My 1979

Chapter 466 Return

I woke up early in the morning and practiced as usual. After running a lap, I started kicking trees non-stop. A beautiful figure came into his eyes, and he couldn't help but take a few more glances unconsciously. She had long legs and white skin, with a slight red glow on her tender white skin. She had a light bang and scissor eyebrows. She suddenly tilted her head and smiled. His soul was taken away.

According to his experience, this is a monster from the Rakshasa Kingdom.

With the strong promotion of tourism since the 1980s, there have been more and more foreigners on the streets. For many people, this is a mobile foreign exchange piggy bank.

Everyone likes to see good-looking people. Dogs will wag their tails when they see such a beauty with beautiful flowers, not to mention a big living person like Li He.


The pain was piercing his bones. He was looking at people and when he kicked the tree, his foot missed the target.

After sitting on the ground holding his feet for a while, his feet hurt whenever he moved them. He couldn't even stand up and walk. He discovered that he had strained his ligaments. He didn't expect that during this period of leisure, he would be unlucky one after another.

Misfortunes never come singly!

As expected, don’t look at anything inappropriate!

What girl are you going to see if you have nothing to do?

It's your own fault!

He picked up a tree stick from the roadside and slowly returned home without doing any treatment. There was no other way to deal with the strained ligament other than to take care of it.

I lay on the chair for a whole day, trying to boil water with difficulty. After sitting for a long time, I drank too much water, and going to the toilet became a problem.

There was no way, he couldn't even drink water, and he was deprived of even the pleasure of drinking tea.

But when I slept on the chair until noon, my stomach began to growl. This meal must be eaten. People are like iron rice and steel. If you don't eat one meal, you will be hungry. He kept looking towards the gate, but couldn't see any ghosts. Usually Xiao Wei, a naughty kid, liked to come to visit the door, but at the critical moment there was no one there, and he was very angry.

In order to have a bite of food, he worked hard, dragging an injured leg out of the door, and shouted to the children in the alley, "Help me find Xiaowei."

Xiao Wei ran over sweating profusely, "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"My foot is hurt, go buy me food."

I've been bored at home for a few days, relying on Serena to buy food and drinks. I usually either read books or listen to the radio or watch TV. I almost feel moldy. When I could barely get off the ground, I still didn't dare to exert too much force on my feet, and I could still just do a walk every day.

Seeing him like this, Qin Youmi laughed loudly, made fun of his legs and said, "Retribution. You deserve it."

Very schadenfreude. The pain of her enemies made her feel very happy.

Li He said, "I'm happy to do it. It's up to you."

He didn't know why he was so angry every time he saw this girl.

Zhao Yongqi called, "How are you doing?"

"It's not good, it's very bad." His leg injury had only been injured for a few days, but it couldn't be better.

Zhao Yongqi smiled and said, "What's wrong?"

"The ligament has been strained. It's just been a few days. Do you think I'm unlucky?" He wanted to find someone to talk to about his unlucky situation at this stage. At this time, Zhao Yongqi called, which was exactly what he wanted. Naturally Have a good chat with him.

Zhao Yongqi said, "Fortunately, someone is taking care of you, otherwise you would have been helpless."

"Who takes care of me? I take care of myself. Men have to swallow their own tears." Serena can be considered taking care of her. She only provides three meals a day, which has long made him dissatisfied.

Zhao Yongqi said, "Oh, then you don't know?"

Li He asked strangely, "What do I know?"

Zhao Yongqi sighed, "I thought you knew."

"What should I know, Lao Zhao? You know what I hate most is when people speak half-speechly. Be clear and concise.'

Zhao Yongqi hesitated and said, "I have something to tell you, but you have to make sure not to get excited."

Li Hehun said nonchalantly, "Hurry up and tell me, Lao Zhao, how did I find that you are also grinding now?"

Zhao Yongqi was silent for a long time, then slowly said, "I saw her."

"Who?" Li He was confused.

"It's your former partner, named Zhang Heting." Zhao Yongqi replied uncertainly.

"Zhang Wanting? Are you sure you read it correctly?" Li He asked eagerly. He didn't bother to correct Lao Zhao for calling the wrong name. After all, Lao Zhao and Zhang Wanting didn't meet many times, and they were separated by so many years. It is no longer easy to pronounce the last name.

Zhao Yongqi said, "Don't get excited. I'm not sure. I just think she looks similar. You know, I'm not familiar with her, right? I just vaguely heard that her name is Zhang Heting. Isn't that right?" I’ll call you to confirm.”

"Where did you meet me?" He squeezed the phone tightly and his breathing became faster.

"It's right here at the department store."


"I'll take you to have a look." Zhao Yongqi was still afraid that something would happen to him in a hurry. Li He was not allowed to go to that kind of place. Only a few old classmates like them knew how hard it was for Li He to wait for someone alone.


In his panic, he didn't even bother to go back to the house to change his shoes and clothes, and he didn't even bother to lock the door. He was very lucky that the van, which he hadn't driven for a long time, was set on fire. Along the way, he pressed the horn desperately, wanting to hit the car in front and forcefully push it a few distances.

When the car in front started to hear it, it originally wanted to speed up to let him pass, but Li He pressed and pressed as hard as he could. This annoyed the car in front and directly applied the brakes to slow down and drag him, causing him to deliberately run a red light.

Li He was helpless, who could let him be unreasonable first.

When he arrived at the place, he didn't bother to park the car carefully. When he saw Zhao Yongqi, he braked the car to the side, opened the door and asked Zhao Yongqi, "Where is the person?"

"I'll park the car for you first. You can't park casually here." Zhao Yongqi opened the door and found that the car key was not removed. He shook his head helplessly and helped park the car at the corner of the road.

"Old Zhao, you're going to kill me!"

"Is your foot injury not healed yet?" Zhao Yongqi saw that when he was standing, one foot was upright and the other was bent at the knee.

"My good brother!" He was finally a little impatient when asked by Old Zhao. If he hadn't seen the armed police at the gate, he would have rushed in directly, where would he have said hello to Zhao Yongqi.

Zhao Yongqi handed him a cigarette, then leaned against the car door and said with a smile, "It's probably coming out, just wait here."

"Do you know where to go? Let's go find it." He didn't want to wait any longer.

Zhao Yongqi blew out the smoke ring heavily and said with a smile, "No one knows where she went. How to find her on so many floors? It won't be long now. Just wait."

"Thank you." Li He's hand trembling when he lit the cigarette.

Unknowingly, the sun was already high, and the noon sun was a bit poisonous. Both of them were sweating profusely. From time to time, people passing by would greet Zhao Yongqi, and they would also smile and ask what they were doing here in the sun, and even invite them. Everyone who went to eat with him was declined by Zhao Yongqi one by one.

Zhao Yongqi said, "Let's go and have lunch first. After eating, I'll go in and take a look."

Li He shook his head and forced a smile and said, "Old Zhao, you are at work. It's not good to accompany me like this. You go to work. I will just wait here." Only then did he realize that Zhao Yongqi had to accompany him. He is indeed a bit inappropriate. People are different from unemployed vagrants like him.

"Are you just waiting here?"

"I'm sure you'll be waiting here. Don't worry, go about your business." Seeing Zhao Yongqi's suspicious look, Li He said in a positive tone, "I promise I won't be impulsive, so hurry up and do your business."

Zhao Yongqi said, "Then I'll leave first. If you're hungry, go get something to eat. I have a meeting in the afternoon, and I still have to sort out the materials."

"Lusuo, go ahead and do your business." He hurriedly pushed Zhao Yongqi away.

After Zhao Yongqi left, he changed places to wait. He stood under the sun at the main gate and did not go to a shady place. He was afraid that he would miss people in the blink of an eye. People were coming and going here without looking carefully. I really can’t recognize anyone.

I can't see anyone, and I feel anxious. I was furious, scratching my head and ears, and was at a loss for a while.

Although the sun was still very poisonous, it had already set to the west, and he didn't feel a little hungry because the person who made him think about it day and night still didn't appear.

Just when he was about to be discouraged, his eyes suddenly lit up. He hurriedly ran up and patted the person on the shoulder, shouting urgently, "Zhang Wanting."

"Do we know each other?"

"Sorry. Wrong person."

He retracted his hand in embarrassment, and the back of the girl who turned around looked so much like Zhang Wanting.

The girl smiled and said, "It's okay. Don't pat people on the shoulder next time. You will be regarded as a hooligan."

"Sorry, thank you." Only then did he realize that he had run too fast and his feet were hurting even more.

He squatted on the ground in pain and rubbed his ankle. The more he rubbed it, the more painful it became.

"Are you calling me?"

"Ah." He trembled all over. The voice felt familiar yet unfamiliar. His hands held the ground tightly, and he didn't dare to raise his head for a long time. He could feel his breathing getting closer and closer. He was afraid that what he was waiting for would be disappointment.

"Li Erhe, what's wrong? Get up quickly."

It's her, it's her. This time he was sure, and the moment he raised his head, tears almost filled his eyes.

When he saw her completely and clearly, he smiled, and smiled very happily. Yes, he saw her. She was standing there, looking here quietly, her hair had grown longer, and he saw She smiled, her smile was like a spring breeze blowing through a sleeping flower.

She is back, the woman who has disappeared from her life for six years is back.

He grinned like a child, "Hey, you're back."

My eyes were so crooked and squinted that I couldn't even find my smile when I smiled.

He didn't know why he said, "Wife, long time no see. Wife, you are finally back." These are the words he shouted in his heart tens of thousands of times, but at this time, he couldn't say a word.

She tilted her head and said, "Li Erhe, you still haven't changed."

Li He still has the kind of short hair that is almost bald, big pants, and plastic slippers. The only bright white shirt was soaked with sweat and clung to his body in a sticky state.

And she seems to be very good at matching. She wears a blue shirt on the upper body, a navy blue gauze skirt on the lower body, and a pair of black leather shoes on her feet, which is beautiful but dignified.

She was holding a small black bag in her hand and looking at him with a smile.

Li He dragged his injured leg and took two steps forward to hold her hand. She inadvertently avoided it, looking a little reserved and uneasy.

He scratched his head in frustration and said, "I'm sorry."

He found that there were many people around him. He knew that Zhang Wanting was face-saving, and people would be embarrassed and embarrassed when they looked at her.

Zhang Wanting smiled and said, "There is a coffee shop here. Let me treat you to a cup of coffee."


"Oh, by the way, I forgot, you don't drink coffee or anything like that. Let's go drink tea. I'll treat you to tea."

Li He smiled and said, "Let's go home. We have all kinds of tea at home. If you want coffee, I'll buy it for you."

The evening breeze blew her hair lightly. She was not in a hurry to answer Li He's question. She pushed her hair back and said, "I have a meeting later. How about we talk tomorrow? I'll go tomorrow." Looking for you. Let’s eat together.”

"I'll wait until you get off work." A familiar yet unfamiliar feeling came over me.

Zhang Wanting shook her head, "No, there may be a reception tonight, as you know."

"I know, I know. When you are in the temple, you can't help yourself." Li He answered the question first, thinking he was very smart.

Zhang Wanting smiled bitterly, "What?"

"I'll go back first, I'll go back first. I'll pick you up tomorrow."

"I'm going to find you." Her expression showed no emotion.

"Okay. I'll wait for you at home." He nodded quickly.

He stared at her back blankly, and it wasn't until she went in that no one could be seen anymore that he remembered that he didn't tell her his home address.

For a moment he didn't know what to do.

He looked at her disappearing back in confusion.

How could he let her go?

He wiped the sweat from his face heavily, as if to wipe away the fatigue of the day. Driving the car, I looked blankly into the distance and plunged into the night full of neon lights.

Returning to the deserted and dark house again, he found that the door was locked without opening it.

"Brother, you didn't lock the door when you left."

"Oh." When Li He saw Xiao Wei opening the door, he pushed the door open and went in. Just as Xiao Wei was about to follow him in, Li He turned around and tried to lock the door.

"Brother, brother." Xiao Wei yelled and tried to squeeze in. Li He ignored him, pushed him out and closed the door.

He entered the house without turning on the light and sat for a long time. He was hungry, and he realized that he had not eaten for a day.

There was rice cooker in the basket. He broke it open and soaked it in a bowl. He and Awang shared some of it, which was considered a meal.

Lying in bed, the night was so long. He didn't know when he started. He resisted the night and looked forward to the coming of the day. He had never wanted the day to come so urgently. He didn't feel sleepy at all, he could only open his eyes and stare into the darkness.

Suddenly, I lit up the cigarette, exerted all my strength, and took a sudden puff with unprecedented strength. I disintegrated the helplessness and dissipated the loneliness. What I got in return was a loud cough and tears.

The moment he saw her, he seemed to understand something, but he didn't dare to understand it too clearly. It was really tiring to live too understandingly.

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