Actually, the Liao Family now, was not a loophole all over his body. Looking at him, no one was doing business with the Liao Family, it was simply a pool of stagnant water. Everyone knew that Liao Shengnan was "waiting for death", but they didn't know how he would die.

It was an extremely painful experience. Liao Shengnan sat on the big chair, his face pale white.

"Dad, aren't we going to fight back?" Liao Qisheng said.

"How do we counterattack? Sigh, everyone is betraying their loved ones! "

Those who knew of the news all started to throw stones at the Liao Family. Before Ding Lei even made his move, many people had already started to attack the Liao Family Industry.

Including the other three great families of Luocheng, they were all ruthless!

"I'll fight it out with him!" Liao Qibo clenched his fists and said.

"This Hulao Gang is also not something to be reckoned with. Let Ding Lei attack us however he wants, but he actually doesn't know how to do it!" Liao Qisheng said angrily.

"I reckon Luo Tiankai has his own plans. Because of Ding Lei's diagnosis, his loss in Jisheng Hall is not small! Qibo, once you contact Luo Tiankai again, no matter how much you spend, you will have him eliminate him. "

"Alright, I will go right now," Liao Qibo stood up and said.

In the afternoon, Ding Lei sat on the Mercedes-Benz and left Ziyuan Hall, driving all the way to his new private mansion. When they turned the corner, they suddenly heard Xue Biao exclaiming, everyone knew that the situation was bad! Just at that moment, when Ding Lei opened his eyes, a white Easterly Wind Chariot passed by them.

They felt as if a gigantic beast was running close to the window of the Mercedes-Benz. Ding Lei and Chen Yuxin were stunned! Fortunately, Xue Biao was good at driving, so he dodged really quickly! Without waiting for his emotions to calm down, an even louder "boom" resounded. A large crane rolled towards him, causing Xue Biao's hair to stand on end as he held onto the steering wheel. How could he dodge this?

Although the crane looked heavy and cumbersome and couldn't be put up, the two sides were blocked by cars. If one wanted to dodge, they would not be able to do so.

On the tall building a kilometer away, Brother Yao saw this scene and laughed out loud: "What god of wealth, giving money to laozi! After we tie him up, how much do you think we need? "

"At least ten million," the skinny man said.

"Ten million, look at you!" The people who were treating Ding Lei, the billionaires, in order to save the genius doctor, who didn't stand up for him? "

"Could it be 30 to 50 million?"

"So much is required! After receiving the ransom, everyone immediately fled abroad. Even if the police are worried, they still won't be able to do anything to us. "

"Bro Yao, well said!" The man raised his big thumb.

It was easy to say, but they also knew that such a thing was extremely risky! Both of them were looking at the road nervously. Seeing the Mercedes stop, Brother Yao let out a sigh of relief.

Seeing a few brothers rushing out of the crane and the Easterly Wind Chariot, Brother Yao felt sure that something was off. But at this moment, an accident suddenly happened.

Chen Yuxin, who was extremely nervous, thought that the man had peed her pants when she saw that Ding Lei had not moved from his seat. Who would have thought that Ding Lei would actually have a calm expression!

Several fierce men rushed in front of the Mercedes-Benz, shouting, "Get out of here!" Just as they finished their sentence, a fiery red light illuminated half the sky, like the setting sun burning a fiery cloud, causing people to involuntarily lift their heads up.


A huge explosion sounded. The crane's head had been flattened by the explosion. Its heavy arm fell onto the road, sending dust flying into the air.

What is this … a cannonball? Even Ding Lei was flabbergasted, his eyes almost splitting apart! Yang Tongsheng must have gone overboard? To fire a cannonball in the Luocheng, was there anyone that serious?

In front of the Mercedes-Benz, a few of the bandits had turned wooden. When they saw their companion on the crane whose body was broken, they fell out. Some of them even wet their pants!


A second explosion rang out. The gangster who had just escaped from the Easterly Wind Chariot turned around and looked back. His body was lying limp on the road, and he couldn't get up.

Could it be true that the Easterly Wind Chariot was shot by a cannon and instantly ignited into a sea of flames?

Seeing his men crying for their parents in front of the Mercedes-Benz, Brother Yao was dumbfounded! What kind of master did he provoke? He turned around and was about to escape, but his legs became numb and he was unable to move.

A huge man over two meters in length grabbed the skinny man with one hand and strangled him with the other. The man's mouth opened widely as his strength increased. He could not even breathe. He was dead!

The giant threw the corpse to the side. "Thump thump thump", he walked towards Brother Yao. He finally reacted and turned around to escape. The other side took a stride forward and smashed on his back with a "peng" sound. Brother Yao rolled his eyes and directly met the King of Hell.

Sitting on the Mercedes-Benz, looking around at the flames and the criminals crying, Ding Lei did not know what to do. He called Yang Tongsheng: "Uncle Yang, what are you trying to do?"

"Protect your safety!" Don't worry, only three have died. "

"Three, just you, f * ck!" Ding Lei's brain got short, in Yang Tongsheng's eyes, life was not worth much? He had been told not to injure the innocent, this was simply a thief trying to catch a thief!

Hanging up the phone, seeing that Chen Yuxin had turned wooden, Xue Biao opened his mouth wide, but could not close it, only Shi Ganglie's expression was still considered calm, just that he did not understand the situation, and was stunned, not knowing what to do.

Ten minutes later, this place was surrounded by a large group of police officers. Half an hour later, including Ding Lei, they were brought to the Luocheng Criminal Police squad.

Deng Kaiqi who was in the middle of handling the case also came back, accompanied by the Chief of the City Public Security Bureau, the Chief of the City Public Security Office, and the captain of the second police squad.

The Second Criminal Police Captain, Li Tao Xin, said with a cigarette in his mouth, "What happened? You made such a big commotion? " Noticing the police chief, Shen Chengwen, staring at him coldly, Li Tao put out the cigarette.

Sitting in the middle of the room, Yu Hengde, the head of the city's Public Security Office frowned, "Just half an hour ago, Brother Yao from an underground force attempted to kidnap a wealthy merchant."

"Brother Yao, the boss of Luancheng, why are you running away from Luocheng?"

"That's right! Him? I didn't expect him to be so tough!"

"What do you mean?" Li Tao frowned.

"Brother Yao used two Easterly Wind Chariots and a large crane to pursue and intercept the wealthy merchants. He tried to kidnap them midway, but who would've thought that there would be more than a dozen of them …"

"So many people!"

"So much. Two howitzers, they're all scared to the point of peeing. They're all lying in front of the rich merchants, begging for forgiveness."

"Granite..." howitzer! "Oh my god!" The cigarette that Li Tao was holding fell onto the table, completely gone. In a large city with millions of people in Luocheng, a "war" suddenly broke out in the center of the city.

"Old Yu, are you sure this has something to do with kidnapping a rich businessman? How do they know about the kidnapping in advance and are prepared in advance? " Li Tao Xin questioned.

"This is what I am worried about. Just how much power does this wealthy merchant possess?" One person died at the scene, and Brother Yao also disappeared from the world! "

"If he doesn't disappear, is he waiting to be beheaded by a wealthy merchant?" The First Criminal Police Division's Captain Shen Chengwen's mouth twitched. The rich merchants had brought his Criminal Police Division, Mount Yali was too big!

"Let's not talk about the missing Brother Yao first. In fact, who would want to kidnap this rich businessman? The most important thing is, where did the howitzers come from? Does it have anything to do with wealthy merchants? He wanted someone's old life! A howitzer type of weapon appeared in the center of the city. If the results of the investigation do not come out, everyone can forget about sleeping peacefully, "Yu Hengde said with a worried look on his face.

In the meeting of the police chiefs, their mood was about to collapse.

In the case hall, Zhu Yuqi was also so angry that her chest was about to explode! The woman slammed the table and said angrily, "Are you still not telling the truth?"

Ding Lei spread out his arms and said: "What I said was the truth, the car was almost knocked over, I wonder why did they hit me? It seems like you want to kidnap me and get some money to spend. "

The truth was indeed like this. Why did it sound so awkward? Over a dozen of the criminals had confessed. Some of them had peed their pants, so how could they dare to lie? The problem was, where the howitzer came from, Ding Lei said he wasn't sure, but was it really that clear?

"You know, you have to pay a price for trying to quibble in the police station!"

Ding Lei laughed bitterly: "Big sister police, you can't possibly force me to lie, can you? I've told you everything that needs to be said. No, you want to use the lie detector to see if I'm lying? "

"We, the entire squad of policemen, don't have that thing," Zhu Yuqi said discouragingly.

"No, I'll donate to you two," Ding Lei said as he walked forward. The woman was stunned, while Chen Yuxin sat at the side, laughing and crying. This is not a good time to play hooligan!

Seeing the man staring at her chest, Zhu Yuqi wanted to slap him twice. She knew that Ding Lei was a billionaire, and could not be offended.

Glaring fiercely, Ding Lei sat back down on the chair in embarrassment and said: "Young miss, do you have any other questions?

Zhu Yuqi was stunned. Chen Yuxin was puzzled, did the boss hire a lawyer? Logically speaking, for such a big billionaire like Ding Lei, there should be more than just one private lawyer. The problem was that she had a bodyguard, a driver, a gardener, and even she, a newly recruited assistant.

Before Chen Yuxin could think it through, an old man with golden hair and blue eyes walked into the hall and said: "I am the lawyer from Mr Ding, and this is my lawyer's license."

Chen Yuxin gasped. Ding Lei's lawyer was a foreigner, what was going on?

Ding Lei was confused as well. Why did Yuan Yueying find him a foreign lawyer?

"My name is Obach, this is my Chinese lawyer's license, and this is my American lawyer's license. May I ask, what are the reasons for detaining my employer?"

"Ordinary inquiry, ordinary written statement," the vice-captain hurried over. Zhu Yuqi was startled, why did this matter become so big, and why was it "normal"?

"Can I take my employer away now?"

Vice captain was embarrassed as he said: "We have to finish the record."

"Alright, then I'll wait for the record to end," O'Bach stopped asking and walked in front of Ding Lei, respectfully bowing. With a slight nod to the foreigner, Obach sat down beside him.

Zhu Yuqi who was in the middle of making an inquiry record had her brain short-circuited, could she still ask that? Seeing the vice-captain's look, the woman asked: "Then Mr Ding, can you tell me your source of funding? As far as we know, you invested tens of millions to buy a mansion. "

"Shall I answer for my employer?"

"Alright," Zhu Yuqi did not insist.

"Mr Ding is a famous doctor, his identity is related to many national secrets, if you police want to know more, please ask the authorities in the country to sign a confidentiality agreement, then check the information …"

Hearing Obach speak fluently in Chinese, what did she know about the content? The problem is the state department, which department is it? This foreigner wouldn't be making fun of her, right? Zhu Yuqi's charming face darkened slightly. Obach smiled lightly and took out a document from his briefcase, handing it to him.

Without waiting for Zhu Yuqi to flip through, the vice-captain walked over and took a glance. His face was pale white!

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