My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 361: Red Light Guantang

Xu Qingmo kneads carefully, and works in the body to impart longevity. Qiao Jin is sent from the palm of the hand and acts on Lin Ruochu's calf.

Before Xu Qingmo didn't know Lin Ruochu's identity, he used it as an enemy, with a little bit of energy, he also kneaded it with extra care.

The warm heat flows from the calf into the body, and then warms the whole body. Lin Ruochu feels that his body is heating up, especially his face. If the light is turned on now, it must be crimson.

In particular, she just experienced firsthand that Xu Qingmo is now naked, her calf is resting on his thigh, and there is only ...

Thinking of this, Lin Ruochu was dripping water on his face, and felt that the palms of his hands were only hairy. He was just his own hand, and held him down ...

Lin Ruochu was so excited that he couldn't sit still anymore and put his legs back.

Xu Qingmo let go tacitly, he also pressed and rubbed, as long as he ran without force or walked for a long time, it should not affect walking.

But Xu Qingmo didn't speak, at this time, it was embarrassing to make a sound.

Lin Ruochu got out of bed quietly, and then tried to stand up, and found that there was no problem, so he fled out of the room.

Xu Qingmo was also relieved. She was naked, with Lin Ruochu beside her, and her jade-like calf in her hand. How could she not be excited, but she couldn't do it, but it was hard to die.

Now that Lin Ruochu has gone out, his imagination has been cut off.

Xu Qingmo suddenly fell on the bed, relaxed himself, and calmed down his brother. Then he got up from the bed and turned on the light.

The bed was messy. It was exactly what Lin Ruochu had been playing with before, and there were a few long hairs. There was no doubt that it was Lin Ruochu.

Xu Qingmo pulled the towel on the bed, surrounded herself, then picked up the few green silks, wrapped around the fingertips, and sniffed slightly, a little fragrance.

After finishing everything, Xu Qingmo came to the huge floor-to-ceiling window and overlooked it. There was a bright light. Gusu City is different from Jinling. Jinling is a famous tourist city, and Gusu is known as the night city. The night life here is very rich. Sue would show the other side of it.

Xu Qingmo looked at the world outside the window, took a deep breath, turned suddenly, and walked out of the room.

He still wants to go to No. 18 Guantang Second Road!

Although Lin Ruochu had previously said that Xu Qingmo was not allowed to go, and even sneaked in to check, Xu Qingmo still wanted to go.

He did not show up during the day. In fact, Xu Qingmo was very angry. Some people dare to use this method to deal with Lin Ruochu.

He doesn't allow it!

No matter who the other party is, no matter what the background, if you dare to do this, get ready for his anger!

Xu Qingmo absolutely does not allow anyone to threaten the safety of his woman!

Xu Qingmo strode out of the hotel and stopped a taxi.

"Guantang Second Road." Xu Qingmo got on the driveway.

The driver is a big sister with a hat and can't see her face clearly, but looking at the photo on the driver's license in front, it's pretty beautiful. It was definitely a class-level task at school when she was young, but now it is estimated that she is old and pinched in her mobile The mobile phone desktop background on the shelf is a young and beautiful girl, which should be her daughter.

Hearing Xu Qingmo's reported location, the female driver paused for a while, then speeded up and said, "Why would a person like you from a big hotel go to that kind of place?"

Xu Qingmo asked, "How is that place?"

The female driver turned away, and distanced herself from Xu Qingmoura: "How do I know."

Xu Qingmo was weird, didn't he just want to inquire about the situation, why this female driver seemed to regard herself as a tiger.

"Big sister, Guantang 2nd Road ... is it famous?" Xu Qingmo asked again, knowing himself and knowing how to fight, knowing more about the enemy's situation, after all, is good.

The female driver said impatiently, "Are you not from Gusu City?"


"It's not Gusu, you all know Guantang 2nd Road, isn't it famous?" The female driver was unhappy.

"So how is she famous? Is there anything special about it, and you recommend me a puppet."

"Yeah!" The female driver snorted and ignored Xu Qingmo directly. This was because Xu Qingmo was her passenger. Otherwise, she would even yell.

Xu Qingmo is very innocent. Why is he so wronged, isn't it just to ask a way, how can he become a class enemy.

The female driver was very annoyed. With her feet under her feet, she drove the taxi so fast that she deliberately turned sharply and tried to throw Xu Qingmo in the back seat into a halo. Then, look up again, but Xu Qingmo in the rearview mirror is a look of contentment.

Helpless, the female driver had to press the brakes severely: "Here it is."

"So fast? Thank you." Xu Qing Mo Le said, paid, and got out of the taxi.

"Do you have a wife and girlfriend?" When the female driver took the money, she suddenly said, "Think more about them."

After that, the female driver left in her car.

Xu Qingmo scratched her head. What did the female driver mean? No head or tail?

The next moment, when Xu Qingmo turned her head, she immediately understood why the female driver had responded so much.

I saw a street in front of him at this time. The lights were brilliant and spectacular, but the street was not wide. It was not too wide to say that it was an alley if it was only one lane.

The entire Guantang Second Road was shrouded in red light, and a mood of confusion and enthusiasm lingered in the air.

On both sides of the street, there are two red lanterns hanging on the doorways of many facades, only red, and no other colors.

Red Light Street, this is Red Light Street!

Xu Qingmo never thought that he had previously imagined that Guantang Second Road might be a remote and uninhabited trail, or it might be a magnificent Kangzhuang Avenue, but he never expected that this situation would be a red light street.

What's the point of leaving the address here?

Xu Qingmo frowned and walked in.

"Little handsome, come in and chat with your sister."

"Hey, sir, they're itchy, come and give me an itch?"

"We have several sisters here. They have everything."

Xu Qingmo was expressionless. This Guantang 2nd Road was of a very low grade. The women who took customers on the streets were all vulgar. He was totally inconspicuous and had no interest at all, just looking for 18 Where is the number.

However, the lights here are dim, only the area under the red light building is open, how difficult it is to find the house number on the door lintel, and there are no house numbers on many facades at all.

After searching for a while, Xu Qingmo only saw one house number, which was the first one. There was no way. He took a look and chose the most conservatively dressed, youngest and best-looking woman and walked over.

"Ah, please come in handsome guy, coming to us is definitely the most correct choice for you tonight." The woman immediately greeted warmly, and stretched out her hand and pulled Xu Qingmo's arm.

Xu Qingmo waved her hand, avoiding her arm, and said, "I won't go in, I just ask something."

"If you ask anything, you have to ask inside. I have many sisters and I'm waiting for you to ask questions." The woman laughed.

Xu Qingmo frowned, and dealing with these people was really troublesome.

"Is this the first time?" The woman immediately saw Xu Qingmo not talking, and she was happy. "Isn't it shy for the first time, my sister will teach you well, come, don't be shy, this kind of thing, you will be born twice , Three times you just roar. "

Xu Qingmo pulled out 500 yuan and put it directly in the woman's hands: "Tell me, which one is No. 18 here?"

The woman stunned and saw the coins. She was immediately overjoyed, rushed to the past, and counted it several times. Then she smiled and said, "No. 18, here I am, No. 18. It turns out that you came here in a name, rest assured. Whoever I order, I must satisfy you. "

"You are the 18th?" Xu Qingmo looked up.

"Why, people will lie to you." The woman stretched out her hand, pointing at the house number above her head.

Xu Qingmo nodded and walked in.

Inside is a small space, just a broken sofa, all off line.

"Come inside." The woman touched Xu Qingmo's chest and went into the back room.

Xu Qingmo went in and found that there was no hole in it. A large room was simply divided into small spaces by wooden boards. Each small space could only put a single bed.

It's really humble.

"You wait here first, I call the sisters over." The woman pulled Xu Qingmo to sit on a small bed, twisted out of the water snake waist.

After a while, the woman came back, reaching out and following a team of flowers.

Xu Qingmo just glanced and turned his head. These women can only be described in one word, which is terrible. It does not mean that they do not look good. In fact, if you look closely, these people are not ugly. Although their figures are not What top class, but there are no radish legs in the bucket. If you clean up well, you can win a lot of heads on the street.

But now these people are wearing inferior dresses, stepping off their shoes on their feet, and the toenails have fallen off. Most of them are still awake, standing there loosely, and even scratching occasionally. At least half of the people in a part of the body were still smoking, standing idly in front of Xu Qingmo, and let him choose.

The Red Light Street here is probably the most inferior Red Light Street in Gusu City. It is no wonder that when he said that he was going to come here, the female driver was surprised and said that he also went here from the hotel.

It is estimated that the small ads picked up in front of the hotel call women of better quality than these.

Compared with these people, the boss is the most energetic and beautiful!

"Little handsome guy, pick as you like, one hundred red, two hundred blue, three hundred yellow, and each registration plus two hundred will be packed overnight." The boss introduced to Xu Qingmo, these people have a logo on their waists There are three different colors.

"No. 18!" Xu Qingmo suddenly said, "I want No. 18."

"No. 18, okay!" The boss laughed, "Little Red!"

No one responded.

"Little Red!" The boss turned around and then hesitated. Then she suddenly realized that she turned to Xu Qingmo and said, "I'm sorry, No. 18 Xiaohong is taking a holiday today. I will let her go back to rest."

"I'm going to be number 18." Xu Qingmo stared earnestly into the boss's eyes.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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