My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 397: I want you

Chapter 397: I Want You

Quan Shujie stepped out of the door, and "banged" came downstairs, looked around, but didn't see the familiar figure.

Is he gone?

The whole book was stunned, came so suddenly, but walked so fast, like a gust of wind, whistling over his side, curling up his skirt, but could not keep it.

Quan Shujie was a bit stunned, sitting idly on a bench by the road, yet to recover.

At the gate of the community, a beautiful woman in a black tight-fitting suit walked in, looked around as if looking for something, and Quan Shujie also had a bright eye. This woman is really too beautiful. Yingqi, even if she is a girl, will feel conquered.

Behind the woman, a familiar person was staring at her with a sullen expression, but he did not dare to step forward.

Su Gongzi!

Quan Shujie had a bad hunch and quickly got up and wanted to go back, but it was over.

The beautiful woman in black went away, and Su Dashao closed his greedy gaze, with a wicked smile on his mouth, and walked towards Quan Shujie.

"Don't go, afraid of me?" Su Dashao stopped Quan Shujie.

Quan Shujie flickered from side to side, but it was still useless. She could only stand still and looked at Su Dashao.

"Where is that poor boy?" Su Dasu asked.

"Please keep me away, I want to go home." Quan Shujie said coldly.

"Go back? What's the matter, we are classmates, can't we talk?" Su Dasu reached out and grabbed Quan Shujie's hand.

Quan Shujie quickly stepped back, avoiding the hand of Su Dashou.

"Please be respectful," said the whole book.

"Respect, I still don't respect you enough?" Su Dashao's voice became louder. "Quan Shujie, you are the first woman I have been so devoted to since I was a child. Which one else do I want to go to, the other night? You will take the initiative to lie down on my bed, but you, you keep holding on! "

Quan Shujie frowned, and she didn't want Su Dasha to continue talking, but now she was blocked here, and no one came to save her and couldn't get away.

At this time, she suddenly remembered how Xu Qingmo took her hand and strode out of the supermarket.

If he were still, everything would be different.

But he drove him away and yelled at him, "roll", now he really left.

Quan Shujie suddenly felt that her breathing was a little difficult, and her heart hurt a little.

"Aren't you a boyfriend? What about others? Call him out!" Su Dasu cried. "He's quite mysterious. I sent someone to collect his information but he couldn't find it. He was from that school. ? "

Su Dashao went further and Quan Shujie also retreated, but behind him was the bench. When he stepped back, his legs bent against the bench, and he sat down all at once. This time, there was no retreat.

"If you can find out what that kid is, how do you play him!" Su Dasao slowly bent down and said to the book, "Dare to grab a woman with me, I want him to die!"

"No!" Quan Shujie quickly looked up and looked at Su Dashao's eyes.

"What? You worry about him? It depends on how you do it." Su Da's wicked eyes began to glance at Quan Shujie's body.

But Quan Shujie's performance was not the expression of flattering and yielding that he intended.

Quan Shujie remembered the blood holes in Xu Qingmo's chest, and he thought about the police, secretly thinking that he could be arrested on such a large scale by the police. He must not be an ordinary person, but Su Dashao also had a lot of power in his home. He once disabled several people, but Nothing.

Can he stop Su Dashou's trouble?

The whole book is a little hesitant.

"Well, no matter who he is, I want him to kneel, and he will never stand up." Su Dasao continued to threaten, "And I can let him go, I want you, as long as you and him Breaking up and being my girlfriend, I will give you a life that everyone envys, he, just a ant, I will not make him difficult. "

"I suggest you don't mess with him." Quan Shujie stared at Su Dashao's eyes, "Otherwise you will regret it."

"Hahahaha" Su Dasha laughed, "What are you talking about? I can't hear you again? I will regret asking me not to mess with him? Are you scared? I'm afraid of others."

"I've reminded you. As for how you do it, it's not my business, you can try it if you have the ability." Quan Shu said coldly, then moved his body, and wanted to stand up and leave.

"Slap!" Su Dashao stepped on the bench beside Quan Shujie, "Quan Shujie, I told you so much, do you still not understand? Really stupid or fake stupid?"

The whole book immediately felt bad.

"Let's say that, whether you like it or not, you have to kneel under my lord tonight." Su Dashao laughed. "I want to take good care of your woman, but I want to see if you are at that time. It's so clear! "

"Aren't you afraid of the police?" Quan Shu Jie was angry. There are actually such people in this world.

"Police? What is the police?" Su Dasao opened his hands and arrogantly, "Even if your poor boyfriend appears with the police, I can let him kneel, the police will only help me blow the wind."

Quan Shujie is a bit scared. She also heard about Su Dashao's evil deeds. This guy, really can do something terrible.

"Now I change my mind, not this evening, now I'm going to do you!" Su Dasao said.

The whole book shrank, very scared.

"Now you have two choices. One is to kneel down here and give me a mouth, but go up to your house, and I will make you feel good." Su Dasao proudly said.


Quan Shujie pushed Su Dashao away and hurried to the side.

"You are so daring!" Su Dasha became angry and anger, stretched out his hand, grabbed Quan Shujie's shoulder, and then rushed up.

Quan Shujie desperately resisted, crying, "My boyfriend won't let you go."

"Your boyfriend, you asked him to come, I slapped him on his knees!" Su Dasao arrogantly said.


A slap fell on Su Dashao's shoulders, pressed down with great force, directly pressed it down, and kneeled on the ground!

Su Dasha's face changed drastically, and he tried his best to resist, but it was totally useless. It was as if the ant encountered a giant elephant and was in vain.

"Slap me on my knees?" Xu Qingmo's voice fluttered softly into Su Dashao's ear.

"It's you!" Su Dasao suddenly looked up, but could only look up at Xu Qingmo.

The whole book was full of joy, and suddenly came to Xu Qingmo's side.

"Do you dare hit me? Do you know who I am?"

"Who are you?" Xu Qingmo asked.

"I am the youngest member of the Su Group!"

"Oh, I know." Xu Qingmo said lightly.

"Don't you dare?" Su Da couldn't agree.

"Hee hee, what I am best at is to insult you like this." Xu Qingmo smiled.

"I'll make you die!" Su Dasao yelled, "You've fallen into bad mold. I'll tell you, no one can save you, I don't shout, I will call the police immediately and let you die. No burial place! "

Xu Qingmo smiled, turned her head, and looked at Qian Ying who walked quickly from a distance.

Quan Shujie also shines in front of her. Isn't that the beautiful girl in black.

Hei walked over and said to Da Su, "I'm a policeman. What's the matter with you?"

"Are you a policeman?" Su Dashao didn't believe it.

Hei took out a document and passed it in front of Su Dashao. This was indeed a genuine police card.

Excalibur warriors would not have any credentials, but because they have to track Xu Qingmo recently, it is inevitable that they need identity, so everyone has a police permit.

After Su Da saw it clearly, he rejoiced, "Are you a policeman? Then you can't catch this guy quickly and lock him up for me. I have to play him hard."

"Slap!" He wore Su Dashao's face and knocked him to the ground. "What are you?"

When he came before Hei, he was directly watched by Su Dashao, his mood was very unhappy, but he was anxious to find Xu Qingmo at that time, he ignored it. Now he dare to talk to her like this, naturally he would not be polite.

Excalibur warriors are never polite.

"Dare you dare me, who is your director, I want to call!" Su Dasu fell on the ground with his face covered.

Black was another kick, and Su Dasha, who kicked directly, flew up, then fell to the ground and rolled three times.

"Go!" Hei said coldly.

"You wait for me!" Su Dasao had blood on his face and ran away.

Xu Qingmo looked at Su Dashao's back, his eyes narrowed.

"You're back!" After thinking for a long time, Quan Shujie finally summoned the courage to speak, showing a big smile, looking at Xu Qingmo, and apologizing before preparing his words.

Xu Qingmo looked at her and said, "You are going to be bullied. Can I not come back?"

"Good." Quan Shujie's face flushed, and he bowed his head shyly.

"Click!" A handcuff sounded.

The whole book looked up suddenly, and then a "click" sound came into the ear, and saw a pair of shiny handcuffs, one on Xu Qingmo's wrist, and one on the beautiful woman's wrist.

"This pair is customized for you." The beautiful woman in black looked at Xu Qingmo, "You can't escape."

"Since I came out, I didn't think about escaping." Xu Qingmo shrugged.

Hei glanced at Xu Qingmo, then turned his head and looked at Quan Shujie, "Just for her?"

"I can't watch her being bullied." Xu Qing Mo said.

"Hum, well, the hero saves the beauty." Hei was a little angry. "It's just you?"

After hearing this, Quan Shujie finally realized that the beauty in black was the policeman, or the policeman who arrested him!

He was obviously able to escape, only to save himself, he walked out without hesitation, and then was arrested!

It was himself that killed him!

Quan Shujie burst into tears and grabbed Xu Qingmo's arm with both hands: "Don't leave."

Xu Qingmo smiled bitterly: "Forget me, just don't meet me, go back to your life, we are not a person of the world."

As soon as the black hand was dragged, Xu Qingmo would be pulled away, so she wouldn't give Xu Qingmo time to talk with this little girl. If she continued to say so, I'm afraid this little girl would make a good appearance!

"Gone." Xu Qingmo didn't look back, raised his hand, stroked, and walked out of the community freely.

"No!" Quan Shujie cried with tears of heart, and suddenly fell to the ground.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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