My 1995 Small Farm

Vol 3 Chapter 751: Erhei is ashamed

Chapter 751 Erhei is ashamed

Before the human blind date is over, the dog has also begun to blind date.

Chen Ling, Wang Lixian and others were busy that day, sprinkling lime water on the piles of corn cobs in the livestock pen.

After sprinkling the lime water, cover it with a plastic sheet and let it heat up for sterilization.

At this time, Tian Lichuan, who had bought fish fry twice, came over. This time he didn't come to buy fish fry, but brought his dog.

A big white dog with a lot of meat. I heard it was used to show him the fish pond. It can swim and swim.

He listens to their family very much. He is honest and loyal, but very cruel to others. He is a good housekeeper and nurse.

It can be said that this is a rare good dog.

Tian Lichuan didn't want to wrong him, so he let the male dog mate with him casually.

I happened to know who Chen Ling was and had seen Hei Wa's dogs, so I picked a free moment and came over to find a matching dog.

In addition, Chen Ling also clearly marked the price.

The price is high for sure, and the dog is a good dog, so there is no need to question it.

But regarding dog breeding, he also knew that Chen Ling had no intention of making money through this.

It's better to follow your own dog's eye. If you like you, you are worthy. If you don't like Chen Ling, don't force it.

So when he said it was a blind date with a dog, he was right.

Tian Lichuan was lucky, he didn't run out of time this time.

Although Hei Wa still doesn't like this kind of dog, Er Hei does, and Er Hei seems to like this kind of city dog ​​with rolling flesh, clean body and neat hair.

My eyes widened after seeing it.

All the bones in his mouth fell to the ground.

He didn't even care about having fun with the dogs. He ran up to the big white dog, wagging his head and tail, and sniffing at people's butts.

Tian Lichuan was very happy to see Erhei being interested in his dog.

He quickly took out a lot of meat and offal from the car and fed it to the dogs on the farm.

After feeding, I went to the livestock pen where Chen Ling and the others were busy just now and took a look: "Brother, what are you doing, growing mushrooms?"

"Yes, I just built a shed this year and want to grow some mushrooms."

Chen Ling and the others were washing their hands in the ditch, and the little white cow and the little buffalo were playing around him.

The little buffalo was led by a big bull, but it didn't recognize its owner and would play with anyone. Sometimes it would grab Wang Lixian's key, and sometimes it would grab Chen Dazhi's tobacco leaves.

Very naughty.

Several people really like this calf, not because they like it for being naughty, but because the white calf of Chen Ling's family usually doesn't go to others, and only when the little buffalo is playing around, they follow it and look at it.

People in the village still like the little white cow more.

Taking advantage of the little buffalo's playfulness, you can also touch this beautiful white cow and get close to it.

Tian Lichuan's attention was no longer on the buffalo, nor on the dog. Instead, he looked at the mushroom culture material in the livestock pen, frowned and said:

"Isn't it a little late to grow mushrooms at this time? I'm afraid I won't be able to sell them in time!"

"Yeah, it's a bit late, but I can sell as many crops as I can. The first year was just a busy day. I just want to give it a try."

Chen Ling smiled and didn't seem to care.

Generally, in places north of the Yangtze River, where snow falls all year round in winter, mushrooms should be planted in late autumn, and no later than November of the lunar calendar.

Otherwise, we either won’t be able to sell it in time at the end of the year, or we won’t be able to sell it after the year.

If you are neither up nor down, you will work in vain and lose money.

You know, the twelfth lunar month is the fastest time to get vegetables, and it is the peak season for vegetable sales.

Especially the necessary dishes for the New Year’s Eve dinner, the prices will skyrocket.

Take garlic sprouts for example. In some years, the price can soar ten or dozens of times higher than usual... but the sales volume remains high.

Mushrooms are like this sometimes.

What Tian Lichuan meant was that the mushrooms were planted too late. Not only might they not catch up with the good prices, they might only be able to sell one crop, and that would be the end of the crop for this year.

After all, in spring, the weather is getting warmer day by day, and mushrooms are difficult to store and difficult to sell.

It is not easy to store, which means high transportation costs.

Selling in a small county? No one can afford it.

Moreover, they are close to a mountain and the weather is getting warmer. Are they still short of mushrooms to eat?

Pull it down, it can't be sold at all.

"Good guy, you still have the courage, no wonder you can succeed!" Tian Lichuan sighed.

I thought to myself, it’s better if I have money, I don’t care if I lose money, I just want to try it on such a big scale.

In fact, the reason why Chen Ling is not afraid of compensation is not only because of the magical cave, but also because Sun Yanhong runs a store and the vegetables he grows cannot be sold or wasted.

Although Liu Jiancheng's place is about to become a supermarket, the shipment volume is small, so there is no need to consider it.

This hotel must be useful.

Just create two new menus, and you won’t have to worry about selling all kinds of things at home.

"How is Boss Tian doing with my batch of fry?" Chen Ling asked.

"Okay, very good. If it's not good, I'll come here to make you pay for it." Tian Lichuan said jokingly, and it was obvious that he became energetic when he mentioned this.

“Brother, I don’t know if you understand what the situation is like for those of us engaged in large-scale aquaculture…

Let me tell you this, some fish fry eat like pigs when they are small, and they can be fed ten to eight times a day, and they can be eaten by you. It also looks swishy, ​​which is called fast.

And even if you feed some spoiled feed in the summer, there will be no problem at all.

But once you grow up...

Tsk, even if it only grows a little, and is as long as a little finger, it is still a fry. On the contrary, it is more delicate than a small fry, and it will die easily.

You can't eat too much, and you have to feed them with good feed. You can't feed them with bad feed. If it goes bad even a little bit, they will die in piles.

But your fry don't have those problems.

I'm not praising you in front of you, but your fry is really solid, tastes like a piglet, and grows faster.

Good guy, it’s already winter, and I’m still eating so hard that every day is getting longer.

Some of them didn't pay much attention. Their palms grew longer and their bodies were colored like wild fish. "

Chen Ling smiled when he heard this and said: "It should be because you raised the seedlings indoors. It's warm indoors, so they still eat and grow."

"That's not possible. I have been working in aquatic products for so many years. I am not a fool. Brother, you just like to hide your clumsiness and keep a low profile." Tian Lichuan insisted.

"If your fry is really ordinary, can you make it cheaper next time and give it to me as an ordinary fry?"

"Haha, that won't work."

"Look, it's better."

"Fugui's fish fry are really good, as are chicken fry and duck fry."

Chen Dazhi took the call and asked Chen Ling: "I heard that the people who want your chickens want to ask you to collect the eggs to hatch the chicks. The provincial leaders also mentioned it two days ago, but no one came?"

"I replied to the letter a long time ago, but I can't sell it now."

Chen Ling shook his head: "They wrote letters a long time ago, and asked Bo Ming to ask several times. The salted eggs have been selling out very fast in the past two months, so I don't care about them.

In addition, the earliest batch of chickens in the family are getting older and they are laying fewer and fewer eggs.

Let’s wait until the new chicks grow up next year.

Otherwise, we won’t be able to provide what they want. "

Salted Egg looks inconspicuous, but it is a long-lasting business that can last for a long time.

Now this salted egg is very popular among a group of people.

Just like this taste.

After eating this, I can't eat other salted eggs.

"Well, I have eaten your salted eggs, and they are really delicious. People say that many people give them as gifts during New Years and holidays... But what I wonder is, those people know that your chickens are good, why didn't you give them to them from the beginning? What about large-volume acquisitions?

Like my wholesale fish fry, buy more at one time,

Only now, after such a long time, do I think about buying it again. "

Tian Lichuan couldn't figure it out. Those who raise chickens should be similar to them, especially those who open large chicken farms. This is not a new breed of chicken that they can just use. They will definitely investigate it before making a decision. .

And he also knew that many villagers in Chenwangzhuang used chickens from Chen Ling's family, which was a sharp contrast.

I believe those people can also see it. Besides, these big fat chickens on the farm are on display, and no one who comes will not see them.

Such well-raised native chickens.

They lay eggs so diligently and grow so well. Since those people decided to buy chicks, why didn't they buy more at once?

"Hey, when it comes to this, are you still greedy?

They are not the same as you, the fish farmer. Although it is not impossible for you, the fish farmer, to keep some species of fish and cultivate them yourself, it is still more time-consuming. In your words, when you should make money, you have this free time. I've earned that money back long ago. "

Chen Ling shook his head: "Those who raise chickens are different. They have the intention to use my good chickens as breeder chickens. You have also heard from the village that my chickens lay eggs diligently and produce a lot of meat."

It can be used as a laying hen or a broiler chicken.

The eggs laid by laying hens are more delicious than foreign eggs...

Tell me, with such a good breed of chickens, how can they not worry about it?

As you can see, they had big eyes but little belly, and they had good ideas but failed to do it. Then they came back and asked me for chicken seedlings. They honestly wanted to buy more chickens and concentrate on raising chickens. If they didn’t do it, Some are gone. "

"Oh, isn't this the same as a bonus? It's just making money that you can't make." Tian Lichuan frowned upon hearing this.

He was talking about Tian Hongli.

At that time, Tian Hongli also thought that the ornamental fish raised by Chen Ling were good and wanted to raise them as his own species.

"Oh, almost."

Chen Ling chuckled: "These things in my house can be said to be hard-boiled, hard-to-maintain, and hard-to-maintain. Let's just say they are hard-to-serve. Each one of them, whether they are chickens, fish, or dogs, are easy to feed wherever they go. You can say they are hard to take care of. It's really difficult to get him to give birth to babies with these things...

Often, even if a baby is born, it will return to its original shape after one litter. "

At this time, Chen Baoshuan said: "The things that come out of our village are suitable for free-range breeding. They put chickens and ducks in cages so that insects can't eat them and you can't smell the earthy smell in the wild. They definitely can't raise them." good."

"Hahaha, what this brother said makes sense." Tian Lichuan praised: "In the future, if I want to raise chickens, I will come to your place, find a hilltop, and put them on the mountain like my rich brother, so that they can eat whatever they want. What."

A few of them were chatting, and suddenly they heard a "snort" sound. Erhei and the big white dog over there were mated.

A group of old men immediately cheered and walked over to take a look.

"Okay, Erhei is a great guy, and he matched up so quickly."

"Yeah, Er Hei is pretty capable too. After seeing too many Hei babies, I always thought Er Hei was small and cute. I didn't expect that he could be so fierce when paired with a dog!"

"Ferocious, male dogs must be more ferocious. Look how strong Erhei is."

"It's just that I worry too much on weekdays. I don't have any fat on my body. I'm as skinny as a chicken compared to Hei Wa. If Hei Wa got in, this big white dog would have been lying on the ground."

A group of people commented on Erhei, who made Erhei very embarrassed. After the match, he pulled the big white dog to hide away before he could move out.

"Ouch, I'm so embarrassed. I don't see how thin-skinned I am when I'm in charge of this and that in the village."

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