Mutual Love: Destroyed Both Of Us

21 Inseparable From Each Other

Alok laid himself on the couch to relax his back pain and he crossed his legs. He place his right arm on his forehead while carefully observing his injured wrist.

Naina asked him " You didn't told me your part"

" I can't explain myself right now....I met a girl and now I'mfeeling like blessed and cursed at the same time. That four seconds changed my whole life.... Naina...!! Why are you making me suffer? I'm already at the peek of my tolerance. I know you can't help , but at least make me forget her for a while." he said in lowvoice and last sentence sounded more like a request.

Naina held her head in frustration and sighed" Okay!! I won't budge you" she replied to him considering his request.

Love is something that can make anyone loose themselves easily. No matter how smart you are, the matter of the hearts will always makes you dumb. They even lost their ability to judge the right from wrong. Making them helpless with only one thought 'To love unconditional ' were nothing is right or wrong everything is fair no matter what!!.

"Hey...don't keep quite. Tell me about your brother. Start from his name!!" he told her in commanding voice while closing his eyes.

Naina thought ' Is he ordering me?'s OK. Look at him , he already lost his mind. Don't get affect now...he is afriend and now... he needs you.' She console herself not to get angry on him. He needs mercy from her.

"Okay. I'll tell you about him but not his name!!" she said in a questioning tone.

Alok turned his head towards her and asked" And..Why not!!?You know that I can find all the information in seconds if I want to."

"It's not that easy...Ok!!. It's because I'm going to share his personal life with you. Which he hate to share with anybody. So you have to promise me you'll never ever try to search anything about him."

Both the Rajan and Sharma Families are very Protective about their children's and they wanted them to led a normal life without any threats and conspiracy. So they never disclosed their identities to the public and always kept a very low profile. Only very few people among their friends knows about them and other knows that both families have two biologicalchildren irrespective of their gender. Who are they is unknown!!... Only the heir of the Rajan family is acknowledged and known publicly. Naina never wanted the publicity so she never used her family name nor shetold anyone about her family except for few and very close friends whom she can trust completely.

Alok is a good friend of her and they know each other for four years now. She trust him but he's a businessman and because of that he never got to know about her family background.

Alok thought for sometime , anyways he already have his own problems to solve on top of that he is desperately searching for the love of his life. He don't have any extra time to waste on a teenage boy. So he promised her he'll never do that. Naina trusted his words after all he is a man of his words and that's why they're able stay good friends for four years in the business world.

"Okay!! where should I start from?" she questioned herself while rubbing her hands together in satisfaction.

" Start from the first meeting. I want to know how others fall in love at first sight." he suggested her.

"Sorry to disappoint you but it's a love story between two it's not love at first sight but...their first meeting was the one the best memories for all of us."she said while remembering the past " Anyways... I'm not going to tell you in detail rather than in a generalized manner." she added lastly.

"Ok...go on!!" he said giving her a thumbs up.

"The boy and the girl met each other for thefirst time when they were six years kid. Due to work !girls parents migrated to another city and they got separated for another eight years. Girl had some health issues by birth but aftertheir reunion she was suffering badly. Boy tried to make her his friend but she was very reserved and hardly talk to anyone other than her family members. But the boy was very cute and sincere in his effortso eventually he won her trust. With the time , they became the only comfort zone to one another and inseparable from each other . And now they wanted to separate and walk on their own path." she sigh after finishing her story with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

Alok opened his eyes while thinking about something he turned his head towards her and asked her " If they are inseparable!! why do they choose to get separated now? I mean if you love someone you can't to do."

" They think that they are only best friends to each other therefore they dare to do that." answered Naina.

"Maybe , they are..?!!"

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