"Don't move, laozi told you not to. F * ck!" Don't you understand human speech? " Ding Lei slapped the woman's buttocks, shocking Yuan Yueying to the point that she almost jumped up. Now, her mind was clear, the wig was covering her face, the woman did not dare to look at him!

The man behind him wailed, "My nose!"

When Ding Lei ran out of the bedroom holding onto his nose, Yuan Yueying turned around fearfully. Seeing the blood on the bed, he was surprised for a moment, and then suddenly laughed! This man was truly interesting!

Yuan Yueying was very small, and was extremely close to him. At that time, the boy had understood her, and being able to play with her made her feel grateful towards him. On the other hand, Yuan Family and Ding Family were not very close to each other, and it was only through the relationship between Luo Xueqin and the other party that Yuan Yueying got to know each other.

For more than ten years, the woman had always been in love with him, but the rest of them did not show fear and respect towards her, but instead revealed an attitude of distancing themselves. The strong Yuan Yueying, on the other hand, felt an unrelenting love towards her.

When she suddenly saw Ding Lei reappearing beside her, she had actually created such a bizarre scene, forget about thinking about it, even if Ding Lei had thought about it, he would not dare believe it to be true.

Fortunately, Dragon Riding Street was full of famous doctors. No matter how skilled he was in medicine, firstly, he had never made a name for himself in the past, and secondly, he looked too young! There were many patients here, not to the extent that it was outrageous.

Noon, seeing that there were no more patients, Ding Lei suggested: "Let's go out for a meal."

"Sure," Chen Yuxin replied lazily.

Ding Lei felt that the girl's expression was strange, he extended his hand and touched Chen Yuxin's face, wiping it off, "There's no fever!"

"To where?" Chen Yuxin instinctively struggled.

"It doesn't look like there's flesh on his chest!" Ding Lei said. The girl was startled and her expression changed! Yuan Yueying who had just walked in was also stunned, she quickly reacted and laughed: "Ding Lei, what nonsense are you saying? "With so much flesh on her face, touching her feels comfortable. If she's ugly, who would be willing?"

"That's true," Ding Lei turned his head to look at the woman, and was stunned, then quickly looked at Chen Yuxin again.

"Your chest is twice as big as hers, why does it feel so fleshy when you touch it …"

Yuan Yueying trembled in fear and scolded angrily: "Pah pah pah, brat, have you touched my chest before? Why are you comparing me with Miss Chen? Your words are very disrespectful to women. "

Ding Lei gave an awkward laugh, and said: "Aren't the three of us unable to distinguish between each other?"

"We really can't differentiate," Chen Yuxin lamented in her heart. Last night, the man actually touched Yuan Yueying's chest, she thought he was touching her breasts. Feeling that something else was not right, the girl fell silent.

Yuan Yueying quickly broke the stalemate and said, "Ding Lei, didn't you say you want to go out to eat? I heard that Luancheng's snacks are pretty good, let's go to the dining street. "

"A street of food and drinks, it sounds good, that's all," the man stood up and pulled Chen Yuxin, the girl gloomily followed him. Yuan Yueying curled her lips, and without saying anything else, followed him out.

If it was on the streets, Ding Lei would definitely pull her along and make his look like a monkey in front of the inner and outer layers! One was handsome while the other was ugly. This wasn't the right match! He was following behind the two of them, but his target was a little smaller, so it didn't attract too much attention.

Outside the infirmary, a Volvo soon drove out. The three of them got into the car and set off with two Audi.

The restaurant was close to the edge of the city, not far from Dragon Riding Street. After ten minutes or so, everyone arrived in a car. As expected, it was bustling with people.

Many storefronts facing the street and many open-air stalls, the sound of hawking rose one after another, and after entering the street, the fragrance filled the air. Ding Lei pulled Chen Yuxin to the front, with Yuan Yueying, the three bodyguards and the old man Xiao Bai following behind. Under the cover of others, Yuan Yueying did not have much of a chance to see her appearance clearly.

When they finally sat in the roadside stall, the Lady Boss brought them a few teacups. When she suddenly saw Yuan Yueying's ugly face, with a "Pa" sound, she threw the plates onto the ground and broke them into pieces.

Yuan Yueying's face turned cold, but she did not make a move, she waved his hand: "Change it to a few cups."

"Ok," The Lady Boss uncertainly agreed mentally, and did not dare to argue. After all, seeing that Ding Lei had more people, he naturally did not dare to speak carelessly.

The leader was tall and sturdy, his gaze sweeping across to Ding Lei and the others. He frowned, but did not say anything, his legs split apart and he sat on his chair with a grand blade, feeling like a small mountain was pressing down on him, the wooden chair released a creaking sound.

The boss looked over in surprise. The big man angrily said, "What are you looking at? If you keep looking, I'll dig out your eyes!"

The store was like a thunderclap, causing many customers to tremble in fear. However, no one cast their gaze over. The big man shook his head in satisfaction and said, "Over a hundred mutton skewers, ten kidneys, and …"

The big sized man stopped talking, his eyes fixed on Yuan Yueying's body, "What the f * * k! Where did this ugly woman come from? Still shopping. "

"Brother Yao, this ugly woman is ugly, have you seen her? "His figure is really amazing!" The dog-head soldier like kid beside the big guy came up to him and said.

Seeing Yuan Yueying's expression turn cold, Brother Yao spat: "That's right, with this girl's body, her chest is bound to be extremely coquettish! However, it's still alright to turn off the lights. Playing flute or something would only make people disgusted to death! "

"Boss is right!" This girl can only play with her face covered. "

"Brother Yao doesn't want to play, let's just let the brothers play. This woman's breasts are so big that it makes me drool, okay?" What is beautiful? Beneath the man's grass, it's ugly but not ugly. It's not that big of a deal. "

"Third Hou, you're too much of a playboy. A woman like you doesn't even have the heart to fight!"

"Why not? "Look at her protruding front and back, laozi …"

As soon as she finished her sentence, his mouth dropped open, unable to continue. Yuan Yueying picked up the dagger on the table, and fiercely picked up the lamb waist in front of Ding Lei, and stuffed it into his mouth one bite at a time.

Seeing the woman's lips twitching, the red imprint on her face, the wriggling earthworm like movements, several people became hungry and almost vomited.

Chen Yuxin sat beside the lady like a wooden chicken. After being patted on the shoulder by Ding Lei, she finally calmed down. However, her heart was beating very quickly. Yuan Yueying licked her lips without restraint and called out: "Boss, do you have a sheep's whip? "Give me one."

Someone couldn't take it anymore, so he opened his mouth and stuck his neck under the table to retch.

The boss and the boss looked at the woman in horror, their bodies trembling. Seeing that a customer had placed money on the table, turned around and left, they once again had the thought of kicking Yuan Yueying out of the stall. Seeing Ding Lei eating mutton skewers, Xiao Bai smiled lightly and leaned back on his chair. He did not change his expression, but the two of them did not dare to speak anymore.

Seeing no reaction from her for a long time, the woman's bodyguard threw out a stack of 100 yuan worth of money and said: "Do you have money to bully my Young Miss? Hurry and send them up, it's all yours. "

When the boss saw the bill worth a thousand yuan, he was moved. Even if all the customers ran away, what did it matter? He had earned the money.

Yuan Yueying smiled at him. The boss' legs went soft, and tears came out of his eyes.


A dagger was stabbed into the sheep whip by Yuan Yueying, and was picked up by the woman, then stuffed into her mouth, slowly chewing on it. She looked at the hoodlum opposite her and said: "Which one of you are going to grass me, come over and try it."

The corner of Zhan San's mouth trembled. He was stunned and didn't dare to reply, causing Brother Yao's eyes to straighten as well. Cha! He thought that he had spent quite a bit of effort just to get by this situation. Who would have thought that he would run into such a tough opponent! Hulao Gang are really harmful!

At this point, regret was of no use. Brother Yao touched his three ankles and shouted, "It's me! Why are you letting the grass go? "If you let …"


The dagger in the woman's hand, along with the goat whip, was thrown out. The three battlements could no longer be heard. The dagger was fast and accurate as it stabbed into the boy's mouth. Luckily, the goat whip blocked it, but the mouth blocked it.

Seeing the blood flow out, Zang San was at a loss for words.

This scene shocked everyone. Bro Yao stared in disbelief at battleship 3. The woman's dagger was thrown so accurately, if there was even the slightest mistake, then his subordinate would definitely be killed! Wasn't the other party afraid of killing people? This was the best opportunity to cause trouble! Brother Yao slapped the table and stood up and angrily said: "Ugly woman! Aren't you being too lawless? "

Yuan Yueying sneered, and said: "If you don't have the guts, then don't come out and play with women, you speak quite arrogantly, if you wet yourself below, how would women think highly of you?"

"Does being looked down upon by others have anything to do with you? If you touch my brothers, I will beat you to death! " Brother Yao stood up, picked up the chair under his butt and threw it towards Yuan Yueying.

The woman's bodyguard stood up and hit the chair with her huge fist, causing a loud crack.

"Fight, fight for me!" Brother Yao shouted and more than a dozen people rushed towards Ding Lei and the others at the same time.

Ding Lei slowly stood up and mumbled: "It's fine if you're ugly, but you still have a temper; how are you going to get married in the future?" Hearing the man's complaints, Yuan Yueying looked at the kid angrily, "If you can't get married, you get married!"

"Holy sh * t!"

"Fuck if you want to, who's afraid of who!" Last night, I touched my chest, haven't you touched enough? "

"F * ck, f * ck!" Ding Lei immediately reacted, he could not help but blame himself for seeing that Chen Yuxin's chest was amiss, and the reason behind that was because of her! Seeing more than a dozen hoodlums rushing over, the brat was provoked!

"F * ck his grandmother, are you looking to die?" Ding Lei's figure flashed past the woman's side, he casually grabbed the beer bottle by his side and swung it left and right, and with three consecutive bangs, the heads of the three thugs were blown away, and blood and glass fragments flew out together. Chen Yuxin watched from behind as she screamed out, and was pressed on her shoulders by Xiao Bai: "Miss, don't be nervous, with me protecting you, no one can hurt us."

"F * ck!" Ding Lei screamed again as he kicked another rogue to the ground. The old man was shameless! Here, he had the best martial arts skills, and he actually chose the most leisurely job.

However, with Xiao Bai's words, the man felt at ease. Yuan Yueying knew martial arts, and her woman's bodyguards were also very skilled. She had to deal with a few hoodlums and thugs, it really wasn't a good thing!

Ding Lei's fierce fight scared Brother Yao, he turned and rushed towards the woman, only to see Yuan Yueying picking up the broken beer bottle and thrusting it into Zhan San's stomach. He could not take it anymore, his stomach sour and she opened her mouth to vomit.

The woman picked up the blood-stained bottle and stuck it directly into his mouth. With a slight clap of her hand, the arrogant Brother Yao fell to his knees in front of the woman. Fresh blood dripped from his mouth and he couldn't speak anymore.

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