My 23-year-old Beautiful Tenant

C30 It's Hard to Sell

Yuan Yueying was so depressed! What kind of attitude is this? Your daughter will become beautiful in the future. If you don't have to worry about marrying, you can't choose a good man? Ding Lei was not right! Despite knowing that he had slept with her and pushed her out, Yuan Baocheng was instead engulfed in pleasant surprise, not caring about his daughter at all.

"Of course it's true. In a few days, when I recover, I will treat Yuan Yueying and guarantee that she will get rid of the disease!" Ding Lei stuck out his chest and said.

"Alright, alright. I'll listen to everything you say from now on!" Yuan Baocheng was happy! Since his daughter could become beautiful now, was he still worried about not being able to find a son-in-law? As for the other person having a girlfriend, don't bother them. Yuan Yueying's inner heart was filled with hatred and gnashing of teeth. I'm going to put you to bed tonight.

At this time, Chen Yuxin had nowhere to go. Seeing the three of them talking, yet not daring to move too far away from Ding Lei, she timidly stood a few meters away. The man walked over, grabbed the girl, and said to Yuan Baocheng: "Uncle Yuan, my girlfriend, is she pretty?"

"Beautiful, she's too beautiful!" Yuan Baocheng praised.

Yuan Yueying was so depressed! Ding Lei is too despicable, her father has already lost his basic principles in front of her, can I still be your daughter? Chen Yuxin was even more depressed. What kind of girlfriend could she be considered to be for a man? This brat clearly saw her as a servant girl.

The group left the police station and headed towards the medical association. They delayed for over an hour and arrived at around 2pm in the medical association. There were a lot of people inside, the jubilant Yuan Baocheng immediately brought everyone to the backyard.

"Bao Cheng, why are you so happy? Have you met with a good occasion?" An old man with white hair and a beard greeted.

"Brother Zou!" "Let me introduce you, this is my daughter, this is my close friend Ding Lei, this Miss Chen …" Yuan Baocheng introduced without any hesitation.

Yuan Yueying sighed inwardly. It's over, my father has already fallen, even if Ding Lei did not end up as his son-in-law, Yuan Baocheng would still take a liking to him!

"Your friendship!" Zou Botai earnestly sized up Ding Lei, and did not pay any attention to him. Yuan Family was an aristocratic family of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Ding Lei is Huang Qibai's disciple. Old brother Zou, you should spar with him," Yuan Baocheng said complacently.

"A disciple of the current Pill King Huang Qibai!" Zou Botai was shocked, and said after a long while: "I never thought that my Conference of Famous Doctors would be able to attract such an expert, this old man's trip was not in vain! Little friend, can you sit down and chat with me for a bit? "

Being pulled onto a chair by Zou Botai, Ding Lei felt quite vexed but he had no other choice. Yuan Yueying reminded him: "Dad, don't casually reveal Ding Lei's identity, becoming the focus of the competition is a huge loss."

"Hey, daughter, you're right. I'm too excited!" Yuan Baocheng apologized and looked back at Zou Botai. The old man waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, you guys don't mention it. I won't tell anyone else."

"Then thank you, Brother Zou."

"It's fine, you guys go ahead. I want to chat with Little Friend Ding," Zou Botai said as he continued to wave his hands.

Ding Lei did not know whether to leave or not. Yuan Baocheng was openly giving him support, he reckoned that the Old Master Zou, who was the most important person in the Conference of Famous Doctors, would be able to win over the Old Man and make things easier for him.

He understood this logic, but Yuan Yueying and Chen Yuxin did not necessarily understand. After Yuan Baocheng and the others left, Ding Lei said: May I know your name, old uncle?

"I dare not, I am Zou Botai."

"Five Elements Needle Technique successor, Zou Botai!" Ding Lei was shocked.

"Hehe, little friend, you actually know my name. What Five Element Needle Technique is far inferior to your master's Five-dragon Needle Method! " Zou Botai's face was full of satisfaction, but he was also extremely envious.

Back then, Huang Qibai was famous for the Five-dragon Needle Method, and was rumoured to be extremely mysterious, with the ability to bring the dead back to life, he had only heard of him once. Today, seeing the disciple of the current Medicine King, he was extremely happy!

After calming himself down, Zou Botai asked curiously: "Does little friend know about Five-dragon Needle Method?"

"I learned the first and second form under Master's hands, and was preparing to try the third form during this time, so I might use it during the competition," Ding Lei said bluntly.

"Learn the second move and prepare for the third move. Amazing, amazing!" Zou Botai raised his big brother and said with endless praise: "According to what I heard, your master can only execute the fifth form. You have already broken through to the third form, and are still so young, you are truly fearsome in the future!"

"Master Zou is too kind!" Ding Lei blushed.

"However, it's not something that can be performed so casually with such a profound skill like the Five-dragon Needle Method. Little friend Ding is in your early twenties, to have such profound skill, you're incredible!"

Actually, this made Ding Lei very excited. The third move! With his power, he could not achieve it in the past, but now it was different. He only needed to wait for his stamina to recover and he would be able to use it on Chen Yuxin.

In fact, he had seen the third move a thousand times. In a few days, he would be able to complete it.

The entire set of Five-dragon Needle Method had a total of six forms. Although Huang Qibai was able to execute the fifth form using his internal energy, it was a pity that the old fellow would find it difficult to step into the sixth form even after spending his entire life.

Back then, when he and Ding Lei's father met at first sight, it became clear that Ding Huai was terminally ill, making it difficult for Huang Qibai to execute the sixth form.

From then on, Huang Qibai hid in the mountains with his good friend and son. Other than delivering medicine to the nearby villagers, he never took a step outside of the mountain.

If there came a day when Ding Lei was able to execute the sixth move of the Five-dragon Needle Method, not only would it fulfil Master Huang Qibai's wish, it would also be an explanation for his father who was in the netherworld.

During the conversation between the two, some other people passed by and saw the old man's excited face, so no one dared to disturb him. Some people were curious about Ding Lei's identity and inquired about it in private.

Not far away, Luo Xueqin and Luo Yucen were conversing in a low voice, "I didn't expect that Ding Lei would really come!"

"Ding Lei has such a high level of medical skills, how can he not come? This was the best opportunity to strike at the Liao Family. It's just that it's a little strange, the person who invited Ding Lei here isn't his Wang Family, it's actually his Yuan Family. "

Luo Xuejuan laughed lightly: "Is there a problem? Back then, the ones playing with Ding Lei, was not the young miss of Wang Family, but rather the second young miss of our Luo Family and the first young miss of our Yuan Family. "

Luo Yucen frowned, and said: "With just his Yuan Family, isn't he a little too ugly?"

"You were blind when you learned the zither. What did you say?"

"That's true, could it be that Ding Lei can even cure Yuan Yueying's illness? That's amazing!"

"It can definitely be cured! Otherwise, even if Ding Lei was interested in women, he would never stay by his side. "

"Your judgement is correct." I wonder which famous doctor Liao Family has invited this time? "

While he was speaking, more and more people gathered in the medical association's hall. There was a commotion at the door and someone strode in, attracting many people's gazes.

Zou Botai squinted his eyes, his expression changed slightly: "Why is he here too?"

"Who is he?" Ding Lei did not understand.

"In the past when your master had retired to the Southern Mountain, three famous doctors had appeared in the past ten years. They were named Qin Shitai, Huo Yongchang, and Wu Dingshui. This person is Wu Yuchen, the son of Wu Dingcun."

"Wu Dingzi, you actually didn't do anything!"

"Haha, nephew Ding, so you also know his name!" Zou Botai laughed.

"Well, Wu Dingcai is good at diseases of the heart and blood vessels. He should focus on western medicine, right?"

"Most of those who are able to participate in the famous doctor's competition specialize in traditional Chinese medicine. This time, Wu Yuchen's appearance could be said to be a completely new experience. I think the person who invited him to participate must have spent a lot of money."

Ding Lei looked towards Wu Yu Chen's side, his face gradually becoming colder, Liao Shengnan greeted him happily, but seeing that he was looking away from him, the old fellow was truly calm!

He had beaten Liao Qisheng and Liao Qibo, but Liao Shengnan appeared to be calm and tranquil. Was this the prelude to a storm for the old fellow to retreat? Silently, he picked up the oranges on the table, pushed them apart and scanned the hall. Unexpectedly, he saw Wang Wantine once again.

His heart pounded. He remembered that at the Wang Family Great House, there was the possibility that women were mysterious snipers, which made Ding Lei even more distressed. Why did Wang Wantine keep pestering him as well?

Seeing Ding Lei staring at her, Wang Wantine smiled mysteriously as she walked over.

Not wanting to cause mistakes, Ding Lei could only take his leave, his face was filled with regret.

"What? Aren't you happy to see me?!" The woman forced Ding Lei into the passage and teased him.

"Sis, what are you doing?" Ding Lei complained.

"Fuck you, is that okay?" Wang Wantine bit her lips as she said shyly.

"F * * k, your head!" Ding Lei could not help but curse in pain. The ring on his finger trembled slightly, what did that mean? This woman had an unfathomable feeling towards him! Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that they were at the end of the passageway, a distance away from the main hall. Looking down at Wang Wantine, the man was not courteous at all. With nimble fingers, he tore off the zipper on the woman's jeans.

Wang Wantine didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Damn it, you want to capture big sister here?"

"That's not true. If I can't see sister's following things, I would be very nervous!" Ding Lei's straightforward words caused Wang Wantine to be dumbstruck. Her chest rose up and down fiercely, to the point that she was completely distracted.

How could Ding Lei not know that she had hidden a dagger on the inside of his thigh? Looking at a man's posture, it could already be described as fearless. Thinking about how he was seen through by the little brat last time, Wang Wantine's state of mind became even more unsettled.

Why would a man do that? If the other party spied on her intentions and pointed it out, it would make her feel even more embarrassed. In fact, both parties would be unable to continue their conversation.

"Sis, if you want to injure my finger, you will only injure yourself on the bottom. Don't move!" Ding Lei said gently.

This time, Wang Wantine did not know whether to laugh or cry.

She had hidden the dagger with the intention of killing Ding Lei. She never thought that there would be such a result.

Especially when the hands of the brat were placed in her sensitive area, rubbing back and forth, making the woman unable to endure the hunger, causing her body and mind to tremble!

"Ding Lei, don't!"

"Big sister, you've been trying to tease me so many times, aren't you being sincere?" The man said playfully. [You want to kill me, and you even want to hurt me. I have already given you a lot of face by taking you down on the spot.

Wang Wantine's face flushed red, she was about to burst out from fever, she had never encountered such a thing, why didn't the man give her a quick death? Ding Lei's hands seemed to have a demonic power, rubbing against her waist, causing her to feel itchy, but she had nowhere to vent.

However, that restless feeling was so soul-stirring that it caused one to be unable to stop, "Kid, you're playing with me!"

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