"No problem," Ding Lei agreed readily. "Oh right, what is your surname, big brother?"

The middle aged man opened his mouth and said: My name is Shi, everyone calls me Shi Ganglie. "I usually work at the construction site for more than 7,000 yuan a month. I can be a mason, a carpenter, and a locksmith. What kind of work do you need?"


"Bodyguards?" Shi Ganglie said with his eyes wide open.

"Mn, just follow me around," Ding Lei chuckled. The job was easy, Shi Ganglie found it hard to believe.

"How much do you want to pay? With such ease, you have to pay at least three thousand, no, five thousand, and I still have to pay the medical fees!" Shi Ganglie and the brat haggled.

"I'll give you twenty thousand, the same price as him," Ding Lei said as he pointed at Xue Biao. The two big sized men looked at each other, and Shi Ganglie said in surprise, "He only earns twenty thousand?"

Xue Biao laughed: "Brother Shi, the boss gave me 20,000 yuan per month, I will be the Miss Chen's bodyguard."

"Twenty thousand in one month," Shi Ganglie's heart trembled violently. He slipped under the table out of jealousy, causing the people around him to laugh. Ding Lei did not mind, and said: "Next."

Shi Ganglie stood up shakily and chatted non-stop with Xue Biao. The surrounding people were in an uproar, look, not only did the genius doctor treat patients, he even found a job.

In front of Ding Lei's table, it started to bustle with noise and excitement.

"Your appendicitis has a medical fee of three thousand and you have to pay until the sickness is removed."

"More than ten years of strain on my waist and muscles. Seventy thousand gold. I still have to buy medicine."

"Slow down, old man, heart failure isn't something fun to play with …" "Alright, I will give you three injections, and take the medicine after the prescription," Shua Shua Shua, wrote down the prescription, and wrote down another two hundred dollars for the medical fee. Yuan Yueying did not know whether to laugh or cry. The men were really skilled at reading chopsticks. Those who were rich had to pay several thousand, several tens of thousands, and those who were poor had to pay only a few dozen yuan. The medicine they gave wasn't cheap.

If he were to calculate in and out like this, he would get a net profit of a hundred thousand yuan on this first day.

Indeed, Godly Doctors were easy to earn money! In the future, when we marry Ding Lei, we'll just follow along and eat and drink with him!

Hearing the repayment from his subordinate, Elder Brother Xuan was stunned! Who would have thought that the person they were going to deal with was such a brilliant doctor!

"Boss, this family is too powerful, they can even revive the dead!" If it's any more difficult to cure it, it'll be healed in a matter of three to eight steps! "

"It's that amazing!"

"Amazing!" Cripple Three, come here, "with a wave of his hand, Cripple Three quickly ran over. The Elder Brother Xuan was dumbstruck. "Where is your crippled leg?"

"It's healed, it's healed by God!"

"F * ck!" Elder Brother Xuan was in disbelief. The leg that Cripple Three crippled for many years was actually healed! Now it's hard to do anything, let Cripple Three and the others go and take care of Ding Lei, they had to turn the tables on him!

Since the two of them could no longer be used, Elder Brother Xuan waved his hand and said, "You may leave."

"All right," Wurke said, and went out with Cripple Three.

After thinking about it, Elder Brother Xuan had no other choice. The dog-headed strategist at the side, Chen Lu who was still sitting beside Brother Yao at noon said: "Boss, since he's a genius doctor, how about we do this …. "Alright."

"Good idea, kid. You have a lot of rotten ideas!" Hearing Chen Lu's plan, the Elder Brother Xuan patted his shoulder and laughed.

It was already eight in the evening, so there were not many patients. Ding Lei leaned on his chair weakly as he heard the commotion outside, "You are about to die! Why are you looking for us? "

"Help! Isn't Mr Ding a genius doctor? Godly Doctor still has a disease that cannot be cured? "

"What kind of joke is this? If it's like this, which hospital would dare to accept it!"

"I don't care, if you don't treat me, I'll smash your infirmary. Where is the divine doctor that pushed the patient out?"

Hearing the sounds of argument coming from outside the door, Ding Lei and Yuan Yueying were startled. The two walked out of the small building together, and when they arrived, they were shocked.

There was a stretcher placed in the middle of the room. A man and a woman were kneeling on the ground, sobbing and crying. It seemed like they were the family of the man lying on the stretcher. They didn't say anything as tears rolled down their faces.

A 1.8 meter tall man was arguing aggressively with the staff of the infirmary.

Glancing at the stretcher, Ding Lei's heart sank.

"What are you guys doing?" Yuan Yueying bellowed.

"Causing trouble, your mother!" the big guy shouted. His voice suddenly stopped. Fuck, how could this woman be so ugly? He subconsciously swallowed his breath and said slowly: "My Uncle Biao is sick. I would like to ask your genius doctor to treat him."

"Come in," Ding Lei waved his hand.

Seeing that the man was calm, Yuan Yueying was relieved. The big sized man did not have any confidence, so she asked: "Is there treatment?"

"Healing? Why are you asking so much?" If we delay the disease, there will be no cure. "

Ah!" The big sized man's face stiffened. They had gone to the hospital with great difficulty to find a patient who was sentenced to death, but who would have thought that they could be cured by Ding Lei!

The man and woman who were kneeling on the ground were moved. They hurriedly brought the stretcher in with the staff.

"You guys come in too, bring your people in," Ding Lei said to the rest.

F * ck! What were they going to do? Elder Brother Xuan who was hiding in the crowd fainted. Afraid that the other party was doing it deliberately, he walked inside, and the 30 plus brothers, along with the 20 over people who were spectating, rushed in.

Elder Brother Xuan heaved a sigh of relief. With someone acting as a shield, Ding Lei wouldn't do anything to them right?

He placed the stretcher in the hall, other than a dozen people, Ding Lei let Xue Biao and Shi Ganglie stand out there. They blocked them in the courtyard, and because the door of the hall was wide open, they could clearly see everything that happened inside.

Elder Brother Xuan did not dare to enter the living room, and stood on the stairs waiting patiently.

Ding Lei took another look at the patient on the stretcher, then placed his right hand on the patient's pale white wrist, after feeling for a moment, he asked: "Is there a diagnosis?"

The patient's son, a young man in his early twenties, hurriedly handed over the bag. Yuan Yueying opened it and saw all kinds of cases, as well as a thick stack of photos.

Ding Lei casually turned to two pages and nodded: "Pay the medical fees, two thousand. It should have been two hundred thousand yuan, but you guys probably don't have any money left either.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you Godly Doctor!" Hearing that it was only two thousand yuan, the patient's children kowtowed with all their might, soon bleeding profusely.

It's over. He's done for! Elder Brother Xuan was stunned.

and Chen Yuxin came over and grabbed the patient's calves and shoulders respectively. With a slight flip, the patient laid his head down on the stretcher. The two girls had some skill, especially Yuan Yueying, who was an expert. It was very easy for him to mess with her, but they were worried that the man might have some kind of treatment method? Her mood was uneasy.

Ding Lei twisted his fingers, and four silver needles appeared in his palm. With power held in the palm of his hand, the silver needles made a buzzing sound and everyone in the hall could hear clearly, as he said: "The patient has a heart and brain disease, a while ago, when wind and blood were dry, it caused his vital energy and blood to stagnate, and because he was not good enough normally to fight the patient, he drank too much, causing his meridians to become clogged up and it was difficult for his vital energy and blood to circulate properly."

"Why did you see it when the doctor of the hospital couldn't see it?" Someone standing in the courtyard questioned.

"Do they see any use in it? Firstly, they are not skilled in traditional Chinese medicine, and secondly, they do not know how to use acupuncture and moxibustion, causing them to be unable to do anything about it! " After saying that, without waiting for the other party to speak again, Ding Lei waved his hand, and four silver needles shot out at the same time, each of them pointing in a different direction at the patient's back.

Sometimes it would twist and sometimes it would scatter, sometimes it would lift up, sometimes it would pierce the patient's spine with silver needles, and after a few minutes, it would pull them out. In just three to five minutes, the man had pierced out over a hundred needles. Everyone was stunned! Chen Yuxin's heart moved, wasn't this the Fish Dragon Needle Technique that Ding Lei had used on Wang Taihe? Last time, he had to pay five million, but this time, he was only given two thousand!

This little brat's method of collecting money was truly confusing and elusive! He was like a dragon that could not be seen or seen!

Ten minutes later, Ding Lei stopped acupuncture and lightly patted the patient's back to move his head out. Very soon, the patient trembled and vomited out a foul stench! Ding Lei sighed a breath of relief: "I managed to preserve my life! You need to be hospitalized and recuperate. You can stay in the infirmary for 100 yuan per day. "

"Yes, thank you, Doctor!" The son and daughter of the patient kowtowed continuously. Chen Yuxin thought to herself, "A few more kowtows, this brat opened his mouth, saving you over a million!"

Even though Ding Lei was physically and mentally exhausted, with the infirmary closed, the news of his fame spread throughout Dragon Riding Street and became a hot topic of conversation.

The next day, Shi Ganglie woke up from his slumber and with a "creak creak", he ran to the door of the infirmary and opened it. Seeing the dense crowd of people outside, he stood there in his original position for a long time without coming back to his senses.

"… …." said a lot of people. What happened?

"The door is open, I want to let the Godly Doctor see a doctor!"

"I'm in first place. I've been waiting for more than five hours. Don't push!"

"Boss, let me in!"


That feeling, was as if the fuse had been ignited. The originally calm situation had become crowded, and Shi Ganglie finally reacted as he shouted: Queuing, those who are not queuing up, all of you scram!

As his voice rang out, the people outside became quiet! They lined up and walked into the infirmary one by one. Seeing that there were more than fifty people in the infirmary and Chen Yuxin washing her teeth and face, her calves felt weak and she almost fainted.

"Morning," Ding Lei said as he walked out from the other room.

"Good morning, Mr Ding was very tired yesterday, today …"

"What happened today?" Ding Lei frowned, Chen Yuxin's expression was not right! Can't I sleep with a girl?

"Nothing?" Chen Yuxin pursed her lips, she then laughed, "We are old husband and wife, what is there not to say?"

Hearing the man's teasing, the girl was surprised and did not get angry. Ding Lei was confused, he turned his head and looked, "My god!" The man's legs softened and he laid down towards Chen Yuxin. He 'fainted' into the girl's arms.

"A useless thing! How much money would he have to earn!? Can't you tell the difference between priority and urgency? " Yuan Yueying who was walking out of another room said disdainfully.

I'm so angry! You only have money in your eyes! Ding Lei simply leaned on the girl's chest and did not move, which made Chen Yuxin at a loss of whether to laugh or cry. Now that they had arrived, the girl slowly started to like Ding Lei. It was because she had no other choice, but it was because this guy was not bad.

Especially the girl's body that was getting better and better, it allowed Chen Yuxin's self-confidence to increase. Surviving was the most important thing, and as for which man she would be with, that would be great enough.

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