My 23-year-old Beautiful Tenant

C8 Great Sorrowful Curse the Bitterness Act

Chen Yuxin's head was stabbed into the flower rack, her long skirt was spread out, her short pants were revealed, her two jade legs were raised high up, not daring to move at all as she stuck there. "Woman Flower" by Mei Yifang appeared in my mind: Woman Flower, swaying in the red dust, Woman Flower, gently swaying with the wind, I only hope that there is a pair of gentle hands, can soothe the loneliness in my heart.

He grabbed the girl's waist and lifted her up. With a nimble flip of his wrist, he allowed Chen Yuxin to stand firmly on the ground. The girl who had regained her freedom had tears in her eyes as she complained, "Mr Ding, you did it on purpose."

"Uh, I did do it on purpose. Is there a problem?" Ding Lei stared at the girl and was speechless. He gritted his teeth and insisted: "No problem." Compared to being disgraced by this brat, saving his life was much more important!

Rejecting a man's intentions was equivalent to risking his life. No matter how shameless Chen Yuxin was, she wouldn't dare take such a risk. She stole a glance at Uncle Wang Kai, how could the old man have the time to watch the two youths flirt with each other? After secretly letting out a breath of relief, Chen Yuxin pressed down hard on her chest. Other than the excitement just now, there was also a numbing and itching pain that caused her mind to waver.

Ding Lei explained, "Actually, occasionally standing down is good for you. It can increase the blood supply to your brain and increase your ability to sense people under all kinds of conditions."

"Really?" Chen Yuxin raised her eyebrows in disbelief.

"If you don't believe me, then don't stand on your head," Ding Lei turned and walked away, the girl followed him with small steps, and apologized. The man was startled and reacted: "I can't understand Japanese's words, speak human language."

Chen Yuxin changed her words: "Master, I'm sorry."

Ding Lei was amused, he turned around and touched the girl's head: "You have made progress!"

"Isn't this the result of Mr Ding's good nurturing?" Chen Yuxin secretly cursed at the little brat, and said with a face full of smiles.

"Not bad, not bad," Ding Lei said as he caressed the girl's face.

Chen Yuxin cried tears of joy. Why was she so subservient to men? Ding Lei curled the corner of her mouth: "Don't think that I didn't see your actions. I didn't pursue the matter of you taking twelve thousand in the hotel."

How could a man like her have eyes for a ghost? She could only smile bitterly in her heart. Chen Yuxin was the only one who followed him into the house obediently, the unexpected Ding Lei did not pursue after the "stolen money." This made the girl secretly happy, this master was not a stingy iron chicken!

Standing in the living room on the second floor, Uncle Wang Xiong lightly sighed and said, "Sorry to make you laugh, nephew. With that, he turned to the crowd, "You may disperse. If you want to wait for news, please go to the first floor."

Everyone quickly retreated to the first floor, leaving only Ding Lei, Chen Yuxin and Uncle Wang Xiong behind.

Ding Lei turned around and instructed them, "Yuyin, follow me in."

This was the first time she heard this brat call her Yuyin. It took the girl a long time to react, she pointed at her nose and asked: "Can I help?"

"Do you have a handkerchief?"

"Yes," Chen Yuxin replied cautiously.

Pushing open the door, Chen Yuxin carefully followed behind, trembling as she walked in. Uncle Wang Xiong could only smile bitterly, it was not wise to say that he did not trust them now.

Hearing someone enter, Wang Taihe coughed lightly. His face was a lot redder, obviously the medicine had taken effect.

"Grandpa Wang, let me treat your illness and prick three of your acupoints. If you feel pain, you can tell me," Ding Lei said as he lowered his head and whispered into the old man's ear.

"It doesn't matter if it hurts or not ???" "You are the son of a locust. It's no problem for me to die in your hands."

Ding Lei trembled, and said: "Grandpa Wang, don't speak nonsense. Taking a deep breath, the man lifted the order sheet and rolled up the old man's sleeves. He pierced the needle through the cuff, and it was as if the entire room had entered the cool autumn season.

As Ding Lei maneuvered the needles, he said, "This is the Fish Dragon Needle Technique, it emphasizes upon the linking of auras, the birth of one breath, the death of two breaths, and the endless circulation of three auras. "To force out the dead energy in the patient's body and to change it into vitality in order to give birth to longer..."

As he continued to move the needles, Wang Taihe's bare skin started to bulge with blood veins. The light red blood started to surge, causing Chen Yuxin to be stupefied. Every time Ding Lei used acupuncture, it would be different and had its own secrets. Could it be that there really were 1000 types of acupuncture techniques recorded in the [Thousand Needles Gauge]?

Seeing that the man's perspiration was dripping down, Chen Yuxin quickly took out her handkerchief and wiped Ding Lei's perspiration. Even though there were three acupuncture points, the amount of acupuncture points required was difficult to count. Standing in front of the bed, Chen Yuxin could also feel a strange energy, cold mixed with hot, hot mixed with cold, alternating between cold and hot, it was truly circulating unceasingly!

Facing Ding Lei's brilliant healing skills, Uncle Wang Xiong, who was just furious about the appearance of the sniper in the big house, was stirred up! Father's illness could be cured!

Half an hour later, Ding Lei removed his needles and left the sickroom. Uncle Wang Xiong quickly followed him out and gave Wang Tang and Shen Yue a look so that they wouldn't move an inch away from the old man's sickbed. He also arranged for a few of his men to stand guard on the first and second floor.

personally made a cup of tea for the kid, then asked: "Ding Lei, how is my grandfather's condition?"

"No problem, as long as I give the needle again tomorrow, Grandpa Wang will be able to completely get out of danger. In the future, I only need to take medicine, and after a week I will be able to get out of bed. I will be able to recover in half a month."

Uncle Wang Xiong was overjoyed. He held onto the kid's hand and said: "Nephew, you have finally saved us from Wang Family."

"Uncle is too polite, Grandpa Wang hugged me when I was young, saving him is my duty."

"Since you can say it like that, I have to express my gratitude," Uncle Wang Xiong took out a cheque and shoved it into Ding Lei's hands, "No matter how many it is, please accept it as your nephew. Otherwise, your uncle will have a guilty conscience."

Ding Lei frowned, he quickly understood the other party's intentions. It was difficult for his Wang Family to protect himself, so he probably did not want to interfere in the conflict between him and the Liao Family. "All right," he said. I need to give it another shot tomorrow. I need some rest now, so I'll have to trouble you. "

"I should, Wan Ting will arrange a room for Ding Lei, let nephew have a good rest."

"Alright, uncle," Wang Wantine agreed unhurriedly. She was surprised and couldn't suppress the look in her eyes as she looked at Ding Lei. The brat's heart was bitter and bitter. I'm going to get entangled with Wang Family.

Chen Yuxin, who had entered the bedroom was slightly nervous, but she wanted to see the cheque in Ding Lei's hands even more. The girl silently calculated. A man earned twenty thousand dollars in one morning, his Wang Family was so rich, and the old man's sickness was so severe.

Seeing Ding Lei sleeping while rolling up his clothes, the girl pursed his lips a few times and bravely went over to say: "Mr Ding, do you need me to accompany you?"

"Mm, if you want, that's fine too."

Hearing Ding Lei's response, Chen Yuxin felt inferior! Which New Town University school beauty was she? It was obvious that the New Town University was a joke.

"Do you want to take off your skirt?"

Ding Lei answered without raising his head, "It's up to you."

Well, in order to prevent Fang Yi from getting into the top two, what was there to be afraid of? Chen Yuxin then took off her skirt. When she was finished, Ding Lei turned her head and looked at her, then said coldly: "Despicable!"

Chen Yuxin's tears were flowing out. I'm really so cheap, so cheap that I'm at home! The man didn't let her take off her clothes and took off her own.

Seeing the girl's face turn red from embarrassment, Ding Lei added, "Actually, it's quite interesting to find a bit of a cheap bed."

Is this a good thing? Chen Yuxin, who was extremely lowly, spoke in a reserved manner: "Master, you promised this servant that you would give me a needle today."

"Did I agree? "That's right, it seems like it's time to prick your right knee, right?"

"Yes, yes, it's the right knee," Chen Yuxin said in pleasant surprise. A man's acupuncture skill was really high! Looking at the way Ding Lei had treated Wang Tai and his acupuncture, Chen Yuxin felt even more confident in her recovery.

"How about tomorrow? You've used up too much energy today. Why don't you give it a shot tomorrow?" Actually, delaying the whole day doesn't really matter. You don't mind, do you? " Ding Lei raised his head and said.

In an instant, Chen Yuxin turned from joy to sorrow, and her eyes became red, as she said repeatedly: "How could, how could this be?" She cursed in his heart, This young miss has been played badly by a little brat again! Even after taking off her clothes, she refused to be injected with needles!

Ten or so minutes later, Chen Yuxin was completely depressed. She was wearing underwear and was hugged by the man and could not move at all. What made it difficult for her to accept was that when she was sleeping yesterday, even if Ding Lei was hugging him, it was impossible for Chen Yuxin to see the other party's face, so she was not that nervous.

Today was different. It was time for a nap! Ding Lei's nose and eyebrows were clearly reflected in his eyes, even if the man did not make any unnecessary movements, even if Ding Lei appeared to be obedient, other than hugging her, there was nothing else that went over the line, the girl was still flustered.

It could not be said if she was in pain from the male's embrace, or because she was in pain from it, Chen Yuxin was unable to sleep.

After suffering like this, and after suffering for another hour, Ding Lei finally opened his eyes. When he saw Chen Yuxin in her embrace, he asked in astonishment, "Did you not sleep?"

"Xin'er isn't tired, and doesn't want to sleep," Chen Yuxin said, against her own will.

"Uh," Ding Lei thought for a moment, then said, "Actually, sleeping a lot is good for you."

Getting something cheap and acting good? The man's words caused Chen Yuxin to feel extremely bitter, and he said: "Mr Ding will go to sleep first, I'll rest up tonight."

"Alright," Ding Lei took out the cheque from his body and handed it over to the girl: "Since you don't want to sleep right now, let's just watch and see.

Receiving the cheque from the brat's hand, Chen Yuxin looked it over and exclaimed, "Oh my god! It's actually five hundred thousand! "

"Five hundred thousand, it can't be, why is Wang Family so stingy?" Ding Lei frowned, he took the cheque and scanned it, then said happily: "Little girl, you do not know how many numbers, right?"

"Isn't it?" Chen Yuxin took it and looked at it, his hand started to tremble, it was actually five million! It was a number she could not imagine.

Five million! She had treated a patient for five million yuan and the girl's tears were streaming down her face. Her parents were working in the countryside, but they would never be able to earn a million yuan in their entire lives!

Seeing Chen Yuxin's excited look, Ding Lei immediately folded the cheque and put it away, saying: "Sell your body, after you sell it, I will give you one fifty percent of the money."

Chen Yuxin was stunned, and asked: "Why is it one in fifty so far?" She clearly could earn five million at one go. Wasn't it a bit of a loss for her to get one hundred thousand?

Ding Lei grinned: "Did one of your students secretly sell it?"

Why did she ask such a question? Chen Yuxin replied in embarrassment, "Yes."

Hearing the girl's reply, the man proudly asked, "What's the price?"

"Breaking the membrane, 10,000; 500 for ordinary people; 1000 for a night; 50,000 to 50,000 for a month depending on their looks."

Ding Lei exclaimed: "To know it so clearly, could it be that you've sold it before?"

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