My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 257: Wushu Communication Conference

Looking at the man alone, he was twenty years old, with a long figure, and pushed a short inch, exposing a blue scalp, a tired look.

"That's them!" Seeing Qin Hongye's three men with long faces, he immediately pointed at the road.

The three Qin Hongye did not intend to hide, and came forward one by one.

"There are a lot of people here, so go to the side alley if you have enough seeds." Inch was aligned with Buyun Road, then turned and left.

Qi Buyun looked at each other, then nodded and followed.

Xu Qingmo naturally did not need to say that he was ready to keep up, but at this time, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Duan Jijun, the boy of Bajimen, I heard that this is the strongest among the newcomers, so you still don't want to go up."

Xu Qingmo turned his head and saw a middle-aged man in his forties laugh with a smile.

"Have you practiced martial arts?" The middle-aged man glanced at Xu Qingmo, then shook his head, "You are not in this circle, so don't mix in."

After that, the middle-aged man kept up.

"Who is he?" Lin Youxi asked.

"How come you have practiced so much lately," Xu Qingmo said with a lip.

"It seems to be another martial arts exchange meeting in a few days." Xia Xiaotong whispered.

"Huh?" Xu Qingmo looked at Xia Xiaotong.

"I've also heard about what martial arts exchange conference Jinling City will host in a few years. Many martial artists will come over. These people should come for the martial arts communication conference." Xia Xiaotong said.

"This is a bit interesting." Xu Qingmo smiled. "Follow up and see what a domestic martial artist looks like."

In an alley next to the movie theater, Qin Hongye and the three had confronted the man named Duan Jijun. The middle-aged man stood outside the alley, but went in and saw the three Xu Qingmo coming over, shaking his head, Curious. "

Xu Qingmo ignored the middle-aged man and took the two women into the alley.

"Xingyiquan and Wingchunquan are indeed all declining martial arts. This time, I will bring you a few ghosts." Duan Jijun looked at the three and said.

"Who are you?" Qin Hongye asked.

"Eight pole punches, Duan Jijun." Duan Jijun stretched his back. "Even people don't recognize everyone and come to a martial arts convention? I'm not afraid to shame your teacher."

Qin Hongye blushed and stopped talking.

"Don't blame me for bullying you. You started with my cousin first. In this way, if you three go together, I will not be a bully." Duan Jijun waved.

"You!" Han Buping immediately came forward.

Qi Buyun stopped Han Buping, and said to Duan Jijun, "It's not that we start first, it's your cousin first."

"Grass mud horse ..." scolded with a long face and an open mouth.

"Slap!" Duan Jijun slaps his head on the long-faced slap. "There is no part of you talking here, go out."

With a long face, he had to obediently lead people out of the alley, and glanced at him fiercely as he passed Xu Qingmo's side.

"I care about who you start with first, I just want to teach you, so that you can know my strength. In countless days, I saw that I abstained directly, and my province wasted my energy." Duan Jijun said.

"Pride." Qin Hongye disdain.

"Hehe, Wing Chun Hongye, I have heard of you. You have a bad temper and a bad temper. I heard that you did not cause much trouble in the north and lost your master's face. Why come to Jinling this time and continue to lose face? "Duan Jijun laughed.

"You!" Qin Hongye roared, a step came, and then kicked up, thinking about Duan Jijun.

As soon as Duan Jijun clapped his hands, he patted Qin Hongye's feet: "No wonder, Wing Chun doesn't practice Taekwondo in Bangzi Country. Did n’t your master teach you, kicking so high is suicide."

Qin Hongye blushed, but did not refute. What Duan Jijun said was true. Her teacher taught her Wing Chun, but she did not think Wing Chun was beautiful enough, but she learned Taekwondo.

"Come on, all martial arts people, don't always be so shy."

Duan Jijun clapped his hands, and looked at the three.

Qi Buyun stood up and held his fist: "Xiyi Qibu Yun!"

"One by one? With you." Duan Jijun also clenched his fist: "The eight-pole Duan Jijun."

As soon as the words fell, Duan Jijun swooped up, judging from the two who were lazy before.

At a glance, Xu Qing Mo knew that Qi Buyun could not be Duan Jijun's opponent. This Duan Jijun was already a little master. Qi Buyun was still a distance away from him.

Sure enough, the fight was only five moves, Duan Jijun hit an elbow on Qi Buyun's chest, pulled Qi Buyun back and rubbed his chest.

"I'm coming!" Han Buping jumped out and a tiger fist blasted to Duan Jijun.

But he was even more embarrassed than Qi Buyun. Before the two moves, he was kicked by Duan Jijun on his calf and kneeled directly on the ground.

"Are you still coming?" Duan Jijun looked at Qin Hongye again.

"Yongchun Qinhongye!" Qin Hongye reported his name, no longer kicked high, his hands were staggered, and he struck Duan Jijun's chest midline.

Duan Jijun jumped away with a smile: "With a little effort, Wing Chun's energy is great, not because you didn't eat."

Qin Hongye was humiliated by Duan Jijun and played harder, but the power gap was too big, and Duan Jijun simply played with her.

Qin Hongye couldn't even touch a piece of clothing of Duan Jijun with Wing Chun fist, and suddenly he was anxious. He turned around, straightened it up, pulled his leg, and abstracted Duan Jijun's face.

She used Taekwondo again.

This time Duan Jijun didn't dodge, he raised his hand and grabbed Qin Hongye's calf directly, and just carried it like this: "Taekwondo is just a flower stand for performing. You can use it in actual combat. You are really stupid enough."

"You ..." Qin Hongye struggled twice, but Duan Jijun's strength was so strong that she couldn't move, so she could only lift her leg like this.

"Would you like me to teach you how to make Wing Chun." Duan Jijun laughed, and then stared at Qin Hongye's long legs. "Oh, my legs are good."

"They have lost, let go." Xu Qingmo said.

In fact, Xu Qingmo was still planning to let Qin Hongye suffer a little bit more trouble before he came out of the siege, but Lin Youxi had been pushing him beside him, so he had to stand up at this time.

"Oh, one more?" Duan Jijun reassured Qin Hongye's feet, turned his head to see Xu Qingmo, and immediately raised his eyebrow. He could see that Xu Qingmo had also practiced martial arts.

"It's not good to bully a child like this," Xu Qingmo said.

Duan Jijun didn't answer Xu Qingmo's words, but just looked it over, and then said, "I don't remember you, which school do you belong to?"

Xu Qingmo cracked his mouth: "Probably not any school you know."

"Wild Luzi?" Duan Jijun laughed and was interesting. "This martial arts conference invited some wild Luzi people to participate, but they are all just clowns. You are one of them."

"You say yes, that's it." Actually, Xu Qingmo didn't even know what martial arts convention.

"Ye Luzi's achievements are limited. Don't pretend to be a hero to save the United States." Duan Jijun waved, "This girl is not something you can save."

"Whoever saves it." Qin Hongye spoke at this time, and she still looked down on Xu Qingmo.

"Haha, look, people don't accept you at all." Duan Jijun laughed.

Xu Qingmo shrugged: "I don't want to save her, I just trust someone."

"You ..." Qin Hongye was annoyed by Xu Qingmo's indifferent attitude. She is beautiful and has been sought after by people around her since childhood. Han Buping and Qi Buyun are her followers. Even a powerful person like Duan Jijun humiliates her. Yes, but a timid person ignored her so much that she couldn't stand it.

"Don't talk nonsense, let them go." Xu Qingmo said.

"Oh, you say a word, like taking someone away?" Duan Jijun smiled. "What do you think of me?"

"Then what did you say to let them go?" Xu Qingmo asked.

"Except, you beat me." Duan Jijun.

"Not interested." Xu Qingmo shook her head.

When Qin Hongye saw this, he laughed again and said, "If you don't have the strength, come out and pretend that I don't need you to save it. Go."

Duan Jijun laughed: "I just played with them so that they would see me abstain in the next few days. You are a wild man and want to come in and intervene between us?"

"I don't care what circle you are in, my friend said, I want them to leave now." Xu Qingmo glanced at Lin Youxi and said.

"Oh, that depends on whether you have this strength." Duan Jijun said positively: "Eight pole section Jijun!"

"Xu Qingmo." Xu Qingmo also resembled.

"Drink!" Duan Jijun wanted to give Xu Qingmo a good-looking look, and bumped directly on one knee, facing Xu Qingmo.

"Beware!" Qin Hongye knew Duan Jijun's strength and couldn't help it.

As soon as Xu Qingmo was about to fire, suddenly his blood was stagnant, and he was almost out of luck. With this delay, he could not hide Duan Jijun's knee, so he had to raise his leg and block it.

Xu Qingmo temporarily resisted, and his strength was not enough. Bajiquan was also known for its strength, so he stepped back by Duan Jijun and leaned against the wall behind him.

"Ye Luzi is Ye Luzi, and he can't handle even one move." Duan Jijun twisted his head.

Xu Qingmo didn't care about Duan Jijun, but he sank in his heart. Just when he was running hard, he actually had a slight sluggishness. This is not normal.

Could it be that seal!

Xu Qingmo understood that the seal left by Meng Qinglou was not so simple. It not only sealed his strength after the breakthrough, but also had some obstacles and influences on his original strength.

"You go!" Qin Hongye looked at Xu Qingmo as if he had been stupid, and suddenly angrily said, "I don't need you to save, you don't have the strength, and don't do it anymore."

Xu Qingmo smiled and looked at Duan Jijun: "Come again, this time you are not so lucky."

"You can't do it. You can play with a good tone. It's a perfect match for this girl."

Duan Jijun said, rushing to Xu Qingmo again, still on his knees.

Xu Qingmo was prepared this time. Although there was still a slight lag in his luck, he had expected it. At most, it was a little slower and his strength was a bit smaller. It is not enough for Duan Jijun's opponents. what.


Duan Jijun bumped into Xu Qingmo, but the next moment, he bounced back at a faster speed, bumped against the wall over there, did not move for a long time, and when he was able to move, he fell directly to the ground without standing up .

Sluggish, collective sluggish.

Qin Hongye's mouths grew up and they couldn't close for a long time. They looked at Xu Qingmo inconceivably.

one move?

Defeated Duan Jijun?

"Can they go now?" Xu Qingmo told Duan Jijun.

"..." Duan Jijun took a long time to calm down. "I'm going to hit you if I don't leave, grass! I've hit the iron plate!"

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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