
Chapter 617: Against the Black Duendes, The Fall of The Spire Tree Castle

Day ▋▋▋ - ▋▋:57 PM - Spire Tree Castle, Kingdom of Black Duendes, Spirit Dimension

Chaos suddenly enveloped the Kingdom of Black Duendes.

A flying sword spread black flames that scattered almost everywhere. These flames that could not be extinguished by normal means continued to spread out to anything it touched, flammable or not. It was as if it had a mind of its own as it sought places where most of the Demons and Duendes concentrated.

The slaves that survived the flames escaped from their cages and restraints. Some of them fled, while some aimed for revenge. With their stolen weapons, they charged towards the Demons and Duendes that was already injured by the black flames. Even so, the Demons and Duendes still had the advantage. Many of the slaves died fighting. However, it did not dissipate their thirst for revenge for their lives that were ruined by these accursed creatures.

And the main reason for all of this chaos, Mark, was facing the barrage of magical attacks aimed at him without fear.

The army of Black Duendes stationed at the castle was now in formation. The sudden intrusion might have caught them off guard. The battle between Mark and the Demons, however, gave them enough time to prepare for the defensive.

And Luserio's meteoric crash towards the castle prompted everyone to activate all the castle's defenses.

The tree that spiraled across the castle started to emit an eerie glow as a magical barrier covered its entirety. It seemed to be a one-sided barrier that prevented anything from entering but not from going out since the Duendes were firing magic from inside without being hindered.

Flying at breakneck speed, Mark opposed the magical attacks coming at him.

[Fire Balls], [Lightning Arrows], and even [Wind Blades]. It was not surprising that the Duendes were able to unleash different kinds of elemental attacks.

However, with a wave of Mark's hands, he released a shield of Miasma, dissipating the attacks that were entirely made of magical energy.

Still, there were some attacks that Mark had to evade. It was the [Rock Bullets] and [Ice Spikes] that had substance than being purely made of magic.

A fire would not burn without fuel, electricity would scatter without a steady source and a conductor, and the wind would not take shape without a container. The moment that Mark absorbed the magical energy that formed these attacks, the attack itself would dissipate.

Stone and ice, however, could hold shape after it was formed. It was a solid substance capable of maintaining it. Magic was only involved in conjuring the projectiles and launching it. After the bullets and spikes were shot, it would not stop even if the magic was gone unless it was destroyed or lost its momentum.


Mark evaded the stone and ice with the flap of his wings. Every change of direction he did would cause a visible ripple in the air as his figure would suddenly shift in different places.

"This is pretty hard to control."

Mark murmured. Even he was quite surprised as to how each flap of his wings would throw him in a different place midflight. Nevertheless, Mark was starting to get the hang of it.

In every flap of his wings, his control became better and better. It was until to the point that his movements became controlled in a matter of seconds.

Mark waved through and avoided the magical attacks and almost managed to reach the barrier around the castle.

It was when a wave of ferocious energy surged towards him.

And at this time, Mark noticed the surroundings darken.

"That guy won't just give up."

Mark grumbled. It was one of Luserio's illusions.

At this time, Mark could not help but change the direction of his flight. It was because all of a sudden, the incoming attacks suddenly multiplied not just twice or trice, but maybe, even five times the initial number.

However, illusion or not, Mark could not tell. Even for him, trying to figure out which were real or not among the thousands of magical attacks coming to him was impossible.

But then, Mark stopped in place. All of a sudden, he was surrounded by magical attacks from all directions. Front, back, above, and below, Mark faced an enclosed wall of a magical barrage. Mark could not see anything else but the attacks that were about to hit him. Furthermore, his sense of direction was obscured once more. In the middle of the illusion, he lost his way once more.

What an annoying ability.


In the castle, everyone watched Mark as he was about to get engulfed by the thousands of magical attacks. Even so, they did not stop.

The soldiers continued to fire their magic, making sure that the enemy would have nothing, not even ashes, left.

Luserio, who was now out of the rubble, smiled sinisterly. Without a doubt, there some of his illusions that could not affect Mark. However, it did not mean that everything he had would not work. And furthermore, the illusion he used just now was not a simple one.

It was an illusion that would multiply the magical attacks, and despite being illusions, it would deliver the same effect as the original.

This meant that all of the magical attacks the enemy was facing were just as real as they could be. And once Mark was engulfed by it, it would be his death.


Luserio roared, releasing anger.

But then...



Luserio coughed out blood as he fell on his knees. Not only him but every soldier around him were in the same condition.

The worst thing to happen was that Luserio's sudden state caused his illusion to dissipate before it could even hit the enemy.

It was when they noticed Mark, looking at them from above, with his eyes glowing red and releasing sparks of electricity.

Without any magical attack to hinder him, Mark flew towards the barrier.


The barrier crumbled to nothingness with a fist from Mark that was covered in Miasma.

And there, he landed in the middle of the soldiers that were all unable to stand up. All of them had their eyes, nose, and ears were profusely bleeding as they clutched their heads in unbearable pain. Some even died in the spot, turning to dust as they could not withstand the suffering they were currently feeling.

Of course, they would not be able to. What these people were feeling right now was the pent up suffering from the slaves that Mark had been absorbing since he entered this place.

"GACKH!" Luserio coughed out a mouthful of blood while Mark approached him. "Wha-what did you do?!!!"

It was unexpected for everyone.

Mark was about to die just now, but the battle suddenly reversed in an instant.

"Protect his majesty!"

Shouts suddenly came from the castle as more people came out to protect their King. It was a group of ten heavily armed Duendes.

Mark could not help but turn his head towards the leader of the new group. Unexpectedly, it was definitely one of the Princes as he had a similar mental fluctuation to Luserio.

"Well, I guess it doesn't really matter."

Mark shrugged as his figure flashes towards the Prince and his group.

The group then froze on their steps as Mark appeared behind them.

"Just how stupid can you guys get?" Mark asked. "You guys shouldn't have come out and hid instead."

As Mark finished those words, that Prince's group all fell down to the ground before turning to dust. Mark then raced his arm towards the disintegrating bodies, absorbing their precious energies.


A woman's cry was heard as she rushed towards the ash of the Prince.

Without a doubt, this woman was one of Luserio's queens.

Grabbing the ashes with her eyes brimming with tears, the woman turned to Mark in hatred.


She shrieked as her voice caused the surroundings to rumble. Even Mark could not help but wince in pain as her voice entered his ears.


Mark grumbled as his figure flashed.

The woman's shriek turned to croaks as her head separated from her neck.

"Really stupid."

Mark ridiculed as he absorbed the woman's energy into the [Psycrystal].

Everyone that was still alive stared in disbelief. Mark, without hesitation, killed a Prince and a Queen of their Kingdom.


Luserio roared as he saw one of his Queens die pitifully.

"Can you not act like that?" Mark said as he approached Luserio once more. "It makes me feel like I'm the villain here."


Luserio was speechless. But before he could say more, he was picked up by Mark.

"You don't have to worry. You will join your people soon. Of course, after I kill the others."

Mark said as he waved his free hand. Miasma enveloped the surroundings, killing all the soldiers still alive.

Their bloodcurdling cries echoed across the castle as their bodies turned to dust slowly. Unfortunately for them, none of the soldiers present in this part of the castle walls could move at all and could only helplessly watch their comrades die before they followed.


Luserio roared, trying to resist Mark's psychic attack. If this battle happened before Mark stepped into this Kingdom, with Luserio's mental strength and abilities, he would be able to resist it. 

Unfortunately, there was no way for him to resist the accumulated negative emotions of the slaves that made even Mark kneel.

"You can only blame yourself, you know that?" Mark sneered. "If you just let us leave from the start and did not insist on taking back Lumeria, this would not have happened. And even with that, I might just have ended up killing you."

Mark then threw Luserio to the ground and stepped on his head.

"But no. I don't know how you knew that Mei is my woman. It is your mistake for targeting my precious wife. You said it, right? The things you wanted to exchange for her. Then, what about I destroy all of those. I'll make sure that you will have nothing else left before I kill you."

Luserio stared at Mark. Although he had a mask on, Luserio felt like he was looking at a Devil.

For the first time in several hundred years, Luserio felt fear.

At this time, loud flaps of wings were heard. Mark looked above and saw Chaflar flying towards the castle.

The Dragon then landed, blowing away the ashes of the Duendes left in the surroundings.


Mei jumped down from Chaflar together with the others. It was the same for Lumeria and Teremillio, who turned back to their human sizes.

Luserio looked at Mei. He was still mesmerized by her appearance, despite his current situation and the pain he was feeling. That gesture, however, made Mark strengthen the concentration of negative energy into Luserio's mind, causing him to wail in pain.

It was when Luserio's eyes fell on Lumeria.

"Lumeria, help me... I loved you..."

However, Lumeria just shook her head.

"My apologies, but I never did."

"I gave you a lot of things before..."

"I never wanted those things! What I wanted is my freedom! I begged you countless times!" Lumeria shouted from the bottom of her heart. "I had to keep up with your nonsense and live in fear! Do you really think that I will help you?!"

"Mother, calm down. From today on, you will be free from this bastard."

Teremillio tried to calm his mother.

Luserio wanted to speak more and it was obvious that he wanted to curse Teremillio. After all, it was obvious that he was the one that brought Mark here to get Lumeria.

However, no more words came from Luserio. Mark had already covered his mouth with a jaw cover made of [Blood Metal], disabling him from moving his mouth.

"No more nonsense. I still have to eliminate everyone else."

Mark's words, however, made Lumeria grab unto his arm, stopping him.

"What now?"

Mark asked, frowning at Lumeria.

"I-I have a request."

Lumeria replied.

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