
Chapter 4:

When I woke up again, I found myself lying in a tattered room with a pile of old cardboard newspapers on the floor, and a woman not far away from me was packing something. I was a little confused, struggling to get up from the bed, and there was a severe pain in the back of my head, and I couldn't help humming.

The woman heard the noise, turned her head to see me, and when I woke up, I rushed to the bed, my face was excited, and my mouth made a hoarse and strange sound.

I was taken aback by her and flinched.

The woman looked at my movements and flattened her mouth to show her grievances. She looks at least 40 years old, and with such a childish expression, I'm really confused and at a loss.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and an older woman dressed in plain clothes walked in. When the woman saw me woke up, she hurried over and laughed: "Are you awake, are you okay? Is your head still hurting?"

I nodded at her and looked at her suspiciously.

The woman smiled and explained to me, and then I figured out what was going on.

It turned out that when I went to the hotel to find a place to live, I probably encountered a kind of squatting robber, and after being knocked out, things were taken away, and people were thrown to the garbage dump at the alley. The dumb woman picking up trash, the woman I saw when I woke up, saved me and carried me back. And now Li Li, who explained this to me, lives not far from a dumb woman, and sees that she often takes care of her poorly.

"She ... carried me back" I asked the skinny woman with a surprised look.

"Yeah! I was so scared that day, why did I carry a big man back with me! We just put you on the bed and Axiu fell to the ground with soft legs." Li Yan said, shaking his head and smiling. laugh.

I was speechless for a while. If it wasn't for a dumb woman, I didn't know I would lie in that dump for a few days. But even if I die there, nobody cares.

"Thank you." I nodded to the dumb woman, she looked at me with a smile, and suddenly reached out and touched my head.

When I was there, Li Xuan quickly came over and pulled down her hand, looking at me a little awkwardly and said, "Sorry, Axiu has some problems here." He pointed to his head.

The dumb woman looked at Li Yan with some dissatisfaction, struggling to get rid of her grasped hands. She didn't seem to understand what she had done wrong, and in her opinion, touching her head only showed her closeness and love. I do n’t know why it ’s hard for me. Why is the fate of such a good person so harsh on her? Why are these kind and simple people living at the bottom of society and living in the most difficult environment?

Thinking of this, I laughed at myself, and what kind of attitude did I take to sympathize with the poor? My life is actually worse than them.

"Young man, I have a phone at home. Or you used to send a letter to your family and let them pick you up," Li Yan said beside him.

I froze, "It doesn't matter ... I ... my family is from a foreign country, so I won't let them worry about it." I suddenly understood something, "Thank you so much, I'm sorry to disturb you for so long, I'll go now." Lifting the quilt and thinking of getting up, I was so dizzy that I stopped when I sat up.

Li Yan and the dumb woman rushed over and pressed me back at the same time. "Don't worry! You don't have a penny where you can go now! You still have a bag behind your head and lie down slowly. "Li Yan sighed." You always have a hard time, don't worry. I'll get you something to eat first. "I smiled gratefully at her, but my heart was bitter.

After Li Yan went out, the dumb woman was guarding me, and her eyes were full of worries. I was a little sleepy, and the initial horror subsided, but now I somehow feel tired.

"I'm fine." I smiled at her.

She looked at me stunned, and I continued to make a "thank you" mouth shape, and finally slumbered again.

When I woke up again, the sky outside was completely dark, and the whole room was so quiet that no sound could be heard. It's probably midnight. I was thirsty and my throat was hot. After thinking about it, I slowly got up and went to find water. At this time, I was really embarrassed to wake others up. The head still hurts a lot, and the whole person is a little dizzy. If those people click harder, I guess I won't wake up.

He groped and walked to the table in front of the bed, and there was a kettle resting on it. I looked around and determined that no water-related things could be found in this room, so I had to open the door and go out. By the light outside the house, I saw a faucet near the wall, walked a few steps to turn on the switch, and the water flowed out. Fortunately, I stretched out my hand and held up some water before I could touch my lips. Then my hand was pulled away violently, and the water shook out.

I looked up in wonder, the dumb woman was standing in front of me, shaking her head desperately at me. I pointed her at the water patiently, and circled my hands into a cup to make a drinking gesture. She still shook her head at me, then twisted the faucet, pulled me into the room, turned on the light, turned around, and went out.

I was sitting in bed a little depressed, somehow to make her understand that I wanted to drink water.

After a while the dumb woman came in again, holding a drinking glass in her hand. She walked carefully to me, handed me the cup, and I took it sloppily, only to realize that she just didn't want me to drink tap water ...

After drinking a large glass of water in one breath, my heart became much more comfortable. I handed the cup back to her, before I had time to say thank you, she hurried out again. I had a hunch that she would definitely come back, and then stared out the door with some expectation.

Sure enough, she came in with a small pot, pulled a chair and sat in front of me, and opened the lid. Then I saw that there were three poached eggs.

She put the pot on the table next to it, took an egg out of it, tapped on the side of the pot, and after the shell cracked, she began to peel it seriously.

I just stared at her like this, she actually looks good, except that there are some fine lines around her eyes and rough skin. At this moment her expression was so focused that I didn't dare to bother.

When you are sick, you always want some care and attention.

Obviously, it is only a very small and insignificant pain and discomfort. Because the person who cares about you is distressed and caring, the pain will be magnified indefinitely. You must grumble and cry, and then enjoy more tolerance in peace.

I used to suffer from migraine for a while when I was with Yi Tian. I woke up at 6 am every morning to cook Chinese medicine and drank for three months. Still haven't got a question of concern. In fact, it ’s not a big deal, and I do n’t have any qualifications or standpoints to accuse Yi Tian of being indifferent to me. It ’s just that I look at this woman I have n’t seen for a day but now sitting in my bed peeling eggs for me. Feeling sad and speechless.

The dumb woman peeled off the eggshell above, leaving only a small circle where she held it, and then handed me the egg. I took it from her. The egg shell was still warm. I think she boiled the eggs and then boiled the water. She kept the eggs in hot water to keep them warm.

I took a bite and she stared at me without blinking, and I hurried to give her a very happy smile. I ate two, and took the last one off and took it to her. She took it with joy, raised her head to show me a silly smile with a bite, and there was some egg yolk on the corner of her mouth.

After a long pause, I finally couldn't help laughing. She smiled at me when she laughed even more happily, but when she smiled, the whole person seemed stupid, and I couldn't stop laughing ... This cycle continued, just when the two people looked at each other and grinned silly. All silly.

It's just that I haven't been so happy for a long time.

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