Next to Qiao Shishi has been looking at two people in that bickering, a face didn't eat the smile of huazhiluan tremble, see Yang Li really will Chen Nan eat the face in the past, smile suddenly stiff in the face, how all feel in the heart is not taste, unexpectedly have a kind of sour taste.

Chen Nan's noodles soon came up. He was two bowls of noodles. Knowing that Yang Li was hungry, he pushed a bowl of noodles to Yang Li out of guilt and said with a smile: "actually, I can't eat so much. Officer, this bowl is specially for you. Eat it!"

Yang Li pouts her lips and stares at Chen Nan. Tears of grievance turn in her eyes, but she feels warm in her heart. At last, she stares at him fiercely and politely, because her bowl of noodles has been finished, and then she starts to eat it.

Several people eat noodles, talk and laugh. The atmosphere is harmonious. Chennan doesn't tease the policewoman any more. It's just that Yang Li's second bowl of noodles is just half eaten when her mobile phone rings suddenly.

Yang Li's face changed after she got through, and she almost roared, "you guard the door, don't rush, I'll go right away."

Hang up the phone, Yang Li did not even say hello, quickly ran to the door, a harsh sound of friction, Santana 3000 ejected a slip of blue smoke, flying out.

Hearing Yang Ligang's words, chennan suddenly has a bad feeling. He realizes that something must have happened, otherwise Yang Li won't be in such a hurry. When Yang Ligang just ate the bowl of noodles, chennan has a strange feeling of pity and reluctance. At this time, he has only one idea, and can't let Yang Li have an accident.

"I'll go and have a look!"

Chennan gets up, greets with Qiao Shishi, and rushes out of the noodle shop, but after he rushes out, Yang Li's police car has disappeared. Where is the accident site? He had no idea.

In the twinkling of an eye, there is only Qiao Shishi left on the table. Qiao Shishi pouts. Is he happy? He still has a ready program to play. Is he leaving now?

Yang Li got the news that a group of unidentified thugs ransacked two shopping malls, injured many people, and then extremely arrogant broke into the bank building, killed the security guard. Surrounded by the police, they took many hostages, installed bombs in the bank, and stuck in the bank building. A colleague went in to negotiate with the robbers. After entering, they didn't see them again, so the police had to wait In order to escape, the bandit proposed to exchange a heavyweight hostage for another hostage. The robber clearly knew the situation of the police, so the hostage he chose was Yang Li, the daughter of director Yang and the leader of the criminal police branch.

Yang Li's father is the director of the Municipal Bureau and the Secretary of the municipal politics and Law Commission. Although she refuses to give up, she has no choice but to transfer her daughter to save the hostage.

At this time, a cordon has been set up outside the bank, and a temporary command car has been set up. The fully armed police are facing the enemy. Because the robbers are on the top floor of the bank, and they have hostages and bomb remote controls in their hands, the commandos dare not launch an attack rashly. They are waiting for the sniper to be in place. Just now, a policeman was sent in to negotiate and send them a hand who can talk with the police As a result, the robber found that he had a gun and killed him on the spot. This made the robbers furious, shot a hostage and threw it directly from the upstairs. It can be said that the robbers were extremely vicious, and it was very dangerous to play with murder.

Before the sniper arrived, several well shot commandos climbed to the top of the building opposite the bank with rifles and tried to shoot from the window to kill the gangster. However, the robber was extremely cunning and used the hostage as a shield in front of him. The window vision was too small and the distance was too long to aim. Several people did not dare to shoot. Once the gangster was enraged, it was not only the hostage who was shot Kill, they could blow up the whole building.

A red and white painted ambulance came to the scene flashing blue and white police lights. This is an ambulance linked with the police station. The nurses on board are professional nurses trained in first aid. Ouyang Feifei, deputy head nurse, led several nurses to jump out of the car and prepare to rescue the wounded.

Yang Li's car flies to the front of the bank building. Before it stops, she jumps out of the car and runs to her father Yang Li saluted her father.

Director Yang looks at his daughter. The robber has a helicopter on the rooftop, but he is not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he wants his daughter to be a hostage in order to be safe. After all, there are troops stationed near Shanghai. If the robber leaves directly by helicopter, he will be shot down. With Yang Li, the heavyweight hostage, her father is the director of public security of Shanghai, Secretary of the political and legal commissar is one of the top people in Shanghai. Neither the military nor the police dare to shoot down the plane without authorization. They can leave safely.

Now the robbers call for their daughters. If they don't agree, they will shoot the hostages again. Is it because they are the director that they don't agree? It's impossible. After all, countless pairs of eyes are looking at themselves. What do subordinates think of themselves? What do leaders think of themselves? As a policeman, as a leader, he had no choice.

"Lily, you go in now to be a hostage to the robber and replace the other hostages!" Yang Ju put his hand on his daughter's shoulder, slightly shaking.

"Obey orders with determination!" Yang Li said with firm eyes.


Several old leaders in the Bureau wanted to stop it. Director Yang waved his hand: "don't say that Yang Li is the most suitable person to go. Do you have anyone more suitable than her? And the robber called her by name. We have no choice. Yang Li, after you go in, you should not only take the hostage, but also find out the situation of the robber, so that we can carry out the follow-up action! ""Yes Yang Li saluted her father cleanly.

Seeing that several old leaders were looking at themselves, Yang Li took off the police cap, held it in her hand, and paid attention to and saluted the leaders: "uncles and uncles, please rest assured that I will complete the task!"

Although she is good at it, she has never experienced such an occasion. In the face of the ferocious gangsters, Yang Li certainly knows that she may not be able to come back, but she knows that she is wearing the national emblem on her head and shouldering the people. This situation does not allow her to shrink back.

Uncles did not give her a gift, they looked at her heavily.

Yang Li suddenly smiles like a little girl: "uncle, don't look at me like this. I can't come back. I'm just a few robbers. I don't have to go to heaven!"

"Xiao Yang, we don't know the details of the robbers, let alone the number of them. You must be careful!" A bureau director reminded with tears in his eyes.

"Well!" Yang Li nodded with firm eyes.

Director Yang took the police cap from his daughter's hand and put it on for her. He nodded hard and said in a choked voice: "good boy, I am Yang Hongxuan's daughter. We Yang family have no cowards!"

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