My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 330: Burned to death

The next day, Xu Qingmo was okay, and she was with Lin Youxi and Xia Xiaotong, watching the two girls tired together.

The two people who have regained friendship are like newly married couples. They have to hold hands even when they go to the bathroom. Xu Qingmo is not taken into account at all. From the beginning to the end, no one has talked to Xu Qingmo alone. He has to talk. There are also three people together.

Xu Qingmo didn't know what happened between them. She always felt that Xia Xiaotong was a little shy when she looked at her eyes, but she couldn't ask why, so she could only touch her nose to innocently.

Lao Xia's condition is almost getting better. Of course, it does not refer to ischemia, but a fracture. She no longer needs a wheelchair. She can walk around with a cane on her own. She sighs while watching the empty bed next to her.

Seeing the bed next to her, Xu Qingmo remembered the aunt who had lived there before, and when she asked Lao Xia, she had recovered.

Xu Qingmo remembered her aunt's daughter and how that woman was familiar. After all, she just hit a passer and hoped that she could find her own wishful son, without having to be fooled by her mother.

In the evening, Lin Youxi was unwilling to go back, and she was staying in the nursing room with Xia Xiaotong. The two of them were completely stuck together these days, and Ladu couldn't pull it apart.

Xu Qingmo still went to Xia Xiaotong's house for the night. In fact, Xu Qingmo didn't have to go. After all, yesterday I just went to see if there was a thief. Today I do n’t have to pass, but Xu Qingmo remembered Lu Youwen and passed.

After arriving at Xia Xiaotong's house, Xu Qingmo waited in the corridor for a while, but did not wait for Lu Youwen, nor saw her husband, but had to enter the house, and the yesterday ’s towels were still mixed with the washing machine, and finally heard the noise outside.

From the cat's eyes, I saw that the opposite door was opening. Lu Youwen stood outside the door, facing Xu Qingmo's side, arguing with the man inside.

"Divorce, divorce!" Lu Youwen was angry.

The man did not speak, but started directly, pushing Lu Youwen with one palm.

Xu Qingmo couldn't see it anymore, but he dared to start, and Limara opened the door and went out.

But when Xu Qingmo went out, he saw Lu Youwen dodging the palm directly, and instead reached out and shoved the man.

Lu Youwen is not a weak woman, hot!

The man inside was angry, holding the door frame with both hands, and then stretched his legs directly to Lu Youwen, without any mercy.

Lu Youwen was also startled, did not expect this man to act like this, and hurried back, but one did not stand still, and fell backwards.

Xu Qingmo got cheap for nothing. As soon as he reached out, he grabbed Lu Youwen's waist and held it in his arms.

This time, Lu Youwen and the man were shocked.

Lu Youwen was surprised that she was choked by a man, and she could not see the face of the man.

The man was furious and yelled: "No wonder you didn't give me sleep, you turned out to have a small white face."

"What little white face!" Lu Youwen hurriedly struggling from Xu Qingmo's arms, turned his head to see Xu Qingmo's face clearly, and froze immediately.

"It's you!" Lu Youwen said for a long time.

"Also say you don't have adultery!" The man seemed to be greatly insulted, and his wife looked at him in front of her at the door of his house, and his self-esteem was trampled by 10,000 points.

When Lu Youwen suddenly blushed, and then turned to look at the man again, his expression of guilt appeared: "We have come to an end, as you and I wish, divorce, I don't want the property."

The man shivered with anger, looked at Lu Youwen, and then looked at Xu Qingmo, Han said in a cold voice, "You always have him in your heart, right?"

Lu Youwen did not admit it, but bowed his head: "I'm sorry for you, I shouldn't have promised you from the beginning."

"I saved you, I'm your life-saving benefactor, you should be good to me, how can you be like this, you're mad!" The man said.

"I made it clear to you from the beginning. I didn't like you. It was you who kept pushing me!" Lu Youwen also cried out. "You can force death to death. What can I do?"

"Then you should always follow me, from me!" The man shouted.

"I ... I can't do it." Lu Youwen's voice dropped, Fu said again, "I'm sorry."

"Get off!" The man broke down completely and closed the door heavily.

Lu Youwen looked at the closed door and burst into tears. She knew that she and this nameless husband had really broken.

There are eight thousand words in the world, but only love words are the most murderous.

The man has already come to such a point because of Lu Youwen. Although Lu Youwen has no feelings for the man, he has become a nominal couple. After all, he still has some emotions. At this time, the break is also sad.

After a long time, Lu Youwen realized that there was someone behind him, wiped away his tears, turned around and looked at Xu Qingmo: "It's you."

"It's me." Xu Qingmo cracked his mouth, trying to laugh but couldn't laugh.

"I didn't expect to see you again." Lu Youwen smiled bleakly.

"We only met yesterday." Xu Qingmo said, and then opened the door that opened behind him. "It's not good to stand outside and talk, just come in."

Lu Youwen saw the opposite door, and the whole person froze and muttered, "That person last night, are you?"

"Who am I not?" Xu Qingmo laughed. The original "you" Lu Youwen just referred to was the one who pinched her **** in the elevator yesterday, not the one who shared a bathroom last night.

Lu Youwen thought about it, he didn't really see the man's face last night ...

Xu Qing came to the house with ink ribbon landing, but Lu Youwen's whole person changed a bit. The specific changes could not be explained. She felt that she became more restrained and shy, which was completely different from last night.

Xu Qingmo didn't know what was going on, so he didn't ask about it, and poured Lu Youwen a cup of hot water, which she held in her hands.

"It made you laugh." Lu Youwen was a little embarrassed.

Xu Qingmo said lightly: "It is not easy for everyone to have everyone. It is important that you know what you want."

Lu Youwen looked up at Xu Qingmo, but opened his mouth but said nothing.

"Huh?" Xu Qingmo looked at her.

"No, nothing." Lu Youwen hurriedly lowered his head and said for a long time, "I'm not quite sure what I want. Some may be just an illusion. The instantaneous cognition may not be right. The key is that what I think is important is possible. In the eyes of the other person, it is nothing more than unusual. "

Xu Qingmo felt that Lu Youwen meant something, but he couldn't say anything.

"Are you ... a student?" Lu Youwen asked suddenly.

"Ah? No." Xu Qingmo shook her head.

"Then you work in that hotel?" Lu Youwen asked again.

"Neither." Xu Qing Mo said, he didn't understand what Lu Youwen asked about these things.

"In the beginning, I thought you were an artistic youth, but it didn't seem like that?" Lu Youwen said.

Xu Qingmo nodded. Since he was a mercenary, he has played a lot of professions, but he has never really installed an artistic youth.

"Well, there is always a gap between reality and imagination." Lu Youwen suddenly felt a little sad, "I thought you were a bad young art artist."

"Unfortunately I'm not." Xu Qingmo understood something.

"It's no pity, is it my wishful thinking, isn't it?" Lu Youwen said, then looked at Xu Qingmo's eyes, "Why did you pinch me?"

Xu Qingmo knew that Lu Youwen was asking about what was in the elevator at that time. After thinking about it, I was a little embarrassed. He reached out and grabbed his head, and then said, "Eh ... I just wanted to remind you ... then ... your hips are quite good-looking."

"So you just pinch me?" Lu Youwen was a little angry.

"Um." Xu Qingmo nodded awkwardly, "I didn't think much at that time, I just wanted to remind you, and then in this case, you can give that guy another guy, and you will know that he is wrong with you when you turn your head."

Lu Youwen put down the hot water in her hand.

"I'm sorry if it caused you trouble," Xu Qingmo said.

"No, thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't dare to imagine the next thing." Lu Youwen said.

Xu Qingmo wants to say that you will be tricked into a room and saved up, or you will be taken advantage of by that young man, but with your personality, it is estimated that you will run away on the way to that room.


At that moment, the door was suddenly smashed heavily, shaking the door frame.

Xu Qingmo and Lu Youwen looked closely at the door, and then heard the sound of a chain from outside.

Xu Qingmo realized that it was not good, and hurried over to pull the door open, but the door could only open a gap, and he saw that the man on the door was locking the chain, and the chain locked the door, causing Xu Qingmo not open.

"What are you doing?" Xu Qingmo was surprised.

"What am I going to do? I want to burn you guys and men!" The man yelled hysterically, then stomped a barrel of gasoline at his feet and poured it on the door!

Xu Qingmo quickly stepped back to protect Lu Youwen.

"Don't do this! This is not good for you or me!" Lu Youwen screamed anxiously.

"I'm going to burn you, you guys and girls, aren't you going to be together, go to **** together!" The man yelled frantically.

"He and I are not what you think, nothing happened." Lu Youwen said, "You stop!"

"Stop, will you sleep for me when you stop?" The man shouted.

Lu Youwen was hesitant. She was naturally reluctant, but the man in front of her was already insane. If she didn't agree with him, I'd be afraid to ignite at any time.


"Undress me if you want!" The man shouted, throwing away the empty bucket and pulling out the lighter.

"Don't!" Lu Youwen shouted.

"Take off! Almost a year ago, I haven't seen what your knees look like. If you don't want to die, just take it off!" The man shouted, "Otherwise I'll burn you with a fire and burn your little white face."

Lu Youwen turned his head, looked at Xu Qingmo, then resolutely turned his head, and said to the man, "You put down the lighter, I take off!"

"Get off!" If the man is crazy, he is already sick.

With tears in her hand, Lu Youwen reached out and grabbed the button on her coat.

"Funny." Xu Qingmo whispered softly, and approached the door.

"Don't, you will die." Lu Youwen grabbed Xu Qingmo's hand.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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