Originally some can't let go of Na LAN if imperial concubine, see Qiao Shi Shi to throw into his arms at this time, which is willing to show weakness, also follow a shriek: "you embrace me!"

"Hoo Another beauty fell into her arms.

"Hey, hey, that's a good feeling. I'm embracing you Chen Nan stretched out his hand and took Nanlan Ruofei into his arms. He was tossed in the air, holding two fragrant beauties in his arms. He felt very comfortable. He said that how could this thing sway so slowly? If it was more violent, it would be more tight!

Wonderful time always passed quickly, with school flowers on the left and teachers on the right. Although they were all looking forward to a longer time, the pirate ship came to a stop after two dives.

When the pirate ship stopped, the two women were scared and could not move. They looked at each other with tears on their faces. They were all embarrassed, especially Nalan Ruofei. After all, she was a teacher and her brother-in-law. Although she seemed cunning and unruly at ordinary times, she didn't care about anything, but now she was nervous and shy, but she didn't care It is to see Qiao Shishi fall into Chen Nan's arms again. She blushes and leans her head on Chen Nan's chest again, feeling her brother-in-law's warm and powerful arms.

Although the arms around two beauties, but chennan's life is not easy, was two soft body tightly nestled, already let him all over the blood boiling, but one is his sister-in-law, what can't do, wonderful always some regret.

"Sir, ladies, it's time to come down!"

Several people were in a mess, and the voice of the staff sounded in their ears. The audience around them saw two beauties scrambling to squeeze into the man's arms. How could they envy each other.

A pair of teachers and students red face, quickly break away from chennan arms, but because it is the first time by a man hold so long, delicate body soft, plus just afraid, two legs also a little don't listen to the command, was chennan helped to come out.

"I said, ladies, what are we going to play next?" Chen Nan smiles and looks at the two soft beauties. He also thinks about what a big man is afraid of. Anyway, it's a matter of taking advantage. He can play and hold beauties, so why not.

Qiao Shishi lowered her head, patted her chest and gasped: "uncle, I can't do it. My heart is almost jumping out. Why don't you do anything? I have to take a break! "

With that, Qiao Shishi went to the nearby Pavilion and sat on the stone pier to have a rest. He was still breathing heavily. Depending on the situation, he couldn't slow down for a while and a half.

Chen Nan just wants to walk past, Na LAN if imperial concubine red face stopped him, small voice way: "I say brother-in-law, today play of very hi?"

"Ha ha!" Chen Nan embarrassed smile, it seems that sister-in-law and his accounts, pretending to be indifferent to the way: "careless it!"

"Well, just so? I haven't had enough. Let's go, brother-in-law. Let's go to the fruit and vegetable tribe. "

"Well? What's the situation? " Originally thought sister-in-law to settle accounts with himself, now how to play alone with himself, chennan some don't understand.

"Fruit and vegetable tribe" is a kind of rail car, which is a new type of tour car that looks like vegetables and runs along the overhead monorail electric drive, and can rotate itself. It runs smoothly with moderate speed, suitable for all ages. Spin car with a new shape of different vegetables, fruit shell decoration, pleasant and luxurious.

Nanlan Ruofei pointed to not far away, "it's over there, let's go up!"

Chen Nan looks at a big pineapple she points to. This kind of tour equipment is completely closed after the door is closed, and the speed is not fast. You can enjoy most of the scenery of the amusement park, which is very suitable for lovers.

"Let's go!" Chen Nan followed his sister-in-law up the escalator, entered the big pineapple and sat down. The staff outside closed the door, which became an independent space.

The fruit and vegetable tribe is running slowly. It spins along the track and looks out through the window. You can see most of the amusement park's amusement projects and the scenery of lakes and mountains. It's not as thrilling as the two projects you just played, but it's very suitable for relaxing.

"Brother in law!" Na LAN if imperial concubine suddenly came forward to take Chen Nan's arm, anyway is not the first time to be hugged by sister-in-law, Chen Nan also didn't care.

Fresh air, closed air environment, daughter fragrance bursts, the atmosphere seems a little ambiguous, Nalan if imperial concubine face blush, so rely on chennan, also don't speak.

Appreciate the scenery, see sister-in-law no reaction, Chen south not from the side head looked in the past, and at this time Na LAN if imperial concubine is peeping at brother-in-law angular side face. Two people's eyes touch together, Na LAN if imperial concubine pink cheek is crimson, flurried head low go down.

"This sister-in-law is strange today!"

Chennan is murmuring, big pineapple suddenly a bump, although the bump is not obvious, but Nalan Ruofei actually exaggerated a scream, the whole person fell in his arms again, this kind of equipment and roller coaster is different, no chain, chennan is really full of nephrite warm fragrance.

Narrow space, ambiguous environment, although she is sister-in-law, but she is also a beauty, or teacher, let chennan not from a throb, belly heat rising.

Feeling the fiery firmness below, Nalan Ruofei's face is redder, and her body is slightly trembling. Suddenly, she tells her that the whole person is completely lying on chennan's body, stretching out snow-white catkin to hook her brother-in-law's neck, and her round buttocks and his brother have a close contact.Chen Nan is a normal man, this ambiguous posture makes him almost unable to hold, looking down, the beauty in his arms blushes, cherry mouth half open, Jiao panting, exhale like orchid, canthus eyebrows tenderness.

Nanlan Ruofei and her sister are hard to tell the true from the false. At this time, her beautiful eyes are less cunning, more tender and charming. At this time, she is the real Nanlan poetry. Chennan can't help thinking of the night when she met Nanlan poetry. For a moment, she is confused. Seeing her charming appearance, she can't help but bow her head to the fiery tone of beauty.

At this time, Nalan Ruofei was also in a state of confusion and love. Her beautiful eyes closed gradually, panting gently, waiting silently for the arrival of the soul kiss.

The two people's lips were about to touch each other, and there was a "clang" sound. The staff opened the door outside. It turned out that the fruit and vegetable tribe had already stopped, and they didn't realize it.

Two people instantly wake up, Na LAN if imperial concubine hurriedly stand up, low head, flurried of manage ear hair, the face burns badly.

Almost didn't kiss sister-in-law, Chen Nan also some embarrassed, waiting for the door to open, took the lead out of the fruit and vegetable tribe, Na LAN if imperial concubine low head, red face silently follow behind.

The fruit and vegetable tribe is closed, but Qiao Shishi is worried that something might happen to them. He has been waiting anxiously below. At this time, he sees two people coming out and immediately welcomes them.

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