After a warm kiss, chennan sits on the chair and holds Li Lingyu in his arms. Looking at the half covered snow-white under the collar and the deep gully in the middle, he can't help but swallow. What makes Li Lingyu most attractive is her soft body, a pair of straight peaks more plump than a girl, and the boundless round hip petals. He can't wait to see them.

At this time, the beauty in her arms is hot, and her body is no longer fortified. Chennan begins to unbutton her shirt one by one. Li Lingyu closes her eyes and dares not look at him.

As soon as the button was untied, a pair of plump peaks wrapped in a half cup were ready to appear. When the button was completely untied, the black half cup lace bra and the snow-white edge were exposed, and the delicate and plump body was as delicate as fat. With the shy and intolerable expression of a good woman, the half hidden amorous feelings were directly attracted to the marrow of her heart.

Chen Nan pulls the half cup up to her pink neck, caresses her big hand wantonly, and the greasy skin and amazing softness and elasticity make him love it. Under the man's caress and kiss, Li lingyujiao's body trembles and lies back in his arms, bewitching and panting.

A moment later, when the time is ripe, the man's big hand grabs Li Lingyu's skirt. Li Lingyu's small hand subconsciously presses his big hand, but she just subconsciously moves, and quickly releases it, and the skirt is lifted to the waist by the man almost without any obstruction.

Looking at the delicate and dazzling snow-white and narrow t-word small inside of the lace net hole, chennan couldn't help laughing, "I said jade elder sister, so you have been prepared?"

"I I, you villain, are dead Li Lingyu's Pink fists flapped his chest, but he had nothing to say. He only squeezed into his arms with shame.

"Ha ha!" Chen Nan laughs, the big hand suddenly probes to the T word, the other hand picks up Li Lingyu and kisses her. While kissing, she caresses. Suddenly, the beautiful woman in her arms trembles, groans and murmurs, and the shy amorous feelings of a good family are endless.

Chen Nan finally understands why those dandy officials like to make good families. Ha ha, this kind of mature and shy amorous feelings comes from the heart. Whether it's smelling, touching, or sensory, it's a kind of ultimate enjoyment for men, which is far beyond the nightclub women's ability. Li Lingyu, who has a sensitive physique and a great appearance, is even more difficult to find.

When Li Lingyu is confused, Chen Nan suddenly stops his warm kiss. Her eyes appreciated the beauty in her arms, but her big hands felt her whole body more freely and fiercely, which made Li Lingyu more and more impatient. Her beautiful eyes closed completely, and she fell into the man's arms, panting and groaning powerlessly, bearing the wonderful and exciting impact.

Just when Li Lingyu is selfless and confused, the man suddenly stops and feels empty. Li Lingyu opens her eyes. Her eyebrow wave lifts Chen Nan's eyes. Her soft voice says intermittently: "you You villain, you are the most The worst man

"Ha ha!" Chen Nan laughs, suddenly gather together in Li Lingyu ear bad smile way: "I say jade elder sister, your reaction is too strong, below all become river, can swim!"

"You You villain Li Lingyu's pink cheeks were flushed, bashful and panting. She stretched out her pink fist and beat the man's chest powerlessly, but her voice was sweet and tender.

The beauty's coquettishness and charm make chennan more passionate. She gently presses Li Lingyu's high bun. Li Lingyu lowers her head for a moment. She slips down from him under the man's encouraging eyes, lifts her skirt and squats on the ground. Her white hands probe into the man's belt. A moment later, Li Lingyu's delicate face was red and gorgeous, and she buried Zhen's head in the man's waist with shame. She opened her cherry mouth and filled it with love.

The warm and tight package let Chen Nan dun give out a dull hum. He pressed Li Lingyu's head hard, and the other hand touched Li Lingyu's narrow t-word in the snow-white below, while Li Lingyu did it above.


Five minutes later, Li Lingyu raised her head, with two crystal clear tears hanging from the corner of her eyes. She stretched out a greasy tongue with a trace of milky white and circled her pink lips. Her eyes were moist and she looked at the man above.

Chen Nan pulls her up and embraces her.

"Sister Yu, can you not go back tonight?" Chen Nan looked at Li Lingyu, who was so shy and infinite, and said with a bad smile, but the action on his hand didn't stop. Li Lingyu's breath and groan floated in the box.

"I I... " Li Lingyu half closed her eyes and didn't know how to answer him, but there was some resentment in her heart. People were sucking and kissing you there. What do you mean?

"Speak Man's action is more overbearing, let Li Lingyu more intolerable, finally completely lost in that wave of wonderful impact.

"No No, but Yes Li Lingyu's chest heaved violently, and her voice seemed to tremble from the top of her heart. It was difficult to make a sentence under the wonderful stimulation.

"If you don't go back, doesn't your husband blame you? You're not going to cut me three streets with a kitchen knife, are you? " Chen South bad smile way, but facial expression but dignified some.

"No Don't worry about him! "Li Lingyu, who was completely lost, was bewildered and responded unbearably.

"He's your husband. You don't care about him?" Chen Nan continues to kiss Li Lingyu, and his hand moves ceaselessly, which makes the lost Li Lingyu more and more delicate and hot. Subconsciously, he responds: "you don't have to think so much, don't care about him!""No wonder it's so sensitive. It turns out that there has been no man for a long time. I said, sister Yu, since you said so, I'll go up!"

"I I... " Li Lingyu gasped and didn't know how to answer.

The woman's Jiao Chuan and Roumei are powerless. The man's blood has already been stimulated. Chen Nan suddenly holds Li Lingyu up and puts it on the table. He lifts Li Lingyu's skirt to his waist and probes his big hand to the edge of the t-word. He will completely remove Li Lingyu's last line of defense.

But at this time, his phone rang, Chen Nan didn't want to answer, but looked at the number, it was his sister-in-law Nalan Ruofei.

Chen Nan worried that she had something to do, apologized to kiss Li Lingyu on her delicate and red face, "sister Yu, you wait a moment, I'll answer the phone."

Li Lingyu gives him a resentful look and says that this kind of thing is a man's initiative. What can I do to you if you don't do it?

Chen South pressed answer key, Na LAN if imperial concubine anxious voice spread to come over, "brother-in-law, all what time?"? Why haven't you come back yet? Go home quickly. I have something urgent to find you. Hurry up

Chen Nan smiles bitterly. Now the evil fire is flourishing, and he is going to fight and enjoy the beauty. At this critical moment, I'm afraid any man is not willing to leave. Chen Nan forces the fire and says: "I say, what's the matter with you? Brother in law, I'm busy. "

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