"When was captain Yang so feminine?"

"It's hard to imagine that she can make such a little girl angry and coquettish action. It's unimaginable!"

"Can't you see that? Captain Yang, this is love! "

Hei hei, the girl just Snickers at Yang Li's back.

Chennan knows that the children's car can run out by itself, and someone must be operating it nearby. Looking around for a week, it's hard for so many people to see where the operator is, so she has to give up. It depends on the situation. It's obviously a group of organized mercenaries. She wants to dig herself out. After all, she has too many enemies, so it's hard to guess who it is, but she has a secret in her heart be vigilant.

See Ouyang Feifei haven't come down meaning, Chen Nan patted two in her buttocks, "I say beauty, danger has passed, come down!"

Ouyang Feifei wakes up when he feels the numb slap on his hips. He sees that the crowd around him is looking at him. He is ashamed and shameless. He comes down from chennan in a hurry, with his head down and his face as red as an apple.

The reporters gathered around one after another. After such a big event, Qin Wanrou, the popular host of the city TV station, certainly won't fall down. She also wanted to interview this mysterious man in the crowd.

Chen Nan waved, "sorry, I don't accept interviews!" Then he squeezed through the crowd and left quickly, leaving behind a group of reporters who looked at each other face to face.

As his daughter's "boyfriend", director Yang has been paying close attention to him. Seeing chennan's excellent performance, it can be said that his daughter is safe and sound because of him. Director Yang, who was very satisfied with him, was more satisfied with chennan's elimination of the bomb. Looking at his "son-in-law" with a smile on his face, he was very relieved.

See Chen south to leave, director Yang waved to stop the catch-up reporter, take a few steps to stop him, "young man, good skill, do not know what you do?"

"Ha ha!" Chen Nan calmly smile: "Yang Bureau, did you forget the confidentiality regulations?"

"Ah Ha ha Yang Hongxuan laughs. He immediately understands Chen Nan's meaning. It's clearly a national secret service personnel. Originally, he suspected Chen Nan was a national secret service personnel. Now, after listening to him, he is more convinced that if he was not a national secret service personnel, how could he have such excellent skills.

"Take one, young man. I want to thank you for today's business." Director Yang handed chennan a cigarette, want to communicate with him a few words, more about the uncle. But Chen Nan took the cigarette and shook his hand. He said with a smile: "Yang Bureau, I don't want the major media to rush to report on me today. I believe you have the ability to do it!" Finish saying, Chen south head also don't return to leave.

"It's worthy of being a member of the national secret service. I don't speak much!" Director Yang is more satisfied with Chen Nan. Since my uncle doesn't want to report this, he must have thought about it. He is the director of the Municipal Bureau and the Secretary of the political and Legal Affairs Committee, which of course can be done. Immediately call the Propaganda Department of the municipal Party committee, forbid major media and television stations to report the news about chennan, and deal with it in a low-key way.

After the phone call, Yang Hongxuan turns around and sees a woman walking towards her.

Yang Li saluted several old leaders first. They all looked at her with strange eyes. Yang Li was very embarrassed. She quickly walked through the crowd and came to her father to salute. With tears in her eyes, she said: "Dad, my daughter is lucky to live up to her orders!"

"Well, it's my good daughter of Yang Hongxuan!" Yang Hongxuan patted his daughter on the shoulder and hugged her. He was also excited that her daughter could come back safely. He said with a smile, "lily, you are safe this time. On the one hand, you are smart enough, on the other hand, thanks to your boyfriend!"

"Boyfriends?" Yang Li is confused, the heart says this is not thanks to Chen Nan? When more than a boyfriend, so she did not understand looking at his father, "Dad, how can I not understand you?"

"And pretending to be confused with my father? That young man told me. He said it was your boyfriend. He came here to save you. If it wasn't for him Daughter, although you have good skills, you are still a little poor in dealing with such ferocious bandits, don't you think? "

About Chen Nan said his daughter is his woman, Yang bureau did not mean to mention, with his meaning, with the daughter tacit on the line.

"Dad, what are you talking about? Who is my boyfriend? Isn't Chen Nan the one who saved me? It's him who decides the world with one shot and hits the plane with a rifle that makes us all safe and sound. What kind of boyfriend is there? "

"Lily!" The old man was a little unhappy, "isn't chennan your boyfriend? That's the young man Director Yang pointed to chennan's disappeared figure.

Yang Li blushed, "when did he become my boyfriend?"

"You don't admit it? Chen Nan himself said it was your boyfriend. He said he likes you, daughter. You are not young. I think this young man is good. Don't pick any more. When will you bring him home and let your mother see our future uncle? "

"Yes, the young man is really good. Lao Yang, congratulations. Your daughter has found such a good uncle. You are blessed!" A group of old guys came to congratulate one after another, with a smile on their face.Although Yang Li is a boy, she is more shy than other girls. Her pretty face is flushed. She hides away in a hurry and mutters to herself: "he actually says he's my boyfriend, and he still says he likes me? What a shame

Yang Li lowers her head and heart like a deer, but she's a little pleased. But she thinks that Chen Nan has a wife, which is admitted by Nalan Shiyu himself. But her father asks her to take him home. What's the matter? Ah, it's really embarrassing. Yang Li lowers her head and keeps her feet on the ground, sweet and tangled.


Chennan keeps away from the reporter and drives back to Tangchen Yipin. He thinks about what the bandit said before he died, but he doesn't get a clue. Even the mercenary regiment, in order to expand its power, Langya offended many people. He can't think of who actually knew that he had come to Shanghai and sent someone to play a game of smashing and looting to attract him.

Back at the villa, chennan finds that his wife's Hennessy is actually parked in the parking space. She looks up and looks up at the sky. She's a little strange. Her wife usually doesn't come back immediately even after work. She always has to work overtime in the unit. Today, she seems to come back earlier than usual. When she thought of yesterday's wife saying that she would come back earlier, she suddenly looks forward to it. It won't be a surprise, will it It was yesterday that she was saved. My wife was moved to share the bed with her?

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