When he looked at Ding Lei again, the more his mother-in-law saw at her son-in-law's side, the more she found him pleasing to the eye. Luo Tiankai! " Hearing Ding Lei's question, Xiao Bai thought for a while and said, "Your surname is Ding, could it be that your background is related to Ding Huai?"

Ding Lei was startled for a moment, and said: "I am the son of Su Huan."

"I can't complain, you'll find out more about Luo Tiankai."

Hearing Xiao Bai's words, Ding Lei's head buzzed. He grabbed the old man's arm forcefully and said, "You know about the cause of death of my parents."

"Hehe, kid, your luck is pretty good!" "I just happened to bump into you."

"You really know this?" Ding Lei's emotions calmed down very quickly, and his gaze swept across his surroundings, not noticing anything out of the ordinary. He said, "I won't accept any more than ten thousand, just tell me the secret Uncle Xiao knows, and everything you know will be fine."

Xiao Bai did not try to make things difficult for the brat as he said, "Actually, I have nothing to do with your Ding Family nor do I have anything to do with Luo Tiankai himself. It's just that this old man was injured by my enemies, so I had no choice but to rely on Yuan Family to find a place to stay. The first two years were quite calm, and in the third year there was a major incident that attracted my attention. "

"What's the big deal?" Ding Lei asked anxiously.

"That year, there were many people called Master Jiu in the Luocheng. This family could also be considered as a good man with unparalleled strength and a loyal personality. A pair of sand-like palms could easily tear a person's arm off without any difficulty, bringing them close to the position of Luocheng boss. What was even more strange was that after a few exchanges, his Hulao Gang had always been at a disadvantage, allowing Lord Mo to freely act as he pleased and take back many small sects. Just when everyone thought that there would be a change in the Luocheng, Master Jiu was betrayed overnight by his sworn brother and the women by his side. Together, they betrayed him as well as the many small gangs he had taken over. The Hulao Gang reclaimed the position of the leader, causing Lord Mo to flee in a sorry state. I was curious about the result, so I followed him down. Guess how...? "

"This Master Jiu, was he killed by Luo Tiankai?"

"That is indeed the case. I watched as Luo Tiankai cut his opponent into two. At the same time, the person who was killed by Luo Tiankai was also the Hall Master of Hulao Gang North Hall, Liu Qidong. Even though Liu Qidong was Master Jiu's accomplice, he still scolded Luo Tiankai before he died. He recounted his countless evil deeds, and one of them had to do with your parents. "

Ding Lei clenched his fists, and his joints popped out, "Then what did Liu Qidong say?"

"Your mother, was someone who listened to Luo Tiankai's instructions and found a fork in the road to kill her. took a hundred million of your Ding Family's property, but as for how he took it, I don't know who ordered Luo Tiankai to do so."

"Enough, enough! Luo Tiankai's time of death has come! " Ding Lei clenched his teeth and said.

Xiao Tian Bai looked at the brat in shock: "From the looks of it, you seem to know that Luo Tiankai is your arch enemy?"

"I just deduced it earlier, if there's evidence from a senior, then it's a given," Ding Lei said as he let out a long sigh of relief, "Uncle Xiao, let me diagnose your illness because you must not show any rejection."

"Hehe, no problem. You, I can still trust you," Xiao Tian Bai extended out his hand, and Ding Lei placed his index finger on the other party's meridian point.

Xiao Tianbai said nervously, "Nephew Ding, speak frankly. Even if you cannot cure my illness, this old man will not blame you."

Ding Lei released his arm, shook his head, and said, "I can cure your illness, and I can cure it at any time. It's just that..."

"But what?" The old man was extremely excited.

"Uncle Xiao, have you heard of the 'Wolf, Wolf, Tiger, Three and Four Dragons'?"

"What does that mean?" He had never heard of Ding Lei's way of speaking!

Ding Lei laughed: "This is a brilliant inner force technique, channeling your inner force into my body, the first circulation is like a wolf, the second circulation is like a tiger, the third circulation is like a fierce flood dragon, the fourth circulation is like a dragon …"

Xiao Tian Bai was shocked. "Is it dangerous to do this?"

The main danger comes from me, which will break through the limits of my physical strength. Once you reach it, you will have to use the shortest amount of time to give you the acupuncture and use your strength to open up your blood vessels. There is no need to worry about not fusing, and there is no need to worry about your breath resisting.

"Uh, will my strength drop?"

"In a short period of time, three days, or five days, you'll be like a sick person. After five days, you'll be able to enter the recovery phase. Within one or two months, you'll be able to recover 90% of your strength."

Xiao Tian Bai was overjoyed. Currently, he could only display 50% of his strength. Returning to 90% of his strength was no different from great news. The old man laughed. "Isn't this good for me? That's not right. Boy, that doesn't suit your style of doing things."

Ding Lei was amused, and said: "It's only good for you, it's not bad, and it's similarly not too dangerous. It's also of an effect that cannot be underestimated when I break through the limits of my own power. At least, both sides should benefit from this. "

Xiao Tian Bai looked at the kid a few more times, patted him on the shoulder and laughed: "I believe you!"

"F * * k, you can't be softer!" Do you really think that everyone is made of steel or iron!? " Ding Lei joked with the old man while also feeling curious. With Xiao Tian Bai's power, he didn't know who was stronger and who was weaker, compared to Qi Guian.

The old man was filled with confidence, thinking that his Luocheng was number one in terms of martial arts.

The two of them re-entered the room and locked the door.

Ding Lei took out the silver needles he brought along with him and placed them on the table. His fingers resonated twice and the table was completely spotless.

"Interesting," Xiao Tian Bai shrugged his nose and asked, "How can I cooperate with you?"

Ding Lei said: "This acupuncture technique is called the David's Deer Needle technique. Its name is a bit ugly, but it costs a lot of energy and stamina. Talking about cooperation? "Later, when I extract the true qi from your body, don't reject it."

"That's easy to say," Xiao Tianbai readily agreed.

The two of them sat on the ground. Ding Lei raised his finger and removed the first silver needle.

Receiving the call, Yuan Yueying knew that an old man and a young man had entered the private room, so she simply brought her bodyguards to take Chen Yuxin shopping.

It was also because of the hidden ailment on the woman's face that Yuan Yueying was extremely familiar with the skin care and treatment methods. The two of them went to the best beauty salon in the city and did skin care.

When she finished, Yuan Yueying praised the girl's beautiful appearance again, and said: "I can't wait to get caught by the brat, Miss Chen is truly a beautiful country, you have such a bewitching beauty!"

"Miss Yuan, you're too kind!"

"However I will win." Yuan Yueying held the girl's hand and looked at her over and over again, her tone revealing an envious expression. She said, "If I had half the beauty of you, how would I not have had the face to meet anyone in twenty odd years? Oh right, how did you and Ding Lei get to know each other? I do know, he has only returned to the Luocheng a few days ago. "

Chen Yuxin's face turned red, the only thing she could do was to narrate the story of how she secretly snuck into her villa. Of course, the girl did not mention the story of how she took off her clothes and let the man look at her. Yuan Yueying was dumbstruck, and said after a while: "You guys really have some fate!"

The two women's intimate conversation shocked the beauty salon owner. He whispered, "I say, who is this girl? "To be acknowledged so highly by Miss Yuan!"

The lobby manager said, "I'm not sure. It looks like there will be business later on?"

"What do you mean?" Sister Xu, the boss of the beauty salon, was surprised.

The manager smiled, "Sister Xu, can't you tell? Yuan Yueying wants to rope in the girl, I think this Miss Chen is probably born as a commoner. Since we are trying to rope her in, what good will it do for her to be so beautiful? "

Sister Xu's eyes lit up. "Our VIP card is from the Beauty Pavilion!"

"The Zhi Zun Card is the right choice. With Miss Yuan Family here, how could tens of thousands of VIP cards enter her eyes? A hundred thousand purple coins is more or less the same."

Tsk tsk, then I'll have to be more diligent. Don't look at the hundred thousand yuan of a Supreme Card. If I provoke a beauty who squandered money like dirt, it might bring me hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. We only have three or five people like this in our shop, and one more person …

Sister Xu began to look forward to the good days of the beauty salon. Seeing the help Yuan Yueying provided to her, the woman quickly walked over and asked: "Miss, is there any orders?"

"Settle them."

"Eh?!" This was completely different from what she had expected!

Seeing Yuan Yueying bringing her people away, she was extremely regretful. Where did she have a Sovereign Card, she did not even have a VIP card!

Stepping out of the beauty salon, Yuan Yueying smiled gently: "In fact, skin care can only change a woman's skin from the outside. When it comes to true treatment, you still need to use a Beauty Pellet."

Chen Yuxin was surprised: "What Beauty Pellet?"

"It's a medicinal pellet that our Yuan Family meticulously refined. It has young skin and the effect of slowing aging."

Seeing women bid tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, without even blinking an eye, Chen Yuxin did not even need to guess to know that this Beauty Pellet, which she had never heard of, would definitely be ridiculously expensive.

"It's not that expensive, right? Every week you can use one more pill. Like me, every year I only use twenty more pills, and each one is close to the price of ten thousand pills."

More than two hundred thousand yuan a year, and they're selling it at such a high price. Alright, thinking about it, Yuan Yueying would need tens of thousands to buy a set of clothes, and a hundred thousand wouldn't be too expensive anymore.

Without waiting for the woman's orders, the assistant by his side took out a box of pills. Yuan Yueying laughed: "This is the first time that I have seen you, I don't have anything good to give you. This box of Beauty Pellets has a total of twenty pills, which is enough for you to use for a year. Originally, with Miss Chen's skin, there's no need for any external help, but at least it can be considered as big sister's good intentions. "

"How can I accept this," Chen Yuxin blushed. She wanted to reject it, it was two hundred thousand gold, if she did not reject it, would it be impolite?

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. When you're with Ding Lei, I naturally won't treat you as an outsider. If you don't accept, then I won't," Yuan Yueying said calmly.

Hearing her words, Chen Yuxin felt at ease and accepted it. From the looks of it, even if Ding Lei's servant girls were to be bullied, they would still have a lot of benefits!

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