With these words, grace unbuttoned her low enough neckline again, and a pair of huge peaks leaped out under the shackles of leopard lace bra. The plump snow-white on the edge was dazzling. With her enchanting and sexy figure, she was lured to the bone.

Ice not far away to see this scene, immediately close the lips of cherry, tightly hold the gun, this foreign wave girl dare to seduce his man, she really want to shoot her, but consider Chen Nan didn't start, she still forced to resist.

Chen Nan's eyes are fiery for a while, and quickly moves his eyes to the ring. He knows this ring clearly, but he doesn't need to take a close look to know it's true. He hums coldly: "this ring can save you once, but it can't save you the second time. Go away!"

Grace glances at the box in chennan's hand, showing a trace of reluctance. But it's good to keep her life at this time. She doesn't dare to think about Yuanxu belt any more. She kicks her long legs and flies away with her hair flying. Her figure disappears quickly in the night.

Chen Nan suddenly turns back, but finds that six blood clan are missing one. It's obvious that just now one person didn't get stabbed in the heart and died. He takes advantage of the chance of fighting just now and takes away the scepter.

The blood clan is famous for its speed and is good at hiding in the dark. Even though Bing Mei has been observing, she may not be able to see it, and if she can see it, she must have reminded herself that she obviously didn't see it.

The sexy ocean horse seduces her husband, and no one can calm down. Bingmei's attention is all on grace, and she doesn't find the handsome boy of blood race running away at all. Besides, with her opponent's body method, even if she pays attention, she may not be able to find out.

Chen Nan gathers several people's corpses together, pinches the seal Jue, displays the fireball technique, hits two fireballs to burn the corpse to ashes. Ice Mei see this scene shocked incomparable, more aware of his man is not ordinary people, see chennan body is still killing surging, eyes faintly visible blood light, although afraid or rushed up.

"Husband!" Ice Mei A Jiao Hu, then rushed to Chen Nan body, legs pan in his waist, a pair of round snow arm around his neck, handed on the fragrant red lips.

Chen south a embrace her, seem to want to crush her general, mercilessly kiss up fragrant lips, embrace her to walk into the woods.

At this time, the ferocity of the man makes Bingmei excited and nervous. She knows that what she is going to meet is a storm like devastation. Her body is getting hotter and hotter, and bursts of yearning whispers come out of her mouth.

Holding ice Mei into the woods, Chen Nan lifted his skirt up with a big hand, hissed, and the lace and the small inner were torn in half, snow buttocks half covered, spring suddenly appeared. Chen Nan holds the snow buttock and bumps. Suddenly, a long cry like a wolf's roar resounds through the woods, arousing several night birds to rustle away, playing a sad and beautiful melody.


After everything is over, chennan returns Bingmei to Haijing room. He is also a little tired. Considering that he hasn't returned all night, he doesn't stay here and returns to Tangchen Yipin.

Into the hall, Chen Nan not from a Leng, saw Nalan poetry language with a document in hand, leaning on the sofa fell asleep, that quiet gentle appearance is very lovely.

Looking at his wife who is still working in the middle of the night, chennan has a warm current in her heart. She quietly comes forward, takes off her coat and puts it on her. Just as she wants to sit down with her, Nalan Shiyu suddenly wakes up. Seeing that he had a man's windbreaker on his body, he felt warm in his heart. This man is very considerate.

This afternoon, Chi wanting, director of the public relations department, and Jin Xiangyu signed a list of millions with Feiyue media. Although the list of millions is a drop in the bucket for Donghuan group, it is not the most important. The most important thing is that Chi wanting went along with it and contacted Qiao Shida, director of Feiyue group, and reached a preliminary opinion. The leaders of both sides will start a preliminary discussion Meeting and cooperation in various fields.

If the cooperation is successful, Donghuan group, which is currently facing difficulties, will greatly alleviate the difficulties faced by the company. Therefore, Nalan Shiyu is very excited.

No matter Chen Nan picked up his business card or got it through other relationships, it really helped the company a lot, changed Nalan Shiyu's view on him, and softened his eyes.

"How did you come back? I didn't come back all night yesterday. If you don't come back next time, remember to call home! " Nalan poetry language secluded way, eyes with a little tenderness, let chennan see the spirit of a shock, take the initiative to gather together, smile way: "wife, you care about me?"

"I don't care about you, I care about subordinates. Today, because of you, the company has established contact with Feiyue group, so I want to thank you. There will be gold awards for you this month!"

"Er..." Chen Nan's heart is cool. His feeling is that he has made achievements for the company. The president of Nalan university is compassionate to his subordinates.

See Chen south some lose, Na LAN poem language tone more relaxed some, "you say you just come back in the middle of the night, if have an accident how to do?"? Remember to call home next time, don't you know? "

Chen Nan can't laugh or cry. How can she feel that her wife is trying to coax her children? Just as she wants to play tiela while it's hot, Nalan Shiyu has already got up and hit a lazy hache. She goes up the stairs gracefully, "it's not early. Let's have a rest early!"

"Ha ha!" Anyway, his wife is no longer as fierce as before, and his relationship has improved. Chen Nan Gao Xingxing goes upstairs, enters the room, opens the box, takes out Yuanxu belt, and begins to crack the ban.Although he knows the prohibitions, the prohibitions on the Yuanxu belt are very complicated. Chen nanzu studied the prohibitions for a whole night and then cracked them. He felt disappointed when he explored the space.

Yuanxu belt is indeed recorded by Hongyu. There are hundreds of square meters of space in it, and there are many herbs in the space, but it has been dried up for a long time and can't be used.

The rest is a few broken robes. There is a rusty gun in the corner. If you don't look carefully, it's no different from a firestick. There's nothing else.

Disappointed, chennan threw out the broken robes. As soon as they were taken out for a long time, the robes immediately broke into pieces. With a sound of "Dang", something fell to the ground and made a crisp sound.

Chen Nan fixed his eyes and saw that it was an oval stone the size of a duck's egg. Although it was a long time ago, it still exuded a dense luster.

Chen Nan reached out and grasped the stone in his hand. He immediately felt a kind of full energy fluctuation in the stone. As soon as the skill was slightly moved, a pure and vigorous energy immediately entered the meridians along his arm. The consumption generated during the fight was quickly restored.

"Spirit stone!" Chennan is very happy. It's not necessary to say that the Lingshi was at the end of the law. According to the records of ruby, it was extremely rare even in the age of jiulunzhenren. Now I have got a Lingshi. Can I not be excited? Once the consumption is too large and the Qi can't be replenished in time, you can use the spirit stone to replenish the Qi.

…… (ask for recommendation tickets from friends)

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