My 1995 Small Farm

Vol 3 Chapter 738: New forests and new species

Chapter 738 New Forest and New Species

"Ah I?"

Chen Ling looked embarrassed: "You may not believe it, but what I have to do now is complicated and complicated..."

 He picked up and talked about various things such as writing a thesis, writing children's stories, growing a greenhouse, and about to sell puppies.

The deputy director was dumbfounded when he heard this.

Then he held Chen Ling's hand tightly: "Brother, you don't need to guard this matter every day. There won't be any busy time in a year...

And to be honest, as long as you participate, we will have peace of mind. Just like Professor Han and others, you will also have an official status, and it will be convenient for you to raise tigers and raise anything. "

 Chen Ling was stunned for a few seconds after hearing this, thought for a moment, and then nodded and said: "Okay, brother, you have said so. Let's go back first and have a meal in the village before we talk in detail."

 This matter, to put it bluntly, is similar in nature to the forest ranger status that Professor Han gave him before.

 In short, in the eyes of these people, with Chen Ling's ability to tame animals and join the project, they have a trump card.

 After a few simple conversations, we were ready to go back.

 The tire of the zoo's car was broken. The little sheep took out the wire rope and tied it up, and used a tractor to drag the car back.

  But it’s a bit time-consuming to go this way.

  It will soon be noon, and it will probably be mid-afternoon when we reach the village.

 Let’s find a place to eat nearby.

 Fortunately, this place is not too far from Huangni Town.

 There are a lot of things to eat in Huangni Town.

 They walked slowly around.

 Have a meal and a drink in the town.

 During the meal, in addition to talking about Chen Ling's recent affairs, he talked more about tigers.

They also mentioned that because Ah Fu Ah Shou appeared on TV, they were contacted by people from abroad who wanted to set up a blind date for Tiger.

 Chen Ling laughed as soon as he heard this.

 Isn't this just like mating a dog with a pig? If you see whose family is well-raised, come over and breed?

The deputy director said that’s what he meant.

 But tigers are more autonomous.

  It means that tigers are more picky. They are not like other animals. They become extremely restless when they are in estrus. Males and females will have **** when they meet. But if they don't like each other, they will not let each other mate.

 If people interfere and make people anxious, trouble may easily occur.

  After all, the fights between tigers sometimes go on to the death, killing the tiger and injuring the tiger, which is unacceptable for zoos at this stage.

At this point in the conversation, Chen Ling said that he would help with the two types of zoos if he could, and would only do what he could.

 Little Sheep followed him all the way, and he admired Chen Ling even more now.

 She is not that old and knows so much.

 And he seems to be good at everything.


"Fugui, you are back. I have something to ask you." As soon as he arrived at the wheat field at the entrance of the village, Yu Qian trotted over.

 “What? Is there something going on over there at Dujuan?”

 Chen Ling asked hurriedly.

“No, no, Du Juan is fine, it’s a matter of the village.”

Yu Qian waved his hand and shouted up the **** across the river: "Teacher He, Secretary Zhang, come out quickly, Fugui is back."

On the slope, in the small courtyard of Wu Fei's house, He Jiawen and Secretary Zhang came out noisily.

 Chen Ling glanced at the crowd and saw that there were several members of the Public Security Brigade from Li Weiguo in the crowd, all of them carrying guns.

Moreover, all of these people were dirty and sweaty.

 What happened?

“Fugui, you came back just in time. We went to the mountains. I always heard how fun hunting is, and we wanted to give it a try. As a result, we went to the mountains, and Teacher He and the others made some novel discoveries..."

 Secretary Zhang came over and said with a smile.

Only then did Chen Ling realize that after he went to pick up the people from the zoo, they didn't eat either. Instead, after hearing that He Jiawen and the others were going to continue working in the mountains in the afternoon, Chen Ling suddenly had the idea to go hunting in the mountains.

 When leaders go into the mountains, of course safety comes first.

So, I sent some men, all with live ammunition, to go for a walk in the mountains.

 Considering that many people have never been to the mountains.

They took the direction of the west mountain, where the **** is gentler, people often walk around, and the road is easier to walk.


 This place is relatively friendly to people who have never been to the mountains.

 There was a lot of prey this year. The villagers led the hunt and also caught a lot of small prey, allowing the guests to have a great time.

This is all fun, the mood is high, and unknowingly, we go further and further.

 They brought guns. It was daytime, so there were many people and they were not afraid.

 As a result, when we reached the depths of the Western Mountain, we found a strange forest.

“Look, Fugui, there are many bird nests in this place, and there are also many small holes in the ground. I don’t know what the holes are…”

He Jiawen took out a brochure with hand-drawn pictures by them, which were compared and drawn from all angles.

 Chen Ling looked a little confused: "Where is this?"

"Ah? You haven't been there?" This time He Jiawen and others were confused.

“No.” Chen Ling shook his head.

The drawings in this manual are very good and realistic.

 But Chen Ling had never seen this terrain before, and the woods above were very unfamiliar.

 Next to the woods is a valley.

Moreover, there are many types of trees in this forest. He Jiawen and the others labeled the trees with their names.

 Chen Ling had never heard of the names of several trees.

There are also tree species that none of their teachers know.

 Not only are there many types of trees, they also occupy a large area.

Looking at the scope of the booklet, it is comparable to the small sinkhole that Chen Ling visited.

 “Hmm? By the way, sinkhole?”

 Chen Ling's heart suddenly moved, wondering if this might be another sinkhole.

He Jiawen introduced him: "This place is indeed a bit difficult to find. The mountains outside Xishan Mountain are relatively flat. This forest is hidden on the steep peaks between Xishan Mountain and Nanshan Mountain...

 There are cliffs on all sides, and the entire valley is like a pot-bellied bottle.

Had we not been chasing a herd of deer, we would never have discovered this place. "

 “A pot-bellied bottle? We’ve never been there before!”

 Chen Ling still shook his head, and at the same time concluded in his heart that this place should not be a sinkhole.

 But if it is between Xishan Mountain and Nanshan Mountain, it should be along the innermost part of Shanzhong Lake. The terrain there is dangerous, and Shanzhong Lake was still regarded as a savage ditch before.

Then this place is even more unknown if it is hidden deep inside.

 At the same time, I was quite puzzled.

Last year, when I went boating on Shanzhong Lake with Zhao Dahai and the others, I also went to the depths.

 There were no such conspicuous woods at that time.

And he had never been anywhere in the surrounding mountains.

 In terms of distance, this place is much closer than the sinkhole.

 But why don’t I have any impression at all?

“Teacher He, did you find anything new in this place?”

“There are new species, plant-like, there are several species, and I can’t tell them clearly at the moment.”

Speaking of this, He Jiawen's face became serious: "We also saw the black panther you brought back last time, flashing through the woods.

There should be the animal trail you mentioned nearby, or it may be an animal trail dedicated to herbivores.

The deer we were chasing just ran in that direction.

 This kind of terrain is what animals like them rely on to survive. "

After He Jiawen finished speaking, the female teacher Teacher Li also said: "And we also saw the footprints of big cats, which are bigger than fists. They should be left by your tiger...

We can't quite distinguish the other types of unfamiliar footprints.

 With luck, it may also be a new species.

 If you are less lucky, it is probably a subspecies of some kind of animal. "

 The teachers became more and more excited as they talked.

The more Chen Ling listened, the more frightened he became, and he shouted in his heart: "Damn it, these trees and other things must have been influenced by the spiritual energy of the cave, otherwise I wouldn't know about this place."

“Nature is magical. There are so many things that we haven’t discovered yet. We gained a lot from hunting this time, and Teacher He and the others also made new discoveries. It can be said that we achieved multiple things with one stone by going to the mountains this time.”

 Secretary Zhang said with a smile.

While he was speaking, he was holding a wild rabbit in his hand and holding on to it tightly.

Several leaders behind him also had their own achievements. There was a chubby middle-aged man with sweat-stained eyes from the city bureau. He had short hands and it was difficult to catch things. He held a hunted deer directly in his arms. Put your head in and listen to what they are saying.

Mr. Wu and the others were so happy that they never closed their mouths.

 It was the first time I experienced the joy of hunting.

He Jiawen and the others also changed from serious to excited smiles: "We thought you knew this place, Fugui. Since you don't know either, it means that this place is a virgin land that no one has been to or discovered before. Let's study it ourselves. ”

Teachers believe in science and will not think of anything mysterious.

 Unless Chen Ling takes them directly into the cave, they will never think of this.

“Well, since we have gained something, let’s ask the comrades from the TV station to take a few more photos of us and take a group photo together.”

 Secretary Zhang continued to speak.

“Huh? Why are you still taking pictures?” Chen Ling hasn’t returned home for most of the day.

“What do you mean by still taking pictures? There are so many things worthy of publicity in your village, why don’t you take pictures for people to see? If there are good things, they should be shown on the stage.”

Secretary Zhang smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "That's you, Xiao Chen. If it were anyone else, if you had this opportunity, you would have to fight to show your face. You always want to hide behind, but you can't do it."

All right.

 Chen Ling decided to cooperate.

Mainly because during his speech in the morning, he already talked about what he wanted to promote. There was no need to talk about cows and dogs anymore.

But the people at the zoo are very happy to hear about this kind of thing.

  It’s not too much trouble no matter how many times you go through and do interviews.

Mr. Wu and his gang, despite their age, were even more interested in taking photos with their prey, and they were not afraid of trouble.

 I am also afraid that I will take too few photos of them.

 (End of this chapter)

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