My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 370: Three Women Crisis

The wall was blocked by a screen before, but Xu Qingmo didn't observe it carefully. At this time, he could see clearly. This is not a wall, but a huge glass, and it is still like a display screen, which can display imaging.

The glass was previously white, just like a wall, but now it is transparent, allowing Xu Qingmo to clearly see the situation on the opposite side.

Opposite the glass are two juxtaposed rooms, and the people inside didn't notice anything at all here. It should be that the glass seen there is still white, just like a wall.

This glass wall is now a one-way wall! Even the voice is the same. Xu Qingmo can hear the voice of the opposite, but when he looks at the expression of the opposite person, he has no idea that he is being seen by others.

At this time, in the room on the left opposite to the glass wall, Lin Ruochu was sitting on a seat. Opposite her was Zhao Gongji's son, a man in a suit.

"You lied to me?" Lin Ruochu's voice was very angry, glaring at the opposite suit man.

The male in a business suit has a bandaged nose attached to the gauze, thick and bulging, if it is painted red, it is completely a clown.

"Haha, lie to you? I lie to you. What Shengshi Group, do you really think they can order us Blue Sky Enterprise?" The suit man laughed, "Since then, Blue Sky Enterprise is independent of Shengshi Group, and no longer has to be doggie Birdish! "

"You broke away from Shengshi Group's funding?" Lin Ruochu was a bit shocked. She knew the complicated relationship between Shengshi Group and Blue Sky Enterprise, and it was clear that this relationship was not unlocked when it was explained.

"Well, our blue sky enterprise has been assisted by your nobles, the capital has soared, and those shares of Shengshi Group are no longer our first shareholders." Said the man in a suit and said proudly.

"Who can have such great courage?" Lin Ruochu asked deliberately, wanting to put out some more information.

The man in a business suit is proud of himself: "Who is this person? Someone who can give me strength and let me punch you!"

Lin Ruochu was a bit nervous. The man in the suit was just a beam-jumping clown. She was not afraid, but if this beam-jumping clown was going to go crazy and do something extraordinary, she was just a woman after all.

"Small woman, don't pretend to be so innocent, I will get angry when I see you." The suit man yelled, "I saw your picture on the webpage at the first glance, and I told myself, You must press you down hard, or else you think why I sent you an invitation letter, I really think that Blue Sky Enterprise wants to cooperate with you a little-known company.

Lin Ruochu turned his head and looked for a way out.

"I invite you to come, just to invite me to play, ha ha ha ha." The suit man suddenly stood up and walked towards Lin Ruochu.

Lin Ruochu stood up immediately, and said coldly, "Don't come over!"

"Oh, it's this time, you dare to pose me with this face? It's your expression that is so high above the sky, I must be on you!" The man in the suit said, his face flushed with excitement, his body shook for three times. Shake, actually a sloppy man.

Lin Ruochu frowned, very disgusted, and wanted to find a chance to escape, but the only exit from this room was behind the man in a suit.

The man in the suit stepped tightly, showing a wretched smile on his face. Lin Ruochu stepped back and stepped back to the corner. There was no retreat. Xu Qingmo was only separated by a wall, but it was difficult to surpass the nature.

Xu Qingmo clenched his fist tightly, and his cold killing intentions had bloomed in his eyes.

Lin Ruochu is in a dangerous situation, and the situation in the nearby room is not optimistic.

Sitting on the sofa, Lin Youxi and Xia Xiaotong did not relax their vigilance. They turned around and looked around. Sitting on the sofa opposite them were four big men with huge bodies.

"Some uncles, how about the young lady who brought us here?" Lin Youxi asked, turning her eyes.

"She has something to go out, and we will protect you, so rest assured." A big man with sunglasses snorted and gasped.

"That young lady told us that Xu Qingmo and my sister were here, didn't they?" Lin Youxi was skeptical.

"Yes, just wait a minute." The dark man continued.

"Where is the uncle, where is the uncle?" Lin Youxi continued to ask, leaving no room for the dark-haired man to think.

"Uncle?" The man in sunglasses stunned for a moment, and then said, "You say Lord Buddha, he will come."

Hearing the word "Buddha Lord", Lin Youxi frowned suddenly, and looked at Xia Xiaotong beside him. The two of them didn't need to say much, everything was in silence.

"Uncle, we want to go to the toilet." Lin Ruoxi grabbed Xia Xiaotong's hand and stood up to the door.

A big man immediately got up and turned to the door, blocking the way.

"Get off!" Lin Youxi was anxious.

"Two people, there is a bathroom in here." The sunglasses man also stood up and pointed towards the inside of the room. There is indeed a door there. "We are responsible for protecting your safety. If you have an accident, we cannot afford Up, so please take more time. "

Lin Youxi looked at the big man at the door, his face was so gloomy that he could only pull Xia Xiaotong into the bathroom inside.

Xu Qingmo's side, you can still see the situation in the bathroom, even the sound can be heard clearly.

"It's over, we're being watched." Lin Youxi grabbed Xia Xiaotong's hand in the bathroom, "These guys outside are not good people."

"But don't you say that uncle is a good person, that's why we flew over from Jinling." Xia Xiaotong nervously.

"Well, he is the worst bad guy. I was fooled by him. I kept sending messages to him before. He didn't return at all. All these are traps. He is the biggest bad guy."

"What to do, they are so big outside, we can't escape." Xia Xiaotong said.

"No hurry, they caught me, they must be threatening my sister and the big satyr. For the time being, we should not shoot at us. We should protect ourselves and wait for the big satyr to save us." Lin Youxi said and put down My heart came, "The big satyr will definitely save us, but I will definitely be scolded by him. He warned me not to believe what the stranger said, but I didn't listen to him."

Lin Ruochu said, bowing his head in shame, very embarrassed.

Xia Xiaotong held out her arms and held her in a soft voice, "Rest assured, Brother Xu will not blame you, you are also looking for him."

"Hopefully, at that time, Xiao Tong, you must speak for me, he won't kill you." Lin Youxi said suddenly.

Xia Xiaotong was a little embarrassed, and quickly bowed his head, whispering blushingly, "Yes."

Xu Qingmo listened in his ears, and he was not angry with Lin Youxi, neither was he or she. At this moment, he was more careful. Lin Youxi's guess was wrong. Shen Qingfo seized them to deal with himself, but he wouldn't do it against them.

At this point, a few big men had already moved outside the bathroom.

The dark-haired man gestured, and someone immediately pulled out a capsule from his arms, tore it open, and sprinkled the powder into two glasses of water on the table.

The powder was polarized into water and disappeared invisible.

In the bathroom, Lin Youxi and Xia Xiaotong discussed and started to make phone calls.

"Not in the service area?" Lin Youxi took the cell phone and looked in front of her, unbelievable.

"I'll call my sister to try." Lin Youxi called again, but the prompt was still the same, and she was still out of the service area.

Xu Qingmo touched his pocket. His mobile phone and Lin Youxi's mobile phone were inside. How could he not be in the service area? The only explanation was that the wall in front of him was strange.

"What's going on? Couldn't the two of them travel to the old forest in the deep mountains to travel?" Lin Youxi wondered.

"You still believe that big bad guy, he said that your sister and Brother Xu went on a tour, and then used an excuse to lie to you." Xia Xiaotong said.

"Also, forgive the big satyr and dare not secretly date my sister with my back." Lin Youxi said, "Forget it, we can't get through to the phone, we'll just stay here, and we'll be here forever. The big satyr will come over . "

After speaking, Lin Youxi pulled Xia Xiaotong out of the bathroom together, returned to the sofa, sat down and talked to the dark sunglasses.

The dark man in sunglasses is not in a hurry, and never mentions the matter of two glasses of water on the table, just glances from time to time.

After a while, Lin Youxi couldn't stop, looking left and right, and then just saw two glasses of water on the table, remembering that this was poured out by the big man in sunglasses when they came in before, so they would drink it when they picked it up.

The eyes of all the big guys stared at Lin Youxi's raised glass, and even one or two of them had already revealed a wicked smile and swallowed it, just like a group of big gray wolves watching two white rabbits jump into the fire. in.

"Can't drink!" Xu Qingmo almost screamed, but even with the scream, Lin Youxi couldn't hear it.

This cup of water was drugged. Looking at the color of the big men, it is definitely not a good medicine. Once Lin Youxi drank it, the medicine broke out and the consequences were unthinkable.

"Wait a moment." When the water cup was about to touch Lin Youxi's lips, Xia Xiaotong suddenly spoke and stopped Lin Youxi.

"Huh?" Lin Youxi clutched the water glass in his hand and looked at Xia Xiaotong in puzzlement.

"You forgot, we bought fruit juice on the road." Xia Xiaotong said with a smile, took a bottle of fruit juice from his backpack and drank half of it.

Lin Youxi only reacted at this time. After watching the big guys, he put down the water glass and took the juice: "Yes, my favorite is juice."

Lin Youxi and Xia Xiaotong were not fooled, and the sunglasses man was not anxious, and continued to wait.

Xu Qingmo couldn't wait, rushed to the glass wall, slammed his hand, and patted it.

The glass wall does not move, but Xu Qingmo is not surprised, he has experience!

The next moment, Xu Qingmo stuck his hands on the glass wall and began to slap it quickly. He also wanted to use the principle of resonance to shatter this glass wall as before.

"It's useless," Yujiao said. "After watching your move, I have told the owner that the technology of this wall has been transformed. Your resonance method has no effect."

Xu Qingmo suddenly turned his head and flew towards An Qing, who was sitting in the seat, leisurely drinking red wine.

"Attacking the wall doesn't work. What about attacking this guy?"

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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