My 1995 Small Farm

Chapter 233: sickness after rain

   Chapter 233 Illness after the rain

The heavy rain washed away the summer heat, and it was even a little cold at night. At first, Wang Susu just covered a thin sheet, but she would be woken up by the cold after a while, so she had to wake up Chen Ling and let him find two beds with a flashlight. The thin quilt came over and covered himself and his son, so as not to catch a cold at night.

  Tonight was cool. It was rare for Chen Ling to sleep with his daughter-in-law and son, so he happily covered the quilt, put down the mosquito net, and listened to the continuous rain outside the window. The family of three slept comfortably all night.

When I woke up in the morning, the rain had subsided, the water tanks and buckets under the bamboo building were all overflowing, and the bluestone slabs in the courtyard were rushing water, which washed all parts of the farm cleanly, and finally all flowed into it. into the lotus pond.

  Chen Ling changed his son's diaper, and went downstairs to cook. He didn't even use an umbrella. Even in the light rain, it's not bad to get a shower.

When I went downstairs, I saw the little yellow dog running around in the rain, sniffing everywhere. After a while, he picked up something from the rain and ran to Wang Zhenzhen under the eaves with small steps, and put his mouth down. The thing, "Wang Wang" called to invite credit.

  Wang Zhenzhen picked up the things on the ground, threw them into the small bucket beside him, and then patted the little yellow dog's head, and it rushed into the rain again excitedly, sniffing and picking up everywhere.

  Chen Ling walked up to the little girl and looked at it. It turned out that he was picking up field snails. There were more than half of them in the small bucket, and the big ones were specially picked. The shells were the size of soil eggs.

   "Did you come out so early to pick this up?"

"Well, they all crawled out when it rained, and they were all so big. There was a lot of meat to look at. It would be a pity not to pick them up." Wang Zhenzhen didn't lift his head, squatted on the ground, and scooped water into a small bucket with a ladle to clean the snails. .

   At this time, the little yellow dog picked up another big snail and put it in front of her. After a few strokes, he returned to the rain to catch it, and he never tired of it.

   looked at Chen Ling happily: "You're pretty good, let the dog pick it up for you. Pick it up, pick it up and save some more. I'll cook the snails for you tomorrow."

  The field snails in the water around the farm are still relatively clean. The little girl loves to eat them. Before moving here, she often went to the river to touch some of them.

However, the snails in those ditches have many parasites, which are difficult to clean. He is not willing to let his family eat them. After moving to the farm, the water here is better, and the snails are much cleaner than those in the ditches outside. These days are slow. Slowly, it also grew up, just like tadpoles, it became more and more.

  I couldn’t see it when it was hot, but now it’s raining and they all crawled out.

   "What do you have for breakfast, brother-in-law?"

   "Huh? What do you want to eat?"

   "I want to eat buns."

   "Go, go, who has the spare time to steam buns for you in the morning, it's cool today, you might as well go and beg your mother, let her cook two more pots for you, it's much more delicious than me."

  Chen Ling is right. The steamed Gao Xiulan buns are very delicious, as are the steamed cakes. The taste is unsurpassed.

  Wang Zhenzhen's eyes lit up, "Okay, I'll ask my mother to make us steamed buns at noon."

   "Brother-in-law, cook egg drop soup. Your soup is the best."

   "Okay, I'll cook soup for you, you're quite a skillful person."

  Chen Ling shook his head and smiled and walked to the kitchen behind the farm.

After breakfast, the rain gradually stopped, but the sky was still gloomy and gloomy. I could only hear countless frogs croaking in the fruit forest and in the river ditches. Standing on the bamboo tower of the farm, I could see a few sections of the village from a distance. The smoke from the cooking rose, and a few dog barks were heard. After the rain, the whole small village was shrouded in a hazy mist.

  Everything is so peaceful and quiet.

   And here in the farm, chickens, ducks and geese also clucked in a mess. Chen Ling went down and went down with his father-in-law to clean up the water and fallen leaves in their nests with a broom.

   Walking to the duck pens of the chicken coop, just after opening the door to let them out, the ducks and geese staggered and galloped out, stepping on the wet leaves and green grass in the fruit forest, and jumping happily into the canal to swim.

   The chicken seemed a little lackluster. Seeing this, Chen Ling grabbed two old hens and a half-sized chick and took a look. There was no big problem, but he was frightened by yesterday's thunderstorm, and he was just a little stressed.

   The free-range chickens are wild, and they like to fly to the trees to sleep on summer nights, and they don’t know how to avoid it when it’s windy and rainy.

   That is, Chen Ling's family has dogs watching, and they rush to the den when it gets dark. After a long time, they get used to rushing, and they know they have to go back to the den. Otherwise, I am afraid that there will be a lot of losses when it rains like this.

   However, even so, after a thunderstorm, there was still a little situation.

   "Oh, which chicken is this, why is it starting to lay thin-skinned eggs?" Wang Cunye exclaimed.

  Chen Ling walked over quickly, and at a glance, it was indeed a soft-skinned egg. The eggshell was stained with chicken excrement. The shell was very thin and soft. The old man held it in his hand, and the egg liquid inside had already dripped out.

   "It shouldn't be just a chicken, but it's not a big problem. Put these chickens in a cage and isolate them first. I'll give them a few injections and they'll be fine."

  Chen Ling once went to the animal husbandry station to ask Director Li for common veterinary medicines and vaccines for epidemic prevention of poultry and livestock. After Director Li gave some, he bought some himself, just to prevent this from happening.

  It rained very hard yesterday, and the thunder at night was very scary.

   Chickens are easily frightened during thunderstorms and have a stress response, and laying soft and thin-skinned eggs is a typical symptom.

   In addition, after the rain, chickens are prone to turn their heads crazy.

   In short, as long as one of the chickens is abnormal, it must be isolated immediately, otherwise it is easy to cause large-scale infection.

  Chen Ling acted unhurriedly, not only because he had prepared the vaccine, but also because he had the big killer, Dongtian, so he was isolated and mixed with spiritual water when feeding.

   "Then let's get a few injections quickly. Eggs are so expensive. What about thin-skinned eggs?"

  The old man picked up two more soft eggs and gasped in distress.

   "Well, I'll go get the medicine chest and chicken coop."

  Chen Ling got up and went back to the farm to get the chicken coop and medicine box. He vaccinated a few sluggish chickens, fed them with diluted spiritual water mixed with wheat bran, and put them in the chicken coop to isolate them.

   "Is something wrong with the duck and the geese?"

  Wang Cunye was still a little worried and asked again.

   "It's okay, Dad, don't worry, look at how much fun they are playing, and they are in good health." Chen Ling pointed at the ducks and geese who were taking a bath in the canal, and chuckled lightly.

  Ducks and geese are not the same as chickens. They are domesticated from waterfowl. Don’t worry about thunderstorms. What you need to worry about is sweltering weather.

   "It's fine if you think it's fine. We don't understand this. We also raise chickens and ducks in the mountains, but there are few of them. It's not quite the same as yours."

   "Well, indeed, no matter what, as long as you raise too many things, it's completely different from raising them casually at home."

   Weng and son-in-law talked and returned to the farmhouse, carrying brooms to clean up the stagnant water and fallen leaves in the corner.

  The weather is cool today, the breeze is blowing, and the whole body is cool, it feels so refreshing, and it is not hot to do some work.

At this time, Heiwa and Xiaojin ran out of the firewood room stretched their waists. Although the two of them would often act like a spoiled child in front of Chen Ling, they were much more stable than the little yellow dog, and they were the most worry-free this season. of.

  Because there is no shortage of food in the mountains, they don't need to be fed by Chen Ling at all. Instead, they often fill their stomachs, and they will bring back some pheasants and wild rabbits to improve the food for the family.

   But it rained most of the day yesterday, and it didn't stop at night. Chen Ling was afraid that the two of them would be hungry, so he put down the broom and went to the kitchen to get a few nests for them to eat.

   The little yellow dog saw Chen Ling feeding Heiwa two, and also ran over and jumped around Chen Ling. During breakfast, Wang Cunye fed it, and now he is here to join in the fun.

   "Go, go, go."

Chen Ling gave it a light kick. This guy listened to Wang Zhenzhen's command to pick up snails in the rain early in the morning, and got wet all over. Now he runs over and wants to rub in front of him. don't go.

After the two dogs finished eating, it ran up to Heiwa again, jumping up and down, jumping to the left, jumping to the right, hunched over to the ground again, shaking its head and wailing again. , from time to time, he would run around the yard with a whimper, and then come back to Heiwa to act like a spoiled child.

And after Heiwa was finished eating, he lay on the ground with all four legs. His lying posture was the same as his character. The two front legs were forward and the two hind legs were backward. "The shape of the glyph, very unimaginatively lying beside Chen Ling, nibbling at the leaves.

   It's not annoying to let the little yellow dog play around with it. He seems to like this little brother very much.

   The little yellow dog is actually an adult, with a tiger head and cat ears, a wide forehead and a wide mouth, a large front page, golden hair, a curly tail, and a smiley face with a tongue sticking out, which looks very flattering.

   is in front of the two Heiwa, it is still too small, not an order of magnitude at all.

  After all, Heiwa's head can be as tall as two and a half of ordinary tiger's head and yellow, and Pulang is like a little chicken, and the little yellow dog is still a little guy who hasn't grown up in front of it.

   And his temperament is too cheerful. After following Wang Cunye over, he didn't learn from Heiwa, but learned to be naughty and mischievous all day long.

   But it also has a fear, that is, it is very afraid of Wang Zhenzhen.

   Little girl has never trained it or beat it, but as long as she speaks a word, it is more effective than Chen Ling and Wang Cunye.

   is rather strange.

   "Rich, rich and noble at home?"

   "It's Aunt Xiuju, come and sit at home."

The visitor is an old greasy and crooked mother-in-law, that is, Chen Ze's mother. The old lady is tall and has a prominent black mole on her left eyebrow. She speaks in an extremely loud voice. She is standing in the pavilion of the bamboo forest and looking into the farmhouse. .

   Seeing Chen Lingweng and his son-in-law busy with brooms, they smiled and said, "I'm not going in, rich and noble, I have something to ask you, can you cure the chicken at home?"

  Chen Ling is a veterinarian at the village animal husbandry station. The village knew about it last year.

   In the past six months, after he cured the donkey for Wang Laiyun, his reputation slowly spread, and now the villagers knew that he had a hand in treating the wounds of the animals, so they came to find him.

   "Small illnesses and disasters are no problem. What's wrong with the chickens at home, doesn't it also lay soft-preserved eggs?"

  Chen Ling asked with a smile.

"Yeah, the wind and thunder scared the chickens last night. It wasn't one or two chickens, but several old hens. When I woke up in the morning, the nests were full of thin-skinned eggs, which made people feel bad." Xiu Ju The aunt looked sad.

  It is not uncommon for turkeys raised in rural homes to be frightened. Wolves, weasels, civet cats, and even mice can frighten them and cause a series of stress reactions.

   This stress comes and goes quickly.

   For example, after being frightened yesterday, the chickens started to lay soft-shell eggs today, but after treatment, they subsided quickly, and they can return to normal in one or two days, at most three days.

   The premise is to use the correct method.

"Actually, I won't bother you if I'm scared of one or two. The key is that there are a lot of them. They look quite lethargic. He also fought with his head, and swayed with his neck crooked, and I don’t know what happened.”

   "Oh, it must have been in the rain. If you turn your head and go crazy, you have to get rid of it quickly."

  Chen Ling knew what was going on as soon as he heard it. It was stress panic and turning his head crazy. The symptoms of the big rooster were especially obvious.

The chickens and dogs he raised on the farm knew how to return to the den when it was dark, but many local chickens in the village did not know that. They searched for food in the fields every day. In the tree, the wind and rain are not afraid.

   If you don’t know how to avoid the heavy rain like yesterday, it’s a strange thing if you don’t get sick.

   "Auntie, have you raised a lot of chickens this year?"

  Chen Ling walked to the village with Guo Xiuju, carrying the medicine box.

   "Yeah, aren't Fangfang and her man hiding from family planning here? They also raised some, and it seems a bit too much to put together with my family's original family." Guo Xiuju said.

"oh, I see."

Chen Ling nodded. On weekdays, Chen Fang didn't go out very often, that is, when the farming was busy, he went to the field to help the family, and went to share some of the burden with Chen Jiang and Chen Ze's brothers, otherwise the married daughter would stay at her parents' house and do nothing. It's not a problem, it's easy to cause gossip.

  The road in the field was a little muddy after the rain. Fortunately, after seeing Guo Xiuju's rubber shoes covered with mud, Chen Ling wisely changed into a pair of rubber shoes, otherwise it would be too difficult to walk.

At this time, there are also many villagers pulling carts or carrying shovels to drain the corn field. When the corn seedlings have not yet taken root, their ability to resist waterlogging is poor and cannot withstand too deep blisters, otherwise they will drown in two or three days. .

   When these villagers saw Chen Ling and the two of them, they quickly greeted them, and asked questions curiously.

   They were surprised to see Chen Ling carrying a medicine box.

"Oh yo, Fugui is going to see the chicken of the old greasy crooked family. This baby is amazing. Laiyun scared the donkey. He was the one who treated it. ."

   "I just don't know what's wrong with the chickens in Lao Tiwai's house. It rained heavily yesterday, and my chickens don't know if they are okay."

   "Good guy, if you say that, I'll have to take a look when I go back later."

   After Chen Ling walked over, they started talking.

   Talk about it, and Chen Ling doesn't care about it. When he arrived at the old greasy house, he looked at it, and it was indeed similar to what he guessed.

   This is also found early. If it is two days later, it will definitely not be saved.

Chen Ling didn't say a word, and when he got the vaccine, the old greasy also came out to help. More than 20 chickens, big and small, were vaccinated soon. Chen Ling asked them to go to Chen Guoping to get some disinfectant and spray it twice to prevent other infections. Poultry, even if it's over.

   But when the old greasy home was over, Chen Ling didn't have time to leave, and others who heard the wind came to look for him.

   Since these people don’t have many chickens at home, the symptoms are not severe, and most of them lay soft-shell eggs after being frightened, which is easy to solve.

   The most serious one belongs to Chen Baoliang's family. It should have been heated by the hot weather before it rained. At that time, he began to have symptoms. After alternate blows from thunderstorms, that guy is really old and miserable.

  Fortunately, Chen Ling's style is okay. If he is a simple novice, I am afraid that he can only let these chickens fend for themselves.

   His good performance was naturally warmly treated by the villagers.

   The key is that they all feel that Chen Ling can make money now, and he can still be on call like this. They really feel very different in their hearts, and no one can pick out what is wrong.

   "What's the matter with you, people are rich and rich, and you don't give cigarettes or tea, are you foolishly poking and selling sweet potatoes there?"

   But after Chen Ling left, Chen Baoliang's daughter-in-law scolded him for a while at home.

"I don't feel a little awkward about this. The thing about throwing a pig and making trouble a year ago was very embarrassing. The dirty baby was impatient. When he saw a wild boar caught on the rich and noble clip, he wanted to steal it away. Baoshuan and I didn't stop it. came to help..."

Chen Baoliang shook his head and sighed: "This is a very inauthentic thing. Now the chickens at home are like this. You call in the past, and the wealthy are willing to come over to give injections. This really makes me ashamed to go up to me and give people cigarettes. Your face is hot."


   "You, the man's family, you are more careful than your mother-in-law. You are so arrogant, and you keep talking about what you are doing."

Chen Baoliang's daughter-in-law was a little more open, "In this way, the rich and noble family's baby is about to be full moon, then you can bring two more catties of pork to congratulate him, it's all from the old Chen family, don't be like Baoshuan and the others. After becoming an enemy, the children will not be able to raise their heads in the future."

   "Oh, I see."

  Chen Baoliang got up impatiently and went back to the house, but in fact, he had already listened to his wife's words.

   (end of this chapter)

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