My 23-year-old Beautiful Tenant

C43 Thirty Helicopters Flying Overhead

Shi Tang led the two of them to the front of Hee Nianbiao. This time, the atmosphere was especially tense, but he did not notice it. This Mr. Ding Lei, recently. "

Halfway through his speech, Shi Tang was at a loss of what to say. Hee Nianbiao snorted: "Ding Lei, how come I have never heard of his name before?"

Ding Lei's expression changed, and said: "What is the Overrun Association?"

After knocking down a group of people, Hee Nianbiao was ecstatic and shouted: "What do you mean by that? How could a tramp like you insult the Overrun Association? "

His voice was too loud, attracting the attention of many people. There was no lack of rich people here, and there were also a few members of the Dashing Association. Very soon, people gathered around to watch the show.

Ding Lei said lazily: "Why would I insult the Overrun Association? I was just asking, what the heck is the Overrun Association, what kind of game are they playing? "

These words caused an uproar. Where did this ruffian come from to speak so rudely!? Especially since Ding Lei was the one facing him, it made people feel that he was out of the question.

Someone couldn't help but interject and sneer, "Sir, do you look down on the members of the race? Do you have several luxury sports cars of your own and how much is it worth?"

"A sports car?" Ding Lei turned to look at Yuan Yueying. She had an indifferent expression, like she was indifferent to everything.

Ding Lei asked Yang Tongsheng again. Yang Tongsheng whispered a bit, and he found out that he had fallen into a pit. So it was all super sportscar after sportscar!

Porsche 911 is an entry-level overrun, priced at 2 million. It doesn't look like much. After all, it's just an entry-level car. In other words, you have at least a Porsche 911.

Rolls-Royce, Maybach, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Corvette, Martin, Venerable, Maserati, Bugatti, Pagni, etc.

After weighing the pros and cons for a while, Ding Lei whispered, "Uncle Yang, can we beat them in a game?"

"Of course, as long as you are willing to give me the pellets," Yang Tongsheng said in disdain.

"How much?" the man said nervously.

"One pill, I'll make a sports car stop at the entrance."

"No, no, how many of these are there in the city? If 30 of them appear at once, they would be able to find out that I have been lying just by checking for a bit. "

Yang Tongsheng thought for a while, then said: "How about thirty cars? It's much more expensive than a sports car! "

"What a joke, is there enough time?"

"Then the helicopters will do. Three hundred pills for thirty helicopters and another thirty pills for thirty pilots."

"Three hundred and thirty!" It was such a cheap and beautiful item. Luckily he had bit the price so hard that he hated it, so Ding Lei pretended to be troubled and took a long time before finally saying: "I agree."

When Ding Lei turned around, Hee Nianbiao laughed coldly. The surrounding people thought that the man was stupid! Each looked him up and down with a sneer.

Ding Lei did not speak further, he took out his phone and made a call, as though there was no one around: "Ma Ke, is that you? "Drive my car over here."

After hanging up, he looked at Hee Nianbiao coldly and said: I'll let you guys see what a rich person's trip is like.

Yuan Yueying was powerless. If she could really bring the king out of the sky, it would shock the entire audience. After all, Luocheng did not have many private aircraft, let alone a huge being like the king in the sky.

But the plane was only bought today, and according to Von Chipper, it would be ten days before the United States would ship the available aircraft. Wouldn't that mean that Ding Lei's helicopter was the only one that came?

Who can you intimidate with a helicopter of millions? Looking at the man's complacent look and Hee Nianbiao, the woman's heart was filled with grief. How shameful would it be later?

But, Yuan Yueying did not say much, at worst, she would just reveal her identity, who dared to offend the great miss of Yuan Family?

Hee Nianbiao also did not say anything, he coldly looked and raised his hand: "Everyone wait in the courtyard, look at my carriage, I'll let you all open your eyes!"

The guests looked at each other. Seeing Ding Lei walking out, some of them could not help but follow him out curiously. Hee Nianbiao shrugged his shoulders and laughed: "Does anyone see that? I am not the one who provoked this madman, it was this madman who insisted on causing trouble."

Shi Tang was helpless, but he was also curious. What tricks could Ding Lei, who had the title of genius doctor, pull off?

After leaving the lobby and entering the yard, more and more people gathered, causing the security company to be on alert as if they were facing a great enemy.

After five to six minutes, there was no movement. Hee Nianbiao laughed coldly: "Mr Ding, where is your carriage?"

Ding Lei communicated with Yang Tongsheng: How much longer do I have to wait?

"One minute," Yang Tongsheng did not even raise his head as he stared at his phone.

Ding Lei took a deep breath and glanced at Hee Nianbiao: "Calm down everyone, wait another minute."

"A minute, huh? That's easy."

Seeing that Ding Lei did not have a phone to contact, and just blurted out a few words, Hee Nianbiao's face was filled with ridicule. A minute later, the surroundings were completely silent. Not a single luxurious caravan could be seen, and many people began to quietly discuss amongst themselves.

Just as everyone was trying to figure out what was going on, someone shouted, "Look at the sky!"

It was now nine o'clock in the evening. There were only a few stars in the sky, but when they suddenly saw the bright lights in the sky, they naturally attracted everyone's attention. Half a minute later, the sound of a helicopter could be heard. Yuan Yueying was completely distressed, she did not dare raise her head, but she heard more people shouting, "There's a plane!"

A helicopter can make everyone so excited? Yuan Yueying could not hold back her curiosity, she raised her head, and was instantly stunned!

Dozens of helicopters were suspended in the air like dozens of lamps, causing the brightly lit courtyard to be as bright as day. Each helicopter was less than a kilometer from the ground. They did not leave and continued to circle at low altitudes.

"This can't be true, right? "You call this a chariot?"

"One, two, three … Oh my god! Over thirty of them, could they all be from Mr Ding? "

"What do you think? It was called by someone. "

"A rich man with thirty helicopters, what's that for?"

"Is that so?"

The guests were confused. Could a rich person own thirty helicopters on his own? This was unbelievable!

Someone could not help but ask, "Mr Ding, how do you prove that these helicopters are all yours?"

Ding Lei grinned and said: "What is your surname?"

"Surnamed Jin, Jin Dashuo. A director of Chang De Trading Company."

"Un, look." Ding Lei picked up the phone and said: "Give me a few words, I wish Mr. Jin Dashuo of Chang De Trading Company good luck in getting rich! On the way, help me greet a grandson called Hee Nianbiao. "

Hee Nianbiao's face became pale from his anger! Damn it, what did you say? "

"It's nothing much, I'll prove to you that all 30 helicopters are mine," Ding Lei said happily. This is too satisfying.

"Laser typing in the air, a pill," Yang Tongsheng said with an expressionless face.

"Alright," Ding Lei said shamelessly.

In less than half a minute, Jin Desheng looked even more depressed, causing Hee Nianbiao to feel even more stifled. The ground was illuminated by the laser beams. A row of words could be seen in the courtyard: Wishing the director of Chang De Trading Company, Jin Dashuo, the best of luck! That damned grandson Hee Nianbiao!

Ding Lei said angrily at Yang Tongsheng in a low voice: "Don't give this daddy a place to stay! Even if we put them together, don't connect them together! "

Yang Tongsheng said expressionlessly: "If you type the title in the air, you won't be able to make too many words. This is the standard for a single pellet."

"What a scam!" Ding Lei was useless, since he had offended Hee Nianbiao, he might as well offend him till the end!

Seeing this, Hee Nianbiao almost vomited blood. Resisting the anger rising to the sky, he signalled to his comrade and handed the phone to him. The man quietly left, opened an Audi and got in.

Ye TIantian, who was in the government office building, frowned, "What kind of trouble did this brat give me again?"

"Grandpa Ye, this time you are wrong about Hee Nianbiao. He did not provoke the other party.

Ye Zhantian said angrily: "Does it have anything to do with you guys?"

"That person used a helicopter to pull out a banner, cursing Nian Biao as his grandson!"

"Grandson, someone dared to call my grandson his grandson. How old is this person? What does he do?"

"Around twenty."

"Twenty!" Ye ZItian heavily slapped the table and shocked the secretary on the other side to the point that she almost jumped up.

Hearing the old man's rage, Hee Nianbiao's companion hurriedly said, "Grandpa Ye, there's something even more amazing. This person called over with thirty helicopters, and they're still circling above our heads."

"Three... "30 helicopters!" Ye TIantian's voice trembled, 30 helicopters appearing in the center of the city. What kind of concept was this? Did they use explosive weapons? " Did you see it clearly? "

"Look carefully, I'll send you a live picture. There are thousands of eyewitnesses!"

"Thousands of witnesses, where?"

"No.3 Xuan Copper Road."

"Alright, pass me the photos now, just a few more," Ye Jiantian hung up the phone and looked at the trembling secretary. "Call Secretary Wang."

Since his grandson had been wronged, it would be a big deal if thirty helicopters appeared in the middle of the city.

At the same time, the police chief of the city, Yu Hengde, looked at the lights on the big screen. The incident with the howitzer cannon in the city had been suppressed. How could there be so many unknown light spots on Xuan Copper Road?

"Have you found anything?" Yu Hengde asked.

"I'm dialing the local police station."

"Hurry up," Yu Hengde urged.

A minute later, a call came in from the police station. Yu Hengde was startled and said, "Take it over for me." "What's going on?"

"Head, there are thirty helicopters hovering in the air," the director said nervously.

"30 of them. You saw clearly, it's not a model?"

"No, it's rumbling. Our station can hear it too, so I sent someone over."

"Fuck, thirty!" Yu Hengde immediately cursed out, his instinctive reaction was to think of Ding Lei, damned, who exactly was this family?

"Wait, Head, the news is here!" The Superintendent hurriedly replied, "It's like this. It's said that there's a gathering of rich people in Xuanming Copper Road. They're the only ones who got the helicopter."

"Continue to investigate. Send the police over to see what's going on." Yu Huan De said.

After hanging up, he called the commander of the 1st Criminal Police Division, "Old Jiang, gather all 50 police officers. No, 100 police officers have arrived at Xuan Tong Road!"

"Top 100, are you kidding?! Where can I find it for you now? Those guarding the entrance, including the logistics of the cafeteria, will only be around a hundred! " Deng Kaiqi complained.

"Then bring all the guards and the logistics for the cafeteria to the place. We'll give you fifteen minutes to get there."

"Xuan Copper Road, 15 minutes. F * * k!" Deng Kaiqi also scolded out loud, he did not argue anymore, and spoke to the side: "Get everyone to gather at the field, every three minutes, and gather at Xuan Copper Road!"

The gathering horn blew, the Criminal Police squad was in a state of chaos, everyone was in a frenzy!

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