"Boss Qiao is really a big hand. It's 30 million yuan!"

"This area hasn't seen water for several days. Is it possible to make an exception today?"

People began to talk again, eyes wide open, just as the so-called emperor is not urgent eunuch urgent, people have urged the master to quickly solve the stone.

Joshua didn't talk nonsense either. He waved his hand and said, "cut!"

With the sound of friction, the stone remover began to carefully cut the stones. The stones fell down one by one, and the stones became smaller and smaller. Qiao Shida's face became gloomy, because there was no green inside. It was all weathered stones. Finally, he cut a piece of ice about 20 cm in size at the mouth of the stone remover.

The so-called "high ice" refers to the kind of ice that is superior in quality but can't meet the requirements of glass. Although this piece of jade is bigger than the one just now, its quality is one level lower. At most, it can be sold at the price just now. That is to say, Qiao Shida not only doesn't make money, but also has to pay $23 million, because the price of the second raw stone is too high. Even if it is sold to the jeweler, it will be even. After all, not everyone will pay the price of 15 million yuan. Just now, it was because of the injustice.

People sigh. It's really poor and rich. On this stone, Qiao Shida has paid a total of 15.6 million yuan. If ordinary people can't afford to pay even if they lose their property.

In this regard, Qiao Shida gave a cool smile. For him, even if he lost one or two million yuan, it was nothing. Moreover, he didn't intend to sell this piece of jade. He could go through his own channel or sell it or process it. It was not a loss.

"Uncle, you also choose a piece!" Qiao Shishi holds Chen Nan's arm and walks into the gambling area. His small hand pulls his sleeve.

"Xiaochen, choose a piece. You don't have to think about the money!" Joshua laughs.

"My son-in-law behaves well. I think he is also an expert in this field. If he gives enough water to boss Qiao's daughter, it can be said that he is a famous jade with a beautiful woman. He has a good story!" Boss Hu began to flatter and encourage chennan, and the merchant's nature of pursuing profits showed no doubt. With this beautiful woman, he believes that his words will let him do it. As a man, what he wants is face.

Hearing his words, others are not so good, but Wu Da Shao is angry to death. If he wants to open jade to send beauty, now the opportunity falls on Chen Nan. Looking at Qiao Shishi and Chen Nan, he feels that a flower is inserted on the cow dung, and it's only suitable for him.

In fact, as boss Hu expected, chennan didn't avoid vulgarity. He immediately said with a smile, "in that case, I'll choose one!"

"Mr. Chen, since you want to choose the stone, let's have a gamble!" Just now saw Qiao Shida lose on the half gambling stone, let Wu Dashao increase confidence, want to make Chen Nan embarrassed on the gambling stone.

"This is the second member of the Haiwu family

"It seems that Wu Shao is not happy with this young man. Today we have a lively look!" People's interest rose again when they saw that someone wanted to bet against each other.

"Oh?" Chen Nan Wang frowned in the direction of voice, "I don't know how Wu Da Shao wants to bet?"

Wu Da Shao sneered, "Mr. Chen, take the price of gambling stones you buy as the base. If the price of jadeite you offer exceeds the price of gambling stones, I will pay you double the money of gambling stones. On the contrary, you will pay me double. How about that? Dare you make a bet? "

As mercenaries, they are all gambling. Chennan is no exception. When he hears Wu Da Shao's words, he takes out a cigarette and holds it in his mouth. His face shows a color of thinking.

Seeing his manner, Wu Da Shao thought he didn't dare, and his expression became more arrogant. He looked at Qiao Shishi and said with a proud smile: "if you don't dare, kowtow to me, admit that you are Xiong Bao, leave that beauty, ha ha..."

This guy is followed by two bodyguards and laughs together. He looks very arrogant.

Chen Nan helplessly shakes his head and slowly walks to Wu Da Shao. A puff of smoke sprays on his face. "Wu Da Shao, right? Do you think it's twice as interesting? It's too childish. How about if you really want to bet five times? Don't tell me you dare not! "

Wu Da Shao's smile suddenly froze on his face. The lowest price of gambling stones here is 10 million. That is to say, once a stone wins or loses, the gambling money paid to the other party is at least 50 million. It's true that he is the young master of Wu family, but after all, he is not the owner of the family. If you want to use 50 million at will, you have to consider it. But the words have already froze here. Just now, he was still making fun of others Don't you dare to be a bear? So Wu Da Shao bit his teeth and pretended to be bold and unrestrained: "who doesn't gamble who is the grandson?"

"Well, there's seed!"

Chennan slowly turned around, no longer words, holding a cigarette in his mouth, wandering between the gambling stones, from time to time reaching out to touch the cut on the stone.

See Chen south mouth is five times bet, Qiao Shida is OK, Qiao Shishi is a little nervous, at the same time also with a trace of excitement, also jump into the guardrail, small hand knock this, pat that, turn to look at the stone.

Seeing Chen Nan touching the stone, he didn't use the flashlight. Wu Da Shao laughed again, "cut, modern technology is not good. Can you touch a fart? If you can feel them all, will these stones still lie here? ""Ha ha!" not only his two subordinates, but also the onlookers laughed. Chen Nan's performance is obviously a layman, and the experts will shine on his mouth to see the quality. It's very good. He doesn't need a flashlight and doesn't look at his eyes. If he touches it there, it won't make people laugh.

See this situation, Qiao Shida also frowned, he saw, chennan really know nothing about gambling stone, but chennan after all saved his father's life, even if he lost, he also intends to pay in the end.

Chen Nan stroked the mouth of the stone with his hand in an attempt to find something different, but what disappointed him was that every stone felt almost the same to him.

"Hehe, is it difficult to get one?" Chennan is thinking about how to break the situation, but listen to Qiao Shishi shout: "uncle, I think this is good, you have a look!"

Hearing Qiao Shishi's words, the crowd all have a black line. She just held chennan's arm. Everyone can see that they are friends and girlfriends, but now they call him uncle. Everyone can't help looking at Qiao Shida.

Qiao Shida embarrassed smile, old face also some embarrassed, but before he is tube Chen South call brother, pour also won't too care.

But Qiao Shishi doesn't care at all. He holds Chen Nan's arm and lets him see the stone he thinks is good.

This stone is small in this area. It is one meter high and eighty wide. It is shaped like an old tree root and covered with tree like texture. Its price is 15 million yuan.

Chen Nan presses the hand in the stone wipe mouth place, on the face immediately peeps out a trace of thought-provoking expression.

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