Mutant Farmer in The Apocalypse

Chapter 83 - Roselia & Poddie Vs 3 Bandits! (1)

Yang Zhang ought to give Xi Feng a weapon of some sort. 'At least a weapon, something like my gauntlet gun. Maybe I can give him something to arm himself.'

"Xi Feng, do you have something to arm yourself? What kind of weapon do you use to hunt?" Yang Zhang asked.

"Uhh, the only thing I'm adept with is this, Brother Zhang," Xi Feng went to the kitchen and returned with an ax. "Everyone in this village is either adept at using an axe or sickle. Because we're either hunter, farmer, or lumberjack."

"I see, so your weapon of choice is an axe," Yang Zhang remembered that he had seen a unique axe from that blacksmith in the human settlement.

Yang Zhang wasn't adept at using any close-range weapon, and he didn't have the strength to wield one either.

But Xi Feng could survive, even hunted many weird animals in the forest with only an axe, so he was definitely good at using it.

"Xi Feng, I know a good blacksmith that can give you a unique axe. He lived in a settlement exclusive for humans with immunity. I can always bring you there since you're a human with immunity. Though, it seems that you prefer to live alone here with Mudan."

"Hehe, thank you, Brother Zhang. And you're correct, I will live here with Mudan. It's much more peaceful," Xi Feng said.

"I see. If that's your choice, I won't force you," Yang Zhang nodded. "But I will bring that axe for you. Just you wait here, okay?"

"Okay…" Xi Feng nodded, though he was starting to get curious. "What kind of axe are you talking about, Brother Zhang?"

"Well, the blacksmith has a lot of unique weapons, including mine—" Yang Zhang pulled up his sleeve, showing the gauntlet gun strapped in his right arm.

"This is a gauntlet gun. It can fire a projectile as strong as a real gun, and it's been really handy for me since I'm not that strong, and I'm not good at facing zombies in close range, hehe."

"Let me show you how it works," Yang Zhang said. He opened the window and aimed at the empty bottle in the middle of the empty street.

Yang Zhang closed one eye to aim, and then—


The pea bullet launched from the gauntlet gun and hit the bottle on the road, blowing up the bottle into glass shards.

Xi Feng was surprised by the strength, "Wow, Brother Zhang, that's as strong as a real gun! What about the bullets? I don't think you can get real bullets easily in the apocalypse."

"Hehe, I have a plant that can produce about 200 bullets every day. Of course, it only lasts 24 hours, but it's just as strong as a steel bullet!"

"I got this weapon from the blacksmith in that human settlement. He has a lot of weapons I can trade just by giving him good quality meat. I think I can just go there and trade your smoked beef with an axe or something."

"The axe is also very unique. It will definitely fit you!"

Xi Feng got excited as well, just like a young man getting a new unique toy, "Okay, I will give you more meat. I can always hunt for another animal anyway!"

Xi Feng ran to the kitchen and returned with another bag of smoked beef, "This smoked beef should last for days, even a week! Please bring me a cool weapon, Brother Zhang!"

"Hehe, don't worry, your Big brother will bring you a cool axe as a gift on my next visit!" Yang Zhang said.

"Thank you, Brother Zhang!"


Yang Zhang and Xi Feng talked for a while until the sun started going west, signaling that it was past noon, and he had to return now, or it would be too late for him.

"Brother Zhang, there is another room in this house if you want to rest for the day!" Xi Feng suggested.

"Ah, no, I can't stay for too long. I have my pets in the hut as well, and I only told them it would be a short trip," Yang Zhang said. He picked up all his pets and opened the door. "Take care, Xi Feng, Mudan. I will return in a few days."

"Yes! Take care, Brother Zhang!"

"Mudaaan!" Mudan waved her hands at Big brother Zhang. She was a little sad that Big brother Zhang had to leave, but he said he would visit again!

Yang Zhang wanted to bring Xi Feng and Mudan to his hut because he thought it was safer, but since Xi Feng refused, then he couldn't do anything about it.

'Too bad, the hut would've been safer for them,' Yang Zhang thought.


Meanwhile, Poddie was sitting on Roselia's shoulder while the latter was busy tending the garden around the hut with flowers.

Poddie was holding wild berries he found in the bushes near the hut, "Pii?"

"Planting a wild berry? Hmm… I'm not sure if it can grow manually," Roselia said. "I think it needs a good fertilizer to grow, or else the wild berry would never sprout."

"Pii…" Poddie looked sad because he was excited to plant his own plant, hoping it would be a food source, so Master Yang Zhang wouldn't need to worry about food.

Roselia smiled at Poddie. She knew that Poddie was genuinely trying to be helpful. So she grabbed the wild berry in Poddie's hand and planted it in the soil.


"Don't worry whether it will grow or not. It just needs a fertilizer. Do you know what fertilizer is?"

"Pii…" Poddie shook his head.

"The best fertilizer comes from freshly deceased animals… or humans…." Roselia said. She had a mysterious smile lingering on her lips as if she was planning on something. "I'm pretty sure we will get some visitors soon. We can use them as a fertilizer."

"Pii!" Poddie didn't understand what that meant, but as long as it could help grow the plant for his Master, he would support Roselia!

"Well, well, what a stunner we have here."

Roselia and Poddie looked to the front when they heard a man's voice near them.

There were three people, all men, standing at least 15 feet from Roselia's position right now. They looked like three middle-aged bandits and were dressed like bandits, complete with their weapons— sword, sickle, and a gun hanging on their waists.

Roselia stood up and stared at them. She had no fear of showing her ashen skin in front of humans that was not her Master.

The man whistled as they looked at Roselia's face and body. She was well covered with a rose dress from head to toe, but they could still imagine her naked. She had ashen skin, but honestly, her beauty was out of this world, so they didn't mind at all. Nobody was perfect in the apocalypse anyway.

They came here because their leaders told them to check on what had killed two of their members, but they really didn't expect it to be one girl.

So they thought the girl had a husband, and that husband was the true powerhouse.

"Good afternoon, young lady. Where's your husband? Are you here alone?" one of the bandits asked. He sounded polite, but the smirk on his face said otherwise.

Roselia said nothing. She continued to stare at the man intensely, waiting for them to attack if they dared to.

The bandits thought this woman was just shy or scared since her husband was nowhere near her. So they got even braver, "Don't be shy, young lady. We're not going to hurt you. Well, as long as you can take care of the three of us."

"Yeah, don't worry, looking at your sexy body, I bet you've been servicing your husband well, hmm? Or maybe you're actually a whore who allows many men to sleep with you? It's not really impossible."

Roselia clenched her fist, but she stood still, knowing that her mission was to guard the hut, not attack anyone. As long as those people weren't going near the front yard of the hut, then it wasn't her right to attack first.

Maybe because the master who planted her was Master Yang Zhang, the pacifist nature of Master Yang Zhang was also ingrained inside her. She wouldn't attack unless the person attacked her first.

"I suggest you leave now. Your friend came here last night, and I allowed him to return to your base because he can be a good example of what happened when you tried to attack me."

"Heh, a woman starts to talk big," the man scoffed mockingly. He did not believe a delicate woman like Roselia would be able to do anything.

"Don't be scared, guys. She is just bluffing. Do you guys think a woman like her can actually do anything?"

"Hahaha! The only thing she can do is puckering her ass and wait for a man to fuck her!"

"Yeah, a lewd body like that is only good at serving some dicks, HAHAHA!"

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