"If it's not a cut in student, the teacher will know your name? Well, who believes it

"In this world, man, to tell you the truth, no one believes it. Anyway, I'm not a cut in student. Believe it or not, I say beauty, I'll hang up if it's OK!"

"Oh, don't hang up!" The girl at the end of the phone was worried, "you helped me that day, I'll treat you to dinner!"

"No, it's for lunch!" Chen Nan Dao, he is indeed invited, and he is the biggest official in the city, the couple of secretary of the municipal Party committee.

"Your clothes are still with me. I want to give them back to you. By the way, I'll treat you to dinner. I'll give you face. They haven't invited boys to dinner yet." The voice on the other side of the phone was a little embarrassed and shy.

"Er..." Think of Qiao Shiqing soup hanging water wronged face, Chen Nan is not good to refuse, say a big man can let others little girl please? So he said casually, "I invite you."

"What's the point?" Qiao Shishi is wriggling, but she is still very happy. She lowers her head, kicks the pebble on the ground and asks, "what do you invite me to eat?"

"Three yuan cold skin!"

"Ah..." Thinking of the news on the Internet, 13 times a night, Qiao Shishi was suddenly thrilled and said: "can Can I have something else? "

"No, I'll hang up if you don't eat!"

"Oh, no!" Qiao Shishi's face was flushed and her heart was like a deer bumping into her. She blushed and said, "well, I'll eat it!"

"Come on, near the municipal hospital. If it's far away, you can take the subway. You can meet at the 1010 top 10 gear. Besides, don't go back tonight."

"They have classes tomorrow!"

"Do you want to eat it?"


"Come here as soon as you eat!"

Hang up the phone, Qiao Shishi nervous to death, 13 times a night, only eat a cold skin, not even spicy hot mix, he is still a big girl, or school flower, is it a bit too miserable?

Oh, it's nice to have a taste of poetry. It's so hot.


In the ward, Shen Qiuhe takes the talisman that Chen Nan gives him in his hand. He is very worried. Does it really work? She has no idea.

Think about the only way to go. The Secretary and the Dean went to the shantytown to invite them out. There was so much noise that they had no way back. How could chennan lie to them?

Shen Qiuhe bit his teeth, walked a few steps to Tang Jin's hospital bed, threw the talisman in his hand to Tang Jin, and drank softly: "I'm here!"

"Brush!" A white light shoots from the talisman, and the talisman instantly turns into ashes. The dense white light covers Tang Jin and gradually submerges into her body. With the disappearance of the white light, Tang Jin's face becomes more and more red and makes a slight groan.

"It really works!" Shen Qiuhe was overjoyed and rushed to the hospital bed, "sister Tang Jin, how are you?"

Tang Jin's long eyelashes unfolded and slowly opened her eyes. A sly smile appeared on her face. "It's sister Qiuhe. How can I feel that I've been sleeping for a long time?"

"Sister Tang Jin, you're ok now. You're really OK!" Shen Qiuhe hugs Tang Jin and weeps with joy. What he hugs is not only Tang Jin, but also his own future, the fate of his parents and the ardent expectation of the villagers.

Hearing the movement in the room, Mrs. Tang pushed the door open and rushed in. Secretary Tang strode in.

"Daughter, are you awake?" Mother and daughter embrace together, even Secretary Tang also quietly cut off the corner of the eyes of the turbid tears, came and daughter to a cordial embrace.

Let her daughter down to walk, with the instrument test, Tang Jin all physical indicators are normal, even in hospital training are not used, directly discharged.

"This young man is amazing!" Secretary Tang turned to find chennan. There was no trace of chennan. There was a bitter smile on Tang Shuji's face and he said a few words silently: "master, hermit!"

After the disease is cured, it's easy to do next. Secretary Tang called the president and immediately gave instructions: such a highly skilled doctor was expelled, and the hospital nearly killed the patient, so we must investigate the responsibility of the relevant responsible person, and severely punish the doctor who is harmful to medical ethics and who lives in a plain place. I don't think President he should sit down, and doctor he should be expelled directly.

Secretary Tang just gave instructions and left. He had a dinner with his wife and daughter for Dr. Shen, but he didn't even bring the Dean with him.

In a word from the Secretary, as a result, vice president he was taken down, and Dr. he Haidong was expelled. The hospital wanted to promote Shen Qiuhe to become the youngest deputy chief physician of the hospital. Shen Qiuhe knew that his experience and qualifications were too poor, so he still needed to be tempered and politely refused. The hospital handled the formalities for him to become a regular doctor, and he became an attending doctor for two consecutive years.


Chennan went to the roadside, and saw a tall, beautiful girl with long hair standing beside the platform. The girl was more than 1.7 meters tall, and her graceful and elegant posture was like a beautiful fairy, which attracted many people to watch. This girl is Qiao Shishi.Chen Nan just stepped forward, the girl immediately found him, immediately ran over, but just ran two steps, face a red and slow down, very lady came to him, want to talk, far from the phone that chirp, like a bird in general.

"Beauty, have I got my clothes?" Chennan road.

The girl rubbed the corner of her clothes, blushed and said, "sorry, I forgot."

Chen Nan pats forehead, "don't you come to return clothes? Can you forget that, too? Ah, beautiful women, they are really big chested, brainless and forgetful. "

See the girl shy appearance, Chen Nan a smile, "since came, I'm not polite, go, uncle please eat three yuan cold skin."

"You bad uncle, what a cold skin?" Qiao Shishi's face became more red and her heart was pounding.

"Of course, haha, you have strength only by eating cold skin. I said, beauty, if you are afraid, go back!" Chen south a face wretched, take the lead to the opposite big gear to walk.

"Who's afraid!" Qiao Shishi murmured, blushing and not daring to lift his head. He looked at his heel and followed him silently.

It's almost time to arrive. Qiao Shishi suddenly looks up and sees that it's not a big gear. In front of it is a red front door, which says: Mr. Li's beef noodles.

"Villain, you dare to scare me!" Qiao Shishi suddenly rushed up, according to Chen Nan back lightly hit a fist, a pair of ferocious appearance.

"Ha ha!" Chen Nan laughs, "I say poetry big beauty, you don't know, now it's not popular to eat cold skin, all like to eat beef noodles!"

"Smelly uncle, you still bully me?" Qiao Shishi rushed up and tried to beat him, his face full of grievances.

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