Suspicious in his heart, Xu Qingmo quickly turned to see Song Yinzhang.

The fire was still burning, just because no one continued to add firewood, the flame was very small, and there was a rag on the clothes rack next to it, but Song Yinzhang disappeared.

Xu Qingmo immediately ran over and grabbed the white cloth strip on the shelf. It was on Song Yinzhang's clothes. It looked like it was torn, as if Song Yinzhang grabbed her skirt before leaving, and then tore the skirt .

So, was Song Yinzhang arrested?

However, Xu Qingmo Mingming and Song Yinzhang said, as long as there is a situation, they shouted loudly, but Xu Qingmo did not hear Song Yinzhang's voice.

Looking at the surrounding branches, they are still in a circle and there are no signs of damage from the outside.

This is strange, the surrounding branches are not damaged, but Song Yinzhang has torn his skirt.

Xu Qingmo gradually frowned and re-examined the dense forest. This dense forest does not seem to be as simple as he imagined.

So what is going on?


At first the sky brightened, and then it went dark again.

Lightning and thunder, dark clouds, dark clouds over the city.

In the blink of an eye, the heavy raindrops of soybeans crackled down, smashing the leaves of the jungle, like a young girl who was undergoing devastation.

Xu Qingmo came under the tree to hide from the rain, but before standing still, he turned his cold hair upright and turned his head to look deep into the dense forest.

Nothing at all.

But Xu Qingmo frowned deeply, and clearly saw that a personal image had just flashed over there.

how is this possible? There are masters who can hide so that they can't find them?

Xu Qingmo calmed his mind, not using his eyes to see, but using his keen sense to sense.

All martial arts practitioners who have practiced martial arts will develop their ability to sense beyond ordinary people. At that time, the sense of vitality and the sense of murderous force.

Ordinary people are walking on the road. If a vicious person keeps staring, they will feel like a man's back, and the warrior's sensing ability is to amplify this ability. A nearby strong-blooded person or beast, the warrior can Feel it from a distance.

Therefore, when the powerful meet, they know that the other party is their own rival.

Xu Qingmo practiced immortal training for longevity. This induction ability is even better than ordinary warriors. On the battlefield of mercenaries, he relied on the edge of the Ghost Gate again and again to achieve the mercenary king. Name.

But now, even though Xu Qingmo perceives it carefully, he still can't sense the existence of strong people around him, but there is a sense of heavyness over the deep lake, maybe because there are creatures like big fish in it, and some people Xu Xumo saw before The direction of the dense forest is nothing.

Is it my dazzling?

Just when Xu Qingmo almost shaken his thoughts, brushing, a red shadow passed over his back.

"Plama ..."

Xu Qingmo turned around, kicked to the ground with one foot, and kicked the turfstone to the back. If anyone, he would be shot by the stone.

However, it still fell through. Xu Qingmo turned around and saw that the leaves of several large trees behind him were shot with stones, and the trunk was also shot through and turned into pots. This foot, Xu Qingmo With all my strength.

But that's it, he still didn't hit that figure.

Xu Qingmo grew more dignified, broke a branch, held it in his hand, and looked around.

Sure enough, another black shadow flashed from the side.

The corner of Xu Qingmo's mouth was tilted, and the branch in his hand did not know when it had flew out.


A muffled noise came from there, Xu Qingmo's eyes burst into an incredible look.

When I walked over, I saw that the branch had been deeply inserted into the trunk of a large tree.

"Impossible, it was shot!"

Xu Qingmo was inexplicably surprised. He was 100% sure that the branches he had shot had definitely hit the dark shadow, but now how could he get stuck in the trunk.

Xu Qingmo exerted his strength and pulled the branch out of the trunk. Looking at the front, there was no debris of clothes, and then there was no debris on the branches on the ground.

From these clues, Xu Qingmo's branches did not shoot anything at all, they just shot straight into the trunk.

Xu Qingmo's frown slowly opened.

Exclude all the impossible, then the last one, no matter how bizarre, must be the only positive solution!

Xu Qingmo dared to make a shot, but judging from the surrounding traces, he did not make a shot.

Then there are only a few possibilities. First, Xu Qingmo is wrong, second, Xu Qingmo is poisoned, and his spirit is affected. However, Xu Qingmo cultivates immortality and teaches longevity. He is very resistant to toxins. He also knows his body well enough, but These two may not happen.

Then there is only one last possibility.

That shadow is not human at all!

Xu Qingmo does not believe that there are ghosts in this world, but this situation can only be explained in this way.

At this moment, the red light flashed behind, Xu Qingmo quickly turned.

A beautiful woman, wearing a red cheongsam, bare feet, bare white snowy thighs, holding two arrows with sharp blades in both hands, was walking from outside the forest to Xu Qingmo.

nice! Beautiful!

This beauty, among so many beautiful women that Xu Qingmo knows, is definitely able to question the existence of the pinnacle. Her temperament is unique and cold and solitary, but it is not the kind of Lin Ruochu or the one of Fei Huiyin. The noble atmosphere is formed either by standing in a mall or by being noble.

But the cheongsam beauty in front of her is different. The cold beauty on her body is because of her absolute strength, the cold beauty that can blind people's eyes, and the kind that Lin Ruochu and Fei Huiyin are completely different.

This is a master! Xu Qingmo's eyes stayed in the spikes in her hands. Xu Qingmo knew that this pair of weapons is called Emei water spunlace and has a certain history in Huaxia. Nowadays, many people don't, but those who can, must be proficient!

Obviously, this cheongsam beauty is proficient in this Emei water spunlace. She is holding the Emei water spunlace, wrapped in a murderous body, barefoot, and walks towards Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo couldn't help getting her hair upside down. In her induction, there was no one in front of her, and she could not feel murderous, but her eyes actually saw the cheongsam beauty, and she saw the murderous power in her eyes!

Such a contradiction, so unbelievable.


The next moment, the female body of the cheongsam rose into the air and flew towards Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo didn't dare to make a hard connection, and he was about to dodge like a side, but to his surprise, although he already attached great importance to this cheongsam beauty, he still underestimated her strength. Xu Qingmo's estimate came to Xu Qingmo in an instant, and Xu Qingmo could even see the killing power in her eyes clearly.

Xu Qingmo was frightened, quickly agitated her strength, jumped to the right, and at the same time raised her arms to block in front of her. At this time, she could block it.

However, the speed of the cheongsam beauty is too fast. Xu Qingmo's body has not completely escaped, and her arms are not yet protected. She has been next to Xu Qingmo's body. Chest, and then go through in an instant.

It's over! At this moment, although she tried her best to avoid the heart, she would still be seriously injured. Next, she would not have any counterattack power. Even if she let go of herself, a wolf could eat herself.

Xu Qingmo was a little dazed, but he was the mercenary king. He had crossed the Ghost Gate numerous times and thought about how he would die, but he never thought it would be like this.

In a dense forest in Huaxia, it was difficult for him to see warriors everywhere except himself, but the other party didn't have any language at all. When he saw himself, he killed, and he couldn't stop even one move.

Xu Qingmo thought so dreamily, and then fell to the ground and sobered up.

"Huh? I'm not dead?" Xu Qingmo felt something wrong, silently his chest, intact, where was it hurt?

what happened?

Xu Qingmo thought of the cheongsam beauty, and quickly looked back, but saw that the cheongsam beauty and a dark shadow were fighting fiercely together.

The black shadow is the black shadow that Xu Qingmo saw before. It is also a man or a man. He has a strong body and a plaster mask on his face. It is a bit like the hottest game in the current game The face of the game character.

Black shadows and cheongsam women are fighting fiercely. Xu Qingmo is sometimes difficult to see.

Seeing the skills of the two, Xu Qingmo was surprised. He clearly knew his strength. Compared with these two people, even if he practiced the longevity of immortal teaching, he was still too weak. It was not his opponent at all. Either of the two of them will face each other, and if they do not make three moves, they will die!

Huaxia still hides such a powerful master?

But the next moment, Xu Qingmo laughed, so it is, so it is!

Xu Qingmo looked up at the sky with lightning and thunder, watching the pouring rain, and then looked at the clean clothes on the two fighting people.

Their clothes were clean, not because the fighting was fierce and the raindrops around them had dried up, but because the raindrops did not fall on them at all!

They are like two ghosts. Although they are fighting, they have no effect on the people and objects around them. This is why, before, Xu Qing Mo obviously felt that he had shot in the shadows, but found nothing. Passing by, but he had nothing at all.

Xu Qingmo now understands that it turned out that there was nothing wrong with his previous elimination method. This black shadow and cheongsam beauty is not human at all!

When the cheongsam beauty approached Xu Qingmo before, Xu Qingmo should find out that it was just because she was too nervous at that time, so she ignored it, and now she remembers it.

Although the cheongsam beauty is barefoot, she did not step on the ground at all, but emptied toward Xu Qingmo!

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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