"What ?" she asked him.

"Don't shut the door on my face," he said while staring at her vividly.

"If you ever felt that I hurt you...then please scold me, hit me if you want or do whatever you like but please... don't ignore me again.. ...Okay? " he sincerely requested her.

"I am very sorry, Chinna."tears welled up in her eye's, making their way out.

"I didn't mean to hurt you but, I don't know how to react while facingyou or talking to you about that."

Yuvraj felt devastated watching her cry, not knowing what to say, he pulled her forward embracing her tightly. Manya grabbed the collar of his shirt and buried her face in his chest she cried her heart out wetting his shirt. He felt helpless he rubbed her back lightly and slowly trying to comfort her.

After crying for a while, she got a hold of her emotions she stopped crying moving her hands from his collar towards his back while adjusting her head on his one arm around her shoulder, feeling more comfortable she closed her eyes to rest.

Feeling her movements in between his arms he loosens the grip of his hands around her shoulder and waist letting her adjust herself. When she closed her eyes, he again hugged her dearly and closed his eyes.

The lights in the room were on, the television broadcasting the news on muted mode curtains moving along the wind blow making a very low sound, other than that there was the light sound of breathing, the entire room was peaceful.

They fall asleep immediately, embracing each other.

Meanwhile, in the living room, both the couples were sending off the Iyer couple after Iyer couple left the mansion.

Mr. Sharma and Mr. Rajan continued their own discussion and Mrs. Sharma and Mrs. Rajan started their gossips.

Chatting for a while, Mr. Rajan asked his wife to call Manya, both the ladies left the living room to check on their children.

Reaching the door of Yuvraj 's room, Mrs. Sharma knocked on the door there was no response from inside it was extremely quiet she opened the door, both the ladies stepped inside the room.

Standing not so far from the door they saw their children sleeping on the bed while hugging each other.

Mrs. Sharma turns head towards Mrs. Rajan, she was looking at the bed with a smile. A little confused to witness the scenario

Mrs. Sharma said " I'll wake him up " while stepping towards the bed.

Mrs. Rajan stopped her "Don't disturb them!!" taking a pause she added, " If you don't mind?" Mrs. Sharma smiled at her question and answered " I don't mind. I thought you would!!" both of them smiled widely at each other.

Mrs. Rajan stepped forward and pulled the comforter over them and bend down to kiss Yuvraj's forehead, she whispered while moving her hands gently over Manya's hair, " Good night, Sweetheart."

Mrs. Sharma was a little hesitant to say something Mrs. Rajan glanced at her, knowing her hesitation she said " Don't worry I trust Yuvraj more than my daughter" she let out a light chuckle. Mrs. Sharma shook her head helplessly and smiled.

Mrs. Sharma switched off the television and lights. While shutting the room's door, not making any sound both of them walked out.

While walking through the corridors Mrs. Rajan said " I think Manya knew that Yuvraj will be leaving next month, that's why she cried the whole day "

" Hmm.. she asked me about it in the morning, when she locked herself in the room. You should have seen,Yuvraj's reaction at that time. He never acted like that before."Mrs. Sharma said while remembering her son's worried face.

"Really... I thought only Manya was reacting out of the way, " Mrs. Rajan commented.

Both of them gazed at each other giggled.

" These kids...growing up so fast. Their Jr. College is over and now...stepping into adulthood." said Manya's mother.

Mrs. Sharma smiled at her friend and nodded her head in agreement"Hmm...Everything will be changed, I hope they make the right decisions for their future."

Both the ladies walked into the living room, where Mr. Rajan was waiting for Manya and his wife. Seeing that Manya didn't come along he asked his wife "Where's Manya?"

" She slept in Yuvraj's room so I thought not to disturb her. she cried the whole day, let her stay," answered his wife.

"Okay," he replied.

After that, both couples bid their farewell to each other and Rajan's left the Sharma mansion.

At around9 o'clock in the morning.

Yuvraj opened his eyes to witness the warming sunlight entering the room through the balcony door he looked down at her in his arms her swollen eyes are closed. He tilted his head and place a light kiss on her forehead he wished her.

" Good Morning... Chinni."

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