The letter reads here.

Fu Zhiyuan's chest rose and fell violently.

"At that time, in order to protect the laboratory, I was arranged to stay nearby.

As soon as the fire started, the alarm in the camp was sounded.

I rushed to the scene as fast as I could, but it was too late.

The smoke was everywhere, and the whole laboratory became It was a purgatory, with screams everywhere.

Without saying anything, we immediately started to put out the fire.

But at this moment, someone suddenly rushed over to ask for help.

After a little understanding, we found out.

There were three people who ignored the orders from above and rushed Entered the sea of ​​fire to rescue the data.

At that time, we were furious.

Wouldn’t it be a nuisance to rescue the data at this time?

We took the fire extinguisher and rushed over with the people who came.

However, when we arrived at the scene, I was shocked. "

When Fu Zhiyuan said this, tears fell from his eyes.

He quickly wiped away his tears and continued with a proud smile.

"Those powerless people.

Wearing fireproof clothing, they lined up and rushed into the sea of ​​fire one by one.

At that time.

I didn't understand why this happened.

Later I learned that there were three people under the sea of ​​fire. Important database.

And these are the hope for China's revival!

It was at this time that I met Lin Feng for the first time.

He broke free from the obstruction of the people around him, quickly put on a fireproof suit, and rushed into the sea of ​​fire.

I was stunned at that time Until I heard someone in the lab yelling, "Hold him, hold him! "I came to my senses.

My comrades and I rushed forward and grabbed Lin Feng.

But he was surprisingly strong, kicked me away, and resolutely turned around and ran away.

After a while.

All the comrades came . They put out the fire frantically.

Finally, the fire was under control.

Everyone rushed to the database as soon as possible.

Inside, the paper materials had already been burned.

And Lin Feng stood in front of the storage device in a daze.

Beside him, there were several Each of them was holding a hard drive.

I went forward to check and found that they were no longer breathing.

——It's destroyed, it's all destroyed!

After Lin Feng shouted, he rushed to another data room.

The situation was exactly the same as the previous one.

He didn't stop and rushed to the third data room.

When he got here, he relied on He collapsed against the wall, mumbling to himself.

——I told you not to come down, why didn’t you listen?

——You are the hope of China!

Do you know that when I heard these two sentences How painful is it to hear these words? "

At this point, Fu Zhiyuan couldn't hold it in any longer and looked at the camera angrily.

"You know who did this.

You used all kinds of dirty tricks to contain China.

It doesn't matter, we are not afraid.

Didn't you say that we rely on our numbers?

That's right, we There are just too many people.

If one person is not enough, we will use two.

If two people are not enough, we will use a group.

Some Chinese warriors are willing to sacrifice their lives.

Come on.

I know you are watching me.

Come on if you dare! "

Fu Zhiyuan said The words were almost like a roar, venting the emotions that had been pent up for many years.

He hated it!

He hated himself for being powerless at that time.

He watched a fire burn the hopes of those young people.

Listening to Fu Zhiyuan's words, and then thinking about the words in Lin Feng's letter, Content.

Zi Feng and others immediately understood that this fire was man-made.

The purpose was to burn Lin Feng and his research results and interrupt China's revival.

After understanding this, mist instantly filled everyone's eyes.In places that people cannot see, there are always a group of people who sacrifice their young lives for the motherland.

Hot tears dripped from An Nuan's eyes.

Lin Feng was an extremely kind person. At that time, he was Blame it!

In the live broadcast room, the comments were crazy.

"Damn it, I won't be a human if I don't take revenge!"

"Damn it, it's too bullying!"

"There is no such thing as a peaceful life, but someone Carry the burden for us."



Beautiful country, White House.

Shou Gan Er Kui Dou was shocked.

As president, he got a lot of information when he took over.

One of the secret operations was to target this The report shows that the laboratory has long been destroyed. And Huaxia has also interrupted this research. Now, Huaxia

Xia mentioned the past.

What does it mean? Are you going to settle the old scores?

A sneer appeared on the corner of Shougan Erkuidou's mouth.

In the past few decades.

The United States has done more than just this one thing.

They are not afraid of the other party coming to settle the score.

The truth is only within the range of missiles.

Shooting scene.

After Fu Zhiyuan vented, he stepped aside and stopped talking.

Everyone's eyes were once again focused on the letter in An Nuan's hand.

The letter continued to be read.


During this period, I was depressed for a while.

Every time I think of those colleagues who sacrificed, my heart aches.

Later, I figured it out.

Your wish has not been fulfilled.

Their wish has not been fulfilled either.

How can I fall?

After that incident, I understood.

If you want to achieve your goal, you must start from the most basic.

Staffing and data security, all of these must be considered.


I began to reorganize the laboratory.

Once again, the division of labor was carried out.

And this time, fifty people were assigned to be responsible for security matters.

In order to avoid satellite detection, we began to build an offshore laboratory.

A month later, I drew a blueprint and submitted it.

The above quickly approved it and agreed to build it. .

At the same time, an underground research institute was also established to be prepared for any eventuality.

But I still encountered a problem.

In today's era.

Research will inevitably be linked to network technology.

And the current network code is based on English.

I was wondering if Chinese can also be included in the code.

In this way, at least in the short term, our security protection will not be breached.

Moreover, once it is promoted, it is also the output of soft power.

Do it as you think of it.

During the construction of the laboratory, I took all the staff to practice this project.


We succeeded!

Nuannuan, can you believe it?

In fact, using radicals and strokes.

Our Chinese version of the code is even more concise and easier to spread. "

The letter reads here.

The ground began to shake violently.

Around Rose Island, the black screen rose again.

After a while, it closed above everyone's head.

"The camera faces the sky." Fu Zhiyuan shouted loudly.


The black screen lit up.

One after another, young photos appeared on it.

Fu Zhiyuan's eyes welled up with tears after watching it. What was played on it were those young people who sacrificed for the motherland.

After the photos were played, the screen fell into darkness again.

At this time, a keyboard appeared in front of everyone.

After a while, two hands covered the keyboard, and a crackling sound was heard.

Just above the keyboard, a string of characters continued to appear.

Work ()

{Book ("Hello, An Nuan!");


After a while.

As the finger hit the enter key.

All the characters disappeared.

Only four big words were left on the big screen.

——Hello, An Nuan!

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