"Pa Pa Pa" slapped down the bus and hit Nalan Ruofei's round and sexy little butt. She screamed, "brother-in-law, you hit people there again. They are big girls. Can't you change places?"

"Pa Pa Pa!" A few more.

"Brother in law, people know you can win, so they bet on you. Don't you win so much money?"

"Pa Pa Pa!" Another slap.

"if you don't want to beat your brother-in-law in another place, don't you want to

In fact, there is no other good place for a man to teach a woman. The head, back and chest are not good. If he is seen, he will be despised even more. Only the buttocks can bear some strength. If he hits other places, it will be damaged.

"People don't dare, sob ~" Nalan Ruofei covered her face and sobbed on the hood. She was very sad. Passers-by see Chen Nan hit such a beautiful big beauty ass, have cast disgusting eyes to him.

Chennan turns a blind eye to these people, holding Nalan Ruofei and throwing it on the co pilot, turns to sit in the driver's seat and starts Ferrari.

"Wuwu, you always bully people. If you don't live there, I'll go back to my mother's house!" Nalan disaster water wipe tears, nose a tear a cry.

Chen South heart says you this wench piece can put the man disaster to death, say again you where come of niangjia? But Nalan Ruofei wants to go home, just in line with chennan's heart, and starts Ferrari to send her back to her father-in-law's house all the time. Of course, it's just delivered to the door. Otherwise, if my sister-in-law accuses herself in front of her father-in-law or mother-in-law, he won't ask for nothing.

"Smelly brother-in-law, I will never talk to you again!" Na LAN if imperial concubine get off but don't go in, stand at the door scold Chen south.

Chennan didn't pay attention to her at all. Ferrari flicked his tail and went away. Nalan Ruofei finally responded, "you stinky brother-in-law, you big villain, how did you drive the silver car away..."

Chen Nanxin said that this girl is just like Dai Lingwei, a big reporter in Beijing. He certainly won't drive the car back. Anyway, their family doesn't need this car. They always drive the car back to Tangchen Yipin.

"Hum!" Seeing his brother-in-law leave, Nalan stomps his little foot.

"Miss two is back!" The maid opened the door. Princess nalanruo ignored her and turned to enter the villa. In a flash, she became like a cheerful bird, humming a song: "do you love me or not, I don't know what to say, do you love me or not, tear off the hypocrisy, maybe I will be better, do you love me or not, I don't know what to do Wake up and you will not be sad Mom and Dad, I'm back to my mother's house! "

"When did you marry yourself?" Maid aunt helplessly shook her head, "smelly girl, this is moving the heart of spring, ah, this has never been before!"


Back to Tangchen Yipin, chennan parks his car. Just as he arrives at the door of the living room, he hears someone in the living room say: "Nalan poetry, you can do it. You don't care about your young master's face and marry a smelly car washer. I don't think your Nalan family wants to exist in China!"

Chen Nan Huoran pushes open the door and sees two more men in the living room. One of them is a famous brand with blue eyes. At first sight, he is an overindulgent young man. Behind him stands a strong man in a black suit, who seems to be his bodyguard.

Nalan Shiyu stood opposite them, her eyes wide open and her face flushed. Zina stood beside her and supported her, her expression full of uneasiness.


See chennan come in, Nalan poetry language a head into his arms, quiet swallow, delicate and beautiful state let chennan not bitter, big hand will her into the arms, a hand gently close to his hair comfort way: "baby don't cry, tell her husband how this is going on?"

"He is Wei Xiangming!" Then, Nalan Shiyu looked coldly at the young man opposite him, "Wei Xiangming, you're dead now. He's my husband chennan. He's smart enough to go, or I'll call the police immediately!"

"Isn't Wei Xiangming the young master of the Wei family of the four families in Beijing? It was because of him that Nalan forced himself to marry! "

Make clear this, Chen Nan suddenly has a kind of want to cry feeling, made a long time by this girl as a shield, thought she conscience, realized that his good, originally this two sisters are the same, so cunning.

Wei Xiangming brush stood up, a pair of triangle eyes Yin evil looking at Chen Nan, "Damn, you are that stinky car wash? How many heads do you have when you dare to rob me Then he looked at Nalan Shiyu again, "Shiyu, even if you get married, I will get you. Even if I sell it to a brothel after using it, I won't wash the car for nothing."

Chennan knows that she needs acting, and holds Nalan Shiyu closer in her arms. She looks at Wei Xiangming coldly and hums: "the famous Wei Da Shao in the capital, right? I'm warning you now. Shiyu is my woman now. If you dare to make her decision again, I will not only destroy you, but also your Wei family. Get out of here!"

"Damn, a smelly car washer dares to tell me what to do and fight me to death. I'll take care of it when something goes wrong!"Wei Xiangming voice square falls, already wait impatient bodyguard brush of rushed to come over, lift a leg is a foot to run Chen Nan's face kicked to come over.

Chen Nan doesn't retreat but advances. He blocks his leg with one hand and suddenly advances. He grabs him by the neck. Suddenly, his neck is like being jammed by a pair of pliers. He turns the bodyguard's eyes. He doesn't see how Chu Chen Nan comes over, so he is restrained.

Chen Nan gets close to his ear, "boy, you'll live in a wheelchair in your next life!" Then he grabbed him by the neck, dragged him to the yard and threw him on the ground. Then he grabbed his ankle and shook with force. With a groan, the leg broke and the bodyguard fainted.

Wei Xiangming looks pale when he sees that his bodyguard, who has always been invincible, is restrained and his leg is broken. But after all, he is a dandy in the capital. He doesn't believe chennan dares to do anything about himself. He shouts: "boy, you dare to beat my bodyguard, I'll let you You... "

You didn't say it, so stop, because chennan has already pinched his neck, just like carrying a chicken to the yard. With his hand, Wei Xiangming's body is hanging in the air, and he begins to roll his eyes and spit white foam. There is a sound of GABA on his neck, which is about to be pinched to death by chennan.

"Let him go!" Nalan Shiyu shouts that although chennan's skill shocked her, Wei Xiangming is the young master of the Wei family after all. If she dies here, the whole family will have bad luck. She must stop it.

"Bang!" Chen Nan raises his leg and kicks Wei Xiangming out. Wei Xiangming lies on the ground. His front teeth are stuck and he turns his eyes. He doesn't slow down for a long time.

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