asked again, "TV stations across the country, including

Which ones?"

"All of them, from central media to local stations, all will be broadcast." Director Zhang added, "Moreover, the filming location for this episode is set at Rose Island, the station director said so."


The two took a breath.

All TV stations, including the big video stations.

Who can have such great power?

Lin Feng, or Fu Zhiyuan?

Before, Huang Lei and Teacher He had guessed about Lin Feng's identity.

It seems that they have to guess higher now.

"You two, I am under a lot of pressure. Don't just be shocked, but give me some ideas." Director Zhang looked anxious.

Huang Lei was silent for a long time after hearing this.

Suddenly, he laughed.

After a while, Teacher He also laughed.

"You guys do it, as permanent guests, you also have to take the lead." Director Zhang became more anxious when he saw this.

"Director Zhang, relax, you are too concerned. "Huang Lei said with a smile.

Director Zhang's anxiety was not reduced at all, and he said: "How can it not be chaotic? It's broadcast live nationwide. What should we do if there is really a mess?"

"Director Zhang, wake up!" Huang Lei said, and walked to Director Zhang. Think about it, have we really played a big role in the five episodes of Xiangwang?"

"Since this season, we have been the ones who were arranged."

"At best, it just played the role of connecting Lin Feng's story."

"This episode, it is probably the same. We just need to do our part. There is no need to be nervous."

"Besides, if you are so nervous, can you interfere with the program to be filmed!"

"Director Zhang, relax!"

After Huang Lei said this, Teacher He also said.

"Indeed, for tomorrow's filming, we just need to do our part."

"As for the rest, someone must have thought about it for us."

After hearing this, Director Zhang's anxiety did not ease.

At the beginning.

He was still worried about the ratings.

And now, the number of viewers of Longing for 6 can be said to have broken the record.

However, this is a nationwide live broadcast.

By then, the number of viewers on all platforms combined will probably be hundreds of millions.

What an honor this is, it is impossible not to be nervous.

Huang Lei spread his hands to Teacher He, and then sat down on the sofa.

Regarding this matter.

They were very surprised, even to the extent of shock.

But unlike Director Zhang, they are more concerned about.

What exactly is Lin Feng's identity?

What will happen in tomorrow's live broadcast?

They always have a feeling that they are witnessing history!

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