Looking at Qiao Shishi's back, Xia Changbin gritted his teeth, "I don't believe I can't take you!" Beckoning a valet nearby, he said, "please arrange for me to buy all the white roses in the flower shops around Yes, to 9999, this time I must move her, completely moved her

"Young master, why use white roses?"

Xia Changbin looked up at the sky and said with profound meaning: "because only white roses can represent the purity of poetry. Stop talking nonsense and do it quickly!"

Qiao Shishi went back to his bedroom, put on a dress, stood in front of the mirror and began to turn around. His face was smiling again, and his mouth was humming.

Jiutuo girl Xiangshan is lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone. Seeing that she is so happy, she raises her head and asks, "Shishi, why are you so happy? You look so beautiful. Don't you want a date?"

"How do you know?"

"What a date, with whom? Isn't it the cut in student? "

"Congratulations, that's right!" Qiao Shishi made a face at her and threw back her black satin hair with her hand.

"Is it really him?" Xiang shanmao jumped up and said, "I tell you Shishi, he's a bad guy who specializes in bullying girls. Don't talk to him..."

Qiao Shishi turned her face to Shanshan and said with a smile: "Shanshan, how do you know he bullies girls? Did he bully you? "

Xiang Shan blushed, "no, no!" I sat back in a hurry. Did I say that I was touched by him in the bar? After all, you can't even tell a secret if you don't know it.

"Since I didn't bully you? Bullying others? " Qiao Shishi was reluctant and came over again.

"Well No! " To Shan Yu knot, she didn't see chennan bully other girls, not only didn't bully, others also saved her.

"It's over. Since he didn't bully you or others, how do you know he bullied girls?" Qiao Shishi raised her delicate chin, and her expression was a little complacent. The meaning was obvious. I knew you were lying. Hum, I'm afraid you're interested in him?

When the phone rings and Qiao Shishi gets through, Chen Nan arrives downstairs. Qiao Shishi goes back to the mirror and closes her hair twice. She turns around and runs downstairs happily, leaving behind Xiang Shan with a very depressed face.

"Uncle, you are late!" Qiao Shishi came downstairs and walked to the broken Fukang of chennan with a smile. Although she had a sedan chair, she didn't want to sweep chennan's face.

"Late? It's only one minute. You've delayed coming downstairs! " Chen Nan smiles.

Just at this time, a red Ferrari raced past them. Not far away, there was a sharp brake sound. Ferrari suddenly stopped. From above came down a beautiful woman in a red tight windbreaker, silk stockings and boots. This beautiful woman was no one else, but Mrs. nalanruofei.

See sister-in-law, chennan immediately is a frown, last hit sister-in-law a butt, presumably hit hard, for several days did not see her, today to date with beauty, she happened to pass by, this luck is not generally bad.

"Sister..." Nanlan Ruofei wants to call her brother-in-law. She turns to see Qiao Shishi next to her. She has to act in front of the students. After all, she teased chennan last time, so she quickly says, "chennan, what are you doing?"

"We..." Chen Nan is touching the brain melon seeds and dating the school flower. She is caught by her sister-in-law. If she goes back to tell her sister that her wife must give her a long-standing face, and her dream of sharing the bed and bath will never come true.

But Qiao Shishi didn't want so much. Seeing her beautiful English teacher, she took the initiative to say hello: "good morning, Mrs. Ruofei!"

His students said hello to him. Of course, Nalan Ruofei couldn't pull her face and said with a smile, "it's Shishi. Well, good morning. Where are you going with chennan?"

One is the school flower, the other is the beauty teacher. Their relationship is quite good. Qiao Shishi smiles and blinks her long eyelashes at Nalan Ruofei. "Ruofei teacher, last time you made a mistake. Uncle Xianyu is not a student of our school. I think you know him, how can you make a mistake?"

"Wipe, I've become a salted fish this day!" Chen Nan touched his head and didn't speak, watching the change.

"Well, I made a mistake by accident, too!"

Nanlan Ruofei casually conceals this situation. It's obvious that Qiao Shishi and chennan are familiar with it. The tease on her brother-in-law is discovered. Nanlan Ruofei's face is slightly red and embarrassed.

"Teacher, since you know him, how can you make a mistake?" Qiao Shishi looked at the teacher with beautiful eyes, as if she wanted to see her heart.

"Ha ha, it's a mistake. The teacher also made a mistake. Shishi, you haven't told me where you are going?"

After all, it's her own teacher. If she doesn't say it, Qiao Shishi is not easy to ask again. He laughs and says, "Uncle Xianyu and I have an appointment to go to the amusement park. Teacher, today is the weekend. If you don't have anything to do, we'll go together."

"I'm with you?" On the one hand, she is really lively and funny, but her brother-in-law is dating other women. She always feels a little uncomfortable when she follows her. No matter how tough she is, it's hard to let go of the teacher's dignity in front of her students."Since Ms. Ruofei also wants to go, let's go together. Anyway, one sheep will be driven and two sheep will be released!" Chen Nan makes the appearance that doesn't matter, pretends natural and unrestrained waved a hand, call up Na LAN if imperial concubine is also to show his mind magnanimous, lest she go back to tell elder sister.

"Hum!" Nalan Ruofei looks at her brother-in-law white. After all, she has her own students present. She doesn't have much to say. The teacher's demeanor should be maintained in front of the students.

"Uncle, how do you talk? This is our teacher. We have been a teacher for you for one day. Please respect our teacher Chen Nan does not respect the teacher, let Qiao Shishi some dissatisfaction.

"Is it inconvenient for me to go?" Nalan Ruofei wants to play with her brother-in-law from her heart, but she has to be reserved when the students are present, so as not to be said to be a light bulb. In fact, she already knows that her sister and brother-in-law are fake marriages. One day, her sister is very cold to her brother-in-law. It's their freedom to be with chennan. She doesn't think much about her sister's injustice.

Qiao Shishi was pure in heart, but he didn't think too much about it. Instead, he was happy for the teacher's participation. He immediately said with a smile, "it's not inconvenient, but..."

She looked back at chennan, "uncle, if the imperial concubine teacher is so beautiful, you are not allowed to have ideas for her, and you are not allowed to bully her. If you dare to do something to the teacher, I'll bite you!"

"Ha ha, how can I insult your teacher?" Chen Nanxin said I will tell you she is my sister-in-law?

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