Chen Nan's momentum in the air has declined, so it can be said that this karate high mobile phone will grasp quite well. There is no place to work hard, avoid unavoidable, Chen Nan can only force twist body to avoid important parts.

"Bang!" A bullet is hitting on Chen Nan's right shoulder, which makes Chen Nan stagger.

Underground, there is a ninja waiting for the chance at any time. There is a gunner on the top, and he is seriously injured. Chennan won't waste any time. As soon as he lands, he bounces up quickly and rushes to the karate master in an arc.

At the same time, the second shot goes off, and the bullet goes across chennan's shadow. Chennan waves out his hand and cuts off the head of the karate master. The Japanese head falls to the ground like a watermelon.

As soon as his toes hit the ground, chennan flew obliquely out again, and a red blood rushed up from the ground again. However, learning from the experience of the last time, the Ninja only attacked chennan and did not show his head. Chen Nan's eyes swept the open space in front of him, motionless.

"Sa Sa!"

Quiet, strange quiet, only blood is flowing, the smell of blood is floating, clothes are hunting.

Murong qinger in the distance is shocked to see this scene. She covers her mouth tightly and doesn't dare to make any sound. If she doesn't smell the bloody smell, she almost thinks it's shooting martial arts movies. She is shocked by Chen Nan's skill. He has such a terrible skill after eight years' absence. Although she is frightened by the cruel killing, she is also surprised. The hero is still a hero Hero, prince or prince, Chen Nan's image sublimates again in her eyes at the moment.

Although her car was hit just now, she could still drive. Murong qinger, who was responding, drove the car and followed up again. Just now, she saw chennan was injured, and the enemy appeared underground, which made her heart rise to her throat. If the average woman had been scared to yell, after all, it was a company executive. Murong qinger covered her mouth and forced herself not to make any sound. She only prayed silently for her prince in her heart.

Through Ninja's two attacks just now, chennan has determined that this Ninja is a famous person. Although he can escape, he can only escape from the ground. As long as he pays attention to it, he can feel the fluctuation of attack. He didn't find his attack just now because he was hoodwinked by several karate masters. He didn't expect that they would use such powerful force Quantity, unexpectedly still have Ninja ambush.

Chen Nan penetrates the real Qi into the ground, first determines the Ninja's position through fluctuation, and then releases his divine consciousness. Although his divine consciousness is only ten meters, it is enough.

Suddenly, Chen Nan Teng body but rise, lightning sort to several Zhang outside of somewhere dive past, a foot ruthlessly stamped down.

"Bang!" A big pit appeared on the ground. At the same time, a blood rainbow rose up behind chennan, "give me death!" Ninja Jie strange smile, a knife to chennan back split down, in his view chennan injured, his sneak attack, he died.

Murong fine son see Ninja suddenly appear behind Chen south, immediately scared silly, brain a blank.

"Cluck!" Ninja's knife had just been raised. Suddenly, his neck ached. His internal Qi was suddenly released. There was a helpless clucking sound in his throat. A playing card was stuck in his neck.

"Jingle!" The knife falls on the ground, the Ninja covers his neck and looks at chennan with unbelievable face. He is unwilling to fall back. He doesn't understand that it's his own attack. How can he be attacked?

Chennan just now that foot is pure feint, the purpose is to lure Ninja to appear, he has the divine sense, even behind can also see clearly, as soon as Ninja appears, already in the fingers of the playing card to throw out, hit ninja.

This si almost plot to succeed, Chen Nan heart depression, rushed to raise his hand is a slap, in the Ninja fell to the ground before his head into the blood fog, the body fell to the ground.

Just now that shot was a close shot, hit in the bone, Chen Nan was injured a lot, the body faltered for a while, because of the injury, although can barely play fireball, but to their own consumption is very big, difficult to deal with emergencies, so the scene did not deal with.

Chen Nan immediately took out the phone and dialed out, "Scorpio, check for me the number seven Japanese who participated in the auction yesterday at Rongbao auction house Yes, kill him

"Pa!" Chen Nan hung up the phone.

"Chen Nan!" Seeing that chennan didn't die, Murong qinger was overjoyed. She cried with joy and ran to help him, but she stopped halfway. Because Chen Nan is all over blood, eyes is scarlet twinkle, is staring at her.

At the moment, Murong qinger is just like a helpless little white rabbit. She is being watched by the bloodthirsty tiger all the time. The frightening sense of killing and the bloody smell in her heart completely fix her, but she can't move. She can only look at chennan and her prince with tears in the corner of her eyes.

Fortunately, Chen Nan's demons are relieved after marriage. The killing is not particularly heavy. The tears and gentle eyes on Murong Qing'er's face stab him in the bottom of his heart and wake him up.

"Qing'er!" Chen Nan wants to squeeze out a smile, but because he deliberately suppresses that fierce breath, his face is distorted and his smile is ferocious.

However, this call is enough, Murong Qing'er rushed up to hold him, regardless of the girl's reserve, also don't know where the strength, one will tear off a corner of the skirt, revealing a thigh also don't care, with the corner of the skirt for him wrapped in the shoulder, supporting him to his own sounds of nature.Chennan is covered with blood and needs to deal with the wound. It's not convenient to go home. Now Murong qinger catches up with her and doesn't need to be taboo any more. She can go to her home to deal with the wound.

Murong qinger leans Chen Nan on the co pilot and starts the car quickly. Because the front of the car has been seriously deformed by the collision, many people look at her all the way. These Murong qinger don't care at all and drive the car all the way home.

Murong qinger's residence is a two bedroom building, supporting chennan to the upstairs, Murong qinger opens the door to let chennan into the room.

Although Chen Nan's injury is very serious, it's nothing for him who has gone through life and death for countless times, and it won't hinder his walking. Chen Nan glances at the room. The living room is clean and tidy. A woman can afford to buy a house in a place like Shanghai, which shows Murong qinger's efforts.

On the shoe rack, chennan finds a pair of men's slippers and an ashtray on the tea table. Chennan immediately realizes that Murong qinger is married and says with a smile: "old classmate, it's dark. Is it inconvenient for me to come here?"

"If it's inconvenient, don't take off your shoes when you are injured. If you smoke, feel free to do it!" Murong qinger wants to help chennan into the room.

"Ha ha, it's not good not to change slippers!" Chen South want to take slippers, affected the wound not from a frown.

…… (I've had less rest recently. I have a headache and can't code words. I'll take two shifts first. Brothers and sisters, let's understand. Let's slow down and give you more time!)

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