Of course, Xiaozhen also saw someone chasing her. Her clothes were still in the Lord's mansion. She was a little nun at the bottom of the society. She had never seen such a scene before. She was scared. As soon as meinaizi pushed her, she ran away. She knew meinaizi had a better relationship with Xue Yinghui, so she went back to send her a letter.

Meinaizi leads Heisan to the remote place. When he avoids people's sight, he immediately escapes into the underground.

In any case, Heisan didn't expect that meinaizi could escape from the earth in the second layer of condensate gas. Although he has divine sense, he can only release more than ten meters, and it's good to sweep one meter underground. Meinaizi can completely avoid him. After all, the strength of the middle and later stage of condensate gas is not the same.

Seeing that meinaizi disappeared out of thin air, Heisan was extremely surprised. In this case, he did not dare to inform Jidan. He had made a mistake. At this time, if meinaizi escaped, Jidan would have to kill him.

Heisan tries to find meinaizi everywhere. He soon realizes that meinaizi may be underground. After all, the second layer of condensate gas can enter the underground with the help of a rune. If it can't be guaranteed, meinaizi will have a rune.

But as soon as he lowered his head to pay attention to the underground, a blood light had already rushed from the underground. As soon as the arc moon machete rushed by, Heisan hardly reacted, and then he was twisted into a bloody rain, and the figure of meinaizi flashed out.

After killing Heisan, meinaizi knows that Qinggui city can't stay any longer, and she can't go to uncover the portrait. Heisan can appear there. Jidan definitely wants to take this opportunity to catch himself. It's no doubt that he's looking for death to uncover the portrait.

But at this time, she already knew that chennan was in fengyuezong. From the moment she decided to attack Heisan, she decided to go to fengyuezong. Although she knew that fengyuezong was very far away from here, she also wanted to go.

Meinaizi burned the corpse first, and then rushed back to the cave. On the way, she met Xue Yinghui.

"Elder martial sister Xue, I want to leave Qinggui city to find elder brother Chen." Meinaizi said.

Xue Yinghui said, "I've heard about you from Xiaozhen. Now you really can't uncover the portrait, but how can you be sure that fengyuezong is your elder brother Chen looking for you?"

"I know that he must be looking for me, because I don't know anyone else in fengyuezong. It must be brother Chen." Meinaizi said in a firm voice.

Xue Yinghui sighed, "even if it's really him, we've only heard that fengyuezong is hundreds of thousands of miles away. It's only by spaceship magic weapon or those powerful people who can get there. Even if I fly day and night with my sword, it will take months. You can't even fly with your sword. When will it take to get to fengyuezong?"

"No matter how long I go, I'll go to elder brother Chen." Meinaizi eyes firm way, two people say words, quickly came to the cave.

Xue Yinghui nodded, "now that you have decided, I won't keep you, but I can't help you. Wait a minute, I have something for you."

Xue Yinghui finished and went back to her cave. Meinaizi also rushed back to her cave to pack up. First of all, she rushed to the bed and took the spirit stone with her. As for other things, she just packed up her belongings.

"Meinaizi, I have nothing to do for you. This is a sketch map of xiyuanjing. Although the route is not very detailed, you won't lose your way if you follow the map. If you really follow the wrong road, I'm afraid you'll have to walk all your life to get to fengyuezong. Maybe you'll encounter some danger and fall."

"Thank you, elder martial sister Xue!" Meinaizi also took over the map. This map can be said to be a timely help. Otherwise, he didn't know which direction to go because of the size of the western territory.

Looking at Xue Yinghui for a moment, meinaizi didn't dare to stay and rushed out of the cave. Although she is reluctant to be here, she will be caught later. In gidan's territory, it is not easy for people to find out the cause of Heisan's death. I'm afraid that she will find out here soon, and she can't leave at that time.

Several nuns outside, and even some of the other nuns in the cave, are looking at this side.

Meinaizi didn't say any more. She just said hello to her sisters, and hurried to the east gate to pass through the city.

The vast territory of the Western Yuan Dynasty, Qinggui city also covers an area of 100 Li, fortunately, she is ultimately a great ninja, or condensate gas two, the speed is not slow, half an hour later came to the east gate.

Outside the east gate, there was also a picture of her. Meinaizi did not dare to step forward. If she had gone, she would have been taken to the Lord's mansion. That would have been a trap.

Out of the gate, meinaizi identified the direction, and all the way to the East.

From qingguicheng to fengyuezong, it takes three days to take the top class spirit craft. Although meinaizi's body method is fast, it's too slow to compare with the craft. In order not to be overtaken by gidan's people, meinaizi didn't dare to take the road and went directly into the mountains.

There are many high-level monsters in the deep forest. Meinaizi is afraid to go. He can only walk on the edge of the mountain and cross the mountains all the way through the swamp to the direction of fengyuezong.

She knew that once she was caught by Jidan, she would be forced to be a concubine, so she didn't dare to stay for a moment. Along the way, she often met some beasts. As long as they were not level 2 or above, she could still deal with them with her skill and evasion skill.When she was thirsty, she drank some spring water. When she was hungry, she ate wild fruits. When she couldn't walk, she roasted some animal meat to satisfy her hunger. Even so, she still met some level 2 monsters, and even level 3 monsters twice. If she didn't know how to escape and hide, and she was smart enough, she would not be able to leave.

Three days later, after crossing a mountain, a vast grassland appeared in front of her. The grassland was inlaid with various kinds of wild flowers. The beautiful and fresh environment let menezi breathe. After running for three days, should gidan not catch up with her?

Even so, she didn't dare to stay for a while. She took some water and food, took out a map to identify the next direction, and prepared to cross the grassland. At this time, she had lost her way and didn't know where she was, but she had a belief in her heart that as long as the direction was right, she would arrive at fengyuezong sooner or later.

"Roar!" Roaring, a group of coyotes rushed to her. Each of these wolves was strong, and the size was several times that of ordinary wolves on the earth. Although they were not monsters, there were too many. Even if she could kill these beasts, it would be difficult for them to rush out once they were surrounded.

Meinaizi immediately ran into the ground, waiting for the coyotes to rush past and flash out from behind them. Because she used the technique of concealment, ordinary wild animals had no idea, and they didn't find her when they were a little far away. Meinaizi escaped and continued to gallop away.


"What about Heisan? It's been three days. Why haven't you seen him? Is there any news from menezi In the Lord's mansion, Jidan asked Tao Guanshi.

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