Mutant Farmer in The Apocalypse

Chapter 43 - [Bonus Chapter] Gauntlet Gun! (2)

The blacksmith went inside his forgery for a while and returned with a gauntlet in his hand, "This is what I'm talking about, a good weapon for you, gauntlet gun."

"Eh…" Yang Zhang frowned when he saw the gauntlet. It was more like a bracer with a gun barrel strapped on top, with the trigger wired to fit in the palm.

"This gauntlet gun is my newest invention. It doesn't use real ammo because you we're short of ammo. And the barrel is in the same size as a regular barrel."

"Then, if it doesn't use a bullet, what do you use then?"

"We can't use ammo freely here. That's why you can use pebbles around the size of a regular bullet as the ammo. Let me give you a demonstration," the blacksmith went out and took a few pebbles in front of his workshop.

He returned to Yang Zhang and demonstrated how the gauntlet gun worked. He strapped the gauntlet on his left hand and filled the cartridge with pebbles.

He aimed the gun on a target practice made out of hay, "You pull the trigger by clenching your fist to pull the wire and—"


Yang Zhang saw the gauntlet gun fired the pebble just like how a regular gun fired a bullet armor.

The pebble shot and pierced the hay target practice.

"The gauntlet gun is currently in development. It cannot fire as strong as a regular gun because we can't use ammo. But it should be strong enough for you to hurt anyone from medium or close range," the blacksmith said. He took off the gauntlet and gave it to Yang Zhang. "Here, this is for you. I think this is the only suitable weapon for you, if you need it fixed or upgraded later on, just bring me some of your hunting meat, or if you can find pre-apocalypse meat or fruits, then I would be very grateful."

It was the problem with the mutated animals and plants. Of course, humans with immunity could eat them without any side effects, but most would still miss the privilege of eating regular meat like ability users.

Yang Zhang nodded as he accepted the gauntlet gun, "Thank you so much, Uncle!"

The blacksmith smiled, "Go, I need to make an order for Boss Kobra."


Yang Zhang stepped the gauntlet in his right hand since he already had Little Ivy in his left hand.

He deactivated the trigger, so it wouldn't shoot randomly. He raised his right hand in the air to marvel over his shiny new toy.

"OMG, I feel like a character in Assassin Creed!" Yang Zhang said as he giggled and walked away from the blacksmith.



"Ah—" Yang Zhang was surprised when his pets' heads popped out from the pocket. They looked at the new gauntlet and marveled upon it as well.

"Squeak! Squeak!"


"Y—You guys, don't pop out in this kind of place! What if someone sees you? Go hide again!" Yang Zhang scolded as he looked around, ensuring that nobody saw a squirrel and little chick in his pocket.

He hid the gauntlet gun by rolling down his jacket sleeve and then walked to find some sort of florist in this town, if that was possible.

Because he already planned upon something else for the bullet. He reckoned that pebbles were sufficient, but he wanted to experiment on creating the ammo. Since he knew that he could mutate anything with the Brain bead, he wanted to buy a few plants in the florist.

Yang Zhang strolled around and then found near Miss Kobra's base.

This time, the seller was an old lady, and Yang Zhang bowed his head politely when she entered, "Good afternoon, Grandma."

"Ah, a customer?" Grandma looked hesitant. "Are you here as a customer, or do you have something to ask?"

"Um, I'm a customer, Grandma. I want to buy plants," Yang Zhang said.

"You… really want to buy plants? Flowers or anything else?" Grandma asked again. "I can't believe someone actually wants to buy plants…."

"Eh, what do you mean, Grandma? Your place is great! Flowers are blooming everywhere!"

"Ahahah… thank you for the compliment, young man. It's rare to see a young man come and buy a flower. Is it for your significant other? A girl that you like?"

"Um… it's for me. I'm just looking around to find what I need first, Grandma!"

"Ah, then suit yourself, young man. You can look around if you want," Grandma said, and she returned to her seat, sitting idly while looking at Yang Zhang with a smile lingering on her face.

Yang Zhang looked around and was fascinated with the variety of the flowers. All of them were also non-mutated plants because… well… any plants that had been mutated would turn hostile against humans.

But flowers weren't what Yang Zhang wanted. He had learned his lesson with a flower before. When he planted a good Brain bead inside the soil of a rose, and the rose did mutate… as a dancing rose.

'I think it has been evolved, right? From a wiggling rose to twerk. That rose now twerks in front of me….'

Yang Zhang looked around and found nothing but flowers. Which was unfortunate because he couldn't use flowers to defend himself.

He went to the old shopkeeper and asked, "Grandma, do you have anything other than flowers here? I… uh… I have a lot of flowers in my home already."

"Ohh, are you a gardener?"

"… Farmer," Yang Zhang said. 'Soon to be farmer, hehe.'

"Ohh! A farmer in the apocalypse? It must've been hard to maintain the farm! I'm a gardener, and I'm always scared that one of my plants would turn into a mutated monster!"

Yang Zhang could feel Little Ivy tighten her grasp on his arm. Yang Zhang winced in pain but still tried to maintain his calm expression.

"So you want something like crops?" Grandma asked."

"Ah yes—wait, you have… crops?! Like… real crops!?"

"Yes, of course! I don't have much, but I can always give you the seed if you want!" Grandma said happily.

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