Mutual Love: Destroyed Both Of Us

16 Cultural & Techfes

Before joining the College Yuvraj and Manya decided to make some new friend or try socialize themselves a little as there are very few people who are close to them other than themselves. It's not that , they never tried but it never worked out before and they choose to trust each other and invested all their time to built their friendship.

But now , it's the beginning of their new journey towards their professional life which was very different form each others choices , so they tried once again to make new friends by supporting each other. But before they can even try to make new friends , they got a lot of suitors to tackle while some tried to draw a line between their friendship but Yuvraj and Manya never allowed them to do that as if they have given a choice to choose between their friendship or life andthey'll always choose each other without any second thought over and over again.

As Preeti was totally dipped from her head to toe in his love or you can say infatuated with him to the point where she thought even if he didn't accepted her she won't give up on him never ever she thought she'll die if she won't see him for one day. So she take the risk to be his friend before making him fall in love with her. she was ready to be shameless for the love she had for him.

As the cultural and Techfest was going on , in the college, both the events were celebrated for the two weeks , combined together. Students can choose any one or multipleevents of their interests related to Technology or Cultural activities or they can choose to participate in both but they have to manage their schedule.

Manya picked the cultural activity events related to designing and decoration and some related to art work where as Yuvraj picked the Techfest activity like Robotics and Automobile and some related to coding competition. He's have a special interest in automobile engineering because of his family business.

Both of their activities were scheduled on different times and day from each other. They wanted to take participationin at least one event together and decided to share a fun activity and that was duet singing competition which was scheduled on the last day of both the events [Cultural and Techfest]because the college Principal has invited the most famous music director with his ownband to give their perform for the closing ceremony and also to providingthe opportunity and exposure for the young students to showcasetheir talent in front of the best music director of the industry.

Yuvraj wanted to participate in the duet dance competition with Manya but she rejected the idea as she never danced or sang in front of anyone other than Yuvraj but she wanted to open up herself taking small risks and she trusted Yuvraj thinking that even if she messed up their performance while singing he can cover up for her but while dancing she can not let herself to do any mistakes as it will affect his dancing also, so she explained all her thought to Yuvraj and they agree on singing competition together.

As , most of the timeManya and Yuvraj were extremely busy with their own events they got very little time to spend with each other either at home or when Yuvraj have to forced her to eat with him everyday. As she treat eatingfood is like everyday task which is she doesn't enjoy to do without Yuvraj's companionship.

Preeti has participated in the modeling competition which was organized as the most highlighted and awaited event of the Cultural events.

Manya was the part of Cultural activities related to designing and during that events she met Kunal.

Kunal is a very sweet and introvert type of person but he's a talented singer and an art lover. Manya and Kunal worked pretty well together, they didn't interacted much because even if Kunal is an introvert, Manya was much more reserved kind of person she only interacted with him because of, Yuvrajtold her to do so, to make some friends.

And she liked that Kunal doesn't bother her much compared to other students who tried to be over friendly with her , she ignored them completely by immersing herself in the work assigned to her.

Preeti was also one of the students who wants to be friends with her only to get closer to Yuvraj. Preeti proposed Yuvraj on the first day of the two week events. So everyone know the result of the proposal and some felt sorry for her, while some of them were jealous that , she even tried to confess her feeling to him thinking of the possibility , if Yuvraj ever wanted to be in the relationship in the future she will be the first one he will think of.

Whereas, Manyafelt a little complicated towards her as she felt sorry for her that her first love rejected her and complicated because she was rejected by her best friend and she did not understand how to react while facing her as Yuvraj was only closed to her.

Meanwhile Preeti was trying to use their friendship for her benefits even she was not sure weather it'll work or not because Manya was not easy to get closed with , she was even more hard to approach than Yuvraj.

So during the first week whenever Yuvraj came to see her or met her, most of the time she'll be the one around the Manya. Which Yuvraj noticed after few times and didn't understand that was it's intensional or just few coincidence as she behaved in a very professional manner with Manya and Manya didn't bother to even care about her intensions but Yuvraj did not the felt right whenever he saw Manya with her and he also noticed her interactions with Kunal for one or two time and he didn't felt any kind of negative feelings inside him towards them. He just thought thatmaybe he was being a little judgemental towards Preetiso heignored his feelings and focused on his friend Manya.

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