My 1995 Small Farm

Vol 3 Chapter 754: Putting fish in the shed

Chapter 754 Putting fish in the shed

The stacking process of mushroom material takes about four or five days.

After sterilization and fermentation, these culture materials can be put into bags for the introduction of mushrooms.

Now that the weather is cooler, these preparations are going well.

If you do this in late autumn, sometimes the temperature is high, and you need to prevent the mushroom bags from being damaged after putting the culture materials into the bags.

You have to go to a cool place to cool down the fungi, and then you can introduce them after they cool down.

The temperature doesn't matter now.

Once packed directly into the bag, it can be left to cool overnight.

Before the mushrooms are finished, the vegetable seeds in the vegetable greenhouse have already sprouted. ·

Chen Ling went inside to observe, and then began to divert water into the ditch dug in the greenhouse to complete the 'aquaponics' system he planned.

This thing is ready-made and relatively easy to get.

There are also iron tank water carts in the village, which are pulled by animals and are used to transport water to the greenhouses.

This day was the wedding day of the Li family in the village, and not many people came to help Chen Ling.

That is, Mr. Wu, the old apprentice, brought people here.

There are also two Wang Lixian and Wang Jusheng, as well as Zhao Yubao and his family.

There are no other people.

He Jiawen and the others have been running diligently to Xishan Mountain these days, thinking that there are new species on the peak of Xishan Mountain, even the red-crowned cranes have been put aside, so they did not come.

But that doesn't matter, as long as no one comes, all the animals in the village come. Carrying water is not a tedious and complicated job, it's just a lot of tossing back and forth.

If you have livestock and water bottles, then it’s no problem.

In addition, Mr. Wu and others, during their time in the village, based on the suggestions of He Jiawen and others, gradually improved their health.

Everyone is happy to come to work to exert some energy and stretch their muscles.

As long as you come, no one will be lazy.

So in one morning, all the ditches in the greenhouse were filled.

The water from the reservoir is used.

Anyway, the total area of ​​​​two acres is not large. If it were not for waiting for water to seep inside and Chen Ling to fish out the fish to be stocked, it would take at most two hours to complete.

"Master, the fish you released seems wrong, right?"

When Mr. Wu saw that the fish Chen Ling caught in the bucket were all small fish with bright colors and slightly reflective scales in the sun, he hurriedly shouted to Chen Ling.

"What's wrong?"

"Didn't you say you won't release fish fry? These fry take up so much space!"

"This is not a fry, it is a flower handkerchief, which is a species of betta fish native to the mainland. The ones I raise are new species from crossbreeds."

Chen Ling explained: "Did you see it? The colors and types vary so much!"

"Ah? Why do you want to raise this? Aren't fighting fish very cheap?" Mr. Wu and the others looked at each other.

Today's bettas are often not as good as those of later generations. Those so-called popular species have not yet appeared, and people are not very enthusiastic about playing bettas for viewing.

"Yes, Xiao Chen, where we are, we catch a lot of these small fish, and no one wants them."

Chen Ling laughed when he heard this: "It's not for selling, I just keep it for fun, and I can get rid of bugs in the greenhouse. It's warm in the greenhouse, and you can see it, and now there are flies and mosquitoes..."

"In addition, you have also seen that most of the fish I raise are new varieties of ornamental fish, or new varieties. There are only two or three types of edible fish."

Except for the koi carp that Chen Ling is not planning to put into the greenhouse now, he has basically fished out all the ornamental fish from his home and wants to put them in.

Goldfish, fighting fish, loach, mountain catfish, luminous fish, etc. with various colors and appearances were all fished out by Chen Ling and prepared to be kept here.

These fish are not only pleasing to the eye, but Chen Ling also found that they have a special feature, that is, they are very effective at killing insects and **** a lot.

It has a strong insecticide effect and can reduce mosquitoes and pests in the greenhouse on a large scale. If there is a lot of poop, the accumulation of fish feces can also increase the fertility of vegetables.

Goldfish and glow-in-the-dark fish **** the most here. When Chen Ling fished it into the bucket, he could **** a layer of fish excrement at the bottom of the bucket in just one meal.

He had left the glow-in-the-dark fish in a tank outside the living room for half a year. The fish excrement inside had turned into a thick layer of black mud, and there were small shrimps and snails tumbling inside. The scene was simply terrifying.

So Chen Ling decided not to keep them in the tank, but to just put them in the greenhouse.

In addition, the types of edible fish are carps and fire heads.

The fire head is also the black fish.

This thing has few spines and tender meat. It is very suitable for making pickled fish and other dishes. It is very delicious.

Mr. Wu even dropped his book bag when he heard their unique name for Heiyu.

It is said that their name "Fire Head" is a transliteration of "Snake Head".

Because the black fish has python patterns all over its body and its head looks like a snake, it is also called snakehead fish!

"These fish are very beautiful. I have never seen many of them. Betta fish cannot be sold for a lot of money. I think these goldfish, as well as uniquely colored loaches and catfish, will be very popular outside!"

Xiao Chen, why don't you just pick out the ones that can be sold at a high price, just keep them mixed up? "

A middle-aged lady from Bay Island said that she thought this was a pity.

"It's not needed at the moment. Sister Mei, you don't know. Last year, when the news about the thousand-year-old turtle here was spread, the goldfish we sent out were pretty, but I don't know how expensive those sold outside were.

It's not a good time to send these out now. It's okay to keep them mixed here. Anyway, the breed is like this and will not go wild or degenerate. "

Chen Ling smiled.

After ordinary goldfish are thrown into the wild, in order to adapt to survival in the wild environment, the second generation will all degenerate into wild colors.

These fishes have their genes stabilized by Dongtian Lingshui.

It will only degrade after at least three generations.

So don't worry.

Mr. Wu said: "My master has never seen anything, so there is no need to say more."

Then he said with a flattering smile: "Master, when we leave, can you give me some fish?"

"Okay, you can choose these fish as you like, but you have to think about how to bring these fish back easily. They can be oxygenated and transported to our city, but it is estimated that you will have to find a new place for oxygen every once in a while." Chen Ling Give them a reminder.

This is how the arowanas shipped from the coast are treated.

Arowana is more delicate, and the problem of stress during transportation must be considered.

"Then we'll take the water route and ask someone to transport it back from the boat." Mr. Wu patted his chest.

"That's okay too."

Chen Ling is not worried about them at this point. Anyone else has more connections than him.

"Fugui, Fugui, come here quickly. Look at this photo."

Zhao Yubao hurried over and handed a photo to Chen Ling, "Boss Sun, who opened the restaurant with you, is back. He brought this back. Does it look like an old turtle from here in the village?"

"This isn't like it, this is it!"

Chen Ling was shocked when he saw it. Where did Suan Tou and his gang go? No wonder they couldn't call him out these days.

"where is this place?"

"Tortoise City, wasn't it said before that there was also a big tortoise in Tortoise City? I thought it was just to fool people."

"I've heard about this too!"

Chen Ling not only heard that when he was buying building materials before building his greenhouse, he also went to take a look. The water there was shallow and the rivers were cut off in many places.

That big tortoise is far different in size from Garlic and the others.

Could it be that Garlic and the others swam from the underground river?


"Where is Sun Yanhong?" Chen Ling asked quickly.

"I'm taking people to the brigade. It's almost the end of the year. Some of the fish, crayfish, etc. from the reservoir have not yet been settled. I have to calculate the money for the brigade."

"Oh, um, let's wait until she's finished. Let's go put the fish in the greenhouse first."

Chen Ling thought for a while and was no longer in a hurry, so he and others carried a few buckets of fish to the greenhouse to release fish.

It's noon now, and Wang Jusheng and the others have already gone to the wedding place first.

Chen Ling didn't plan to go. He would just go for a walk in the afternoon or evening and show up.

Anyway, the money was given to me.

In the morning, some wild boar meat was sent over.

If someone gives you such a big piece of tofu, then it will be fine if you give him some gifts in return.

When we got to the greenhouse, we put the fish in. The water in the ditch has not settled well yet and is not clear enough, so we can't see the fish in it.

Chen Ling and the others didn't have the intention to appreciate these fish right now.

Discussing what to have for lunch.

When he delivered meat to the wedding party in the morning, he also went to the county town and delivered some stewed meat to Wang Zhenzhen and Liang Hongyu, and bought fried dough sticks when he came back.

Make some soup at noon, either broth or vegetarian soup. Boil the pot and cook the fried dough sticks. It's also quite delicious.

A few people discussed it and decided that they had been eating a lot of meat recently, so let's have vegetarian soup at noon.

They agreed to go home, and Sun Yanhong came over just in time.

She knew that Chen Ling's family liked to eat roast chicken from the market, so she brought two specially.

That's just right, there are soup and vegetables, just heat up a few steamed buns and you're done.

"It's the end of the year, but business has picked up. Do you think it's strange?"

Speaking of restaurants in the city, Sun Yanhong rubbed her head: "I asked Yu Bangjin and the others to keep an eye on me today. I just came back now. I have to rest."

"Is there more people eating pot?" Chen Ling asked.

Winter is here, which is the time to eat hot pot, shabu-shabu and other types of pots.

"No, on the contrary, a lot of people order stir-fried dishes. The menu you gave them, those people ordered over and over again, and they never got tired of it."

Sun Yanhong said speechlessly: "Otherwise, I wouldn't find it strange."

"Tsk, it's really strange. Many of the things I carefully prepared are of no use."

Chen Ling also scratched his head a little. He had prepared the pot carefully, as had the bamboo rat meat before. What was the result? There wasn't much movement, except for the spirited guys who were fighting dogs, there wasn't much else going on.

He was also convinced.

"What happened to the old turtle? Why did he go to the **** city? He was even photographed. Is this on the news again?"

Chen Ling remembered the photo just now and asked quickly.

"It's not on the news, and I'm not in Bastard City. It's still far away from there. Now there's no water in the river of Bastard City. People say they swam from the big river in the mountains in the northeast corner of Kuliu County. Many people have gone there. Start shouting about Prince Turtle’s parade.”

Sun Yanhong said: "I'm coming back to rest for a few days, and I plan to go over and have a look. You can take Susu and the dolls with you."

"I'll forget it. The mushrooms haven't been planted and I won't be able to go out for a few days."

If Chen Ling wanted to go there, he would go there by himself to see what was going on. However, Suan Tou and the others had grown to such an extent that sometimes they would have their own ideas, so he usually didn't interfere.

"Besides, Zhenzhen will have her final exam soon. After the exam, our family will have to go back to Fenglei Town."

When he was having dinner this morning, when he talked about sending Wang Zhenzhen and Xiao Qingma back, Wang Susu also felt a little homesick and wanted to go back and visit.

Wang Cunye said that's great. It happened to be a banquet for the two little kids, so he called all his relatives and friends over. Anyone who wanted to come could take it and have a good time.

Sun Yanhong patted her head after hearing this: "Okay, as soon as you said this, I remembered something. Bo Ming went to the city yesterday to ask me to buy English reading materials for Zhenzhen. I forgot about it, so I just remembered to buy roast chicken."

Chen Ling smiled nonchalantly and said: "It's okay. It doesn't matter if you buy it a few days later. I won't be busy after the mushrooms are planted. I will send her to Fenglei Town."

"Okay, there's one more thing, Li Xian, your Wu Ni'er has gone off early for winter vacation, and she asked me to find a job for her. The little girl probably wants to save money to save tuition for her family. What do you think? …”


Wang Lixian and Liu Nier had just returned from dinner and were stunned when they heard this.

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