The filming site, Teacher He looked at the camera.

"Those who have watched our previous programs should know.

This is Rose Island, where Lin Feng's story begins.

It is also the place where they completed the wedding ceremony.

Yes, we are back again!

What will Lin Feng tell us this time?

The answer is still in the letter!"

After that.

Teacher He took the letter, walked to An Nuan and handed it over.

The letter was opened, and An Nuan's voice rang out.

"Nuan Nuan.

It's like seeing you in person.

I heard from them that it's been a month since I wrote the last letter.

I didn't expect that the King of Hell would not accept me.

Let me continue to look at you with my broken body.

When I woke up in the morning.

They told me the news about Mu Mu as soon as possible.

God has pity on me.

Our daughter is already well.

It's just that after this time.

My health seems to have deteriorated a lot.

It doesn't matter, Nuan Nuan.

I am already very satisfied to see you.

Nuan Nuan.

Do you remember?

When we were in love before.

I never told you about my work.

And you never asked me.

I'm sorry, Nuan Nuan.

I should have told you at that time.

If I had told you, you wouldn't have suffered the pain later.

When I think of you living in the basement and worrying about it every day, my heart aches.

I can never forgive myself, obviously, all of this can be avoided!"

After reading this in the letter, An Nuan paused.

At that time.

Lin Feng seemed to be doing nothing.

But he always had a calm temperament.

Occasionally, when he met someone who was impolite, he would just take him away and not care about it.

Now that I think about it, he had already reached a certain height in life, so he would treat all living beings like this.

Let me continue reading the letter.

"Nuan Nuan.

Do you still remember?

The note you wrote in junior high school.

You said.

You have three wishes.

The first one is that I hope I can be more cheerful.

I did it, Nuan Nuan.

Even after you left, I actively embrace life and others.

I will never shut myself up again.

Your second wish is that there will be no more homeless children in the world.

Nuan Nuan, I have been working hard on this second wish.

It's just that now, it's your turn.

Your third wish is that you hope to see the motherland rule the world in your lifetime.

At first, I didn't know how to realize this wish.

But Nuan Nuan.

This is the wish you wrote to me.

How can I bear not to help you realize it.


After the [Angel Fund] was operating normally.

I locked myself up to find the answer.

After three months of research, I finally understood."

I know what I should do. "

When the letter was read to this point, the ground suddenly began to shake again.

Ten meters in front of everyone, the land was sinking continuously.

A building similar to a mini castle appeared in front of everyone.


It was clearly the small house in the first episode.

After a while.

Fu Zhiyuan walked out from inside.

He was wearing a military uniform and looked very imposing.

Behind him, there were more than a dozen people like him wearing uniforms.

They filed out and stood in a row.

"Uncle An, An Nuan..."

Fu Zhiyuan greeted everyone one by one.

No one was surprised.

Lin Feng's clothes said it all.

Fu Zhiyuan walked in front of everyone and stood still.

No explanation, no extra nonsense.


Fu Zhiyuan stood at attention.

Immediately, he quickly turned to the camera and spoke loudly.

"All the Chinese people watching this show.

Today, I want to tell you a cruel fact on behalf of Lin Feng.

Why can the white Western world today stand on other countries and shit?

It depends on.

It’s three things.

First, it’s the hegemony of the US dollar.

Second, it’s the aircraft carrier.

Third, and most importantly, it’s the ‘globalized industrial chain’.

In other words, the manufacturing industry that we are proud of is just hard labor arranged by others! ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Huang Lei and Teacher He had already guessed the identities of Lin Feng and Fu Zhiyuan.

This time seeing them

Wearing a military uniform, it further confirmed what he thought.


Fu Zhiyuan said this as soon as he came up.

What is the purpose of the above?


Beautiful Country, White House.

"Bullshit, bullshit, we have never shit on other countries."

"We are a peaceful country, and we pay the most attention to fairness and justice."

Shougan Erkuidou was so angry that he trembled all over.

You know.

The people watching this live broadcast are not only from China.

At this time, at least 2 billion people in the world are watching computers or TVs.

What this person said in the live broadcast is equivalent to slapping the face of the United States in front of these 2 billion people.

As the most noble country in the world, how can it endure it?

"Has our aircraft carrier formation been sent out?" Shougan Erkuidou roared wildly.

"Mr. President, we are almost at the southeast coast of China. Ten out of the eleven formations have gone!"

"Good! Tell them to restrain themselves. Our goal is to suppress them. We can take this opportunity to tell the world who is the boss!"

"Yes, Mr. President."


In the live broadcast room.

"What's going on? Where is Lin Feng's love story?"

"No wonder it's broadcast live nationwide. It's cool. I like to see the country being tough!"

"Yeah, look, Fu Zhiyuan is going to speak again..."


Filming site.

Fu Zhiyuan was full of righteousness and tried to straighten his chest.

At this moment, he represented Lin Feng and China!

"The West has ravaged the world for three hundred years.

It has completed its own bloody primitive accumulation.

During this period, we Chinese also suffered a century of humiliation.

Now, we seem to have stood up!

But this is all an illusion!

In the West, you only need to work a few hours a day, which is several times the salary we get from working overtime.

In the West, if you have a child, you will get a lot of subsidies.

In today's world, Western movies, music, and ideas are everywhere, and they are in a dominant position.


Because they have money, weapons, and the so-called "globalized industrial chain."

You should all know this fact.

This is also the fact that Lin Feng said in person.

The so-called "globalized industrial chain" is nothing more than three levels.

Consumer countries, production countries, and energy countries.

Consumer countries have mastered high technology and obtained the vast majority of benefits.

The producing countries process low value-added products and earn low profits.

The worst are the energy countries, which suffer huge pollution and earn the least money.

Take Apple as an example.

Its profit is as high as 46%.

And we, China, can only earn 2% as OEM.

Where did the rest of the money go?

It all went to Wall Street and became data in the bank.

Waiting for the opportunity to reap the world again.

Those US dollars are the sheep released by the United States.

And the aircraft carriers are to protect the sheep to graze better.

The so-called "globalized industrial chain" is to let the sheep eat better grass.


The United States raised interest rates to let the US dollar flow back.

The sheep have been fat and strong, and it's time to slaughter them!


It shouldn't be like this, it's unfair!

Are we Chinese only worthy of doing hard labor? "

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