I wipe. It's powerful. I can't beat you. I can't beat you. I can't burn you. See skeleton and pounce on to come over again, by Chen South heavy one foot kick to the wall, still recovering. Chen south a shake hands to carry out a barrel to take the compression gasoline of the exergy, immediately cover a face to pour up. In order not to be suspected by others, Chen Nan did not knot the fireball, but took out the lighter to light the prepared igniter.

The master and apprentice of Tiejing were also shocked by the resurrected skeleton. They paid attention to the skeleton. They didn't notice where he took out a barrel of gasoline.

At the sight of the fire, the skeleton was immediately afraid, and did not dare to rush up again. In addition, he retreated in horror, and the green fur on his body rolled quickly to avoid the fire, as if he was very afraid.

At this time, the skeletons were made up of green hairs.


The gasoline was ignited, and the fire was in the sky. In a flash, the green hairs were burned clean, revealing the blackened skeletons inside. However, this time, the skeletons did not fight back again, but scattered on one side and did not move again.

Originally thought it was corpse fraud, but at this time he understood that it seemed that the green insects were controlling the skeleton to attack them.

On the other hand, huijue is still pulling the two broken hands, and the skeleton's arms are all in the flesh. In order not to hurt jingling, he can only break his fingers, otherwise the skeleton's fingers will still be closed.

Chen Nan takes the torch and goes over. Two broken hands seem to have eyes. The light of the fire comes over and releases his fingers automatically. Two broken hands fall on the ground and quickly climb to the corner of the wall to avoid the light of the fire.

"Sure enough, it's the green worms who are doing the mischief!"

Chen Nan poured gasoline on his two broken hands and lit them with fire. Sure enough, the two blackened broken hands showed up and scattered on the ground.

Because she was caught by the skeleton, jingling's arm has climbed a lot of green insects, her arm was caught by the skeleton two wounds, these green insects seem to smell the smell of blood, quickly climbed to the wound, was swept to the ground by several people.

Fortunately, huijue prepared the medicine to cure the wound and deal with the corpse poison. She immediately treated the wound for jingling and took away the night pearl.

Seeing that huijue had collected the night pearl, tie Jing frowned and said, "abbess huijue, we have already said that the treasure we get should be divided into three parts. How can you collect the night pearl alone?"

Huijue stood up and said, "elder tie, don't you see that my disciple has been injured because of the night pearl? This night Pearl was obtained by my disciple with all his life. I can't keep it too much for the time being."

Tiejing looks at chennan. Seeing that he doesn't make a statement, he has to hum coldly. Now his disciple is one less. If the other party unites up, he has no chance to win. He can only find opportunities to defeat each other.

The room was empty, and there was no other treasure. Everyone left their eyes on the wall on the steps. There were three grooves on the wall, which attracted people's attention.

Hui Jue said, "there should be a door here. If I expect it to be right, the jade slips in our hands are the things that open the door. How about we all take out the jade slips to try?"

Not only she could see it, but others could see it, because the shape of the groove was so similar to that of the jade slips.

No one objected to her words. Chennan first took out the remnant picture of the jade slips and put it in the corresponding groove. The other two also put the jade slips in the corresponding position.

As soon as the jade slips were put in place, the wall made a clattering sound, and the stone gate must have been opened.

Sure enough, a moment later, the stone wall automatically rolled in to one side, revealing a hole two meters wide and one and a half meters high. Inside, the dark hole didn't know where to go.

Although in the face of unknown danger, since there are night pearls and maybe other treasures, several people didn't speak and went straight inside. And Chen Nan then conveniently photographed a few jade slips and put them in the ring, and then entered the cave.

It was not so dark inside the flashlight with strong light. Soon everyone found the mural carved on the stone wall.

Chen Nan's divine sense sweeps out and finds that the mural is actually a four leaf green lotus. The first mural is a small sapling. Then the sapling grows bigger and bigger, and the four leaves become four colors. At the beginning, around the sapling are giant beasts and giant. As the green lotus grows up, people and animals become smaller and smaller. Later, the giant disappears out of thin air, It gradually evolved into savages and beasts, and finally into humans in ancient costumes.

Several people stopped in front of the mural and looked at it for a long time, but they didn't quite understand what it meant. Looking at the pious state of these people and animals, it seems that the green lotus is a holy thing that can protect them. It is said that there was a giant in ancient times. Can't the green lotus exist since ancient times, and what power can a green lotus have for them to worship so much?

When the murals disappear, the cave is at the end, and the scene in front of us is even more shocking. There is a huge stone hall below, surrounded by bright lanterns. By the light, we can see that there are rows of square coffins below. The distance is hazy, and we can't see the end.

In front of them is a row of stone steps leading to the hall below. On both sides of the exit of the stone steps are figurines of famous people, whose shape is the same as that of terracotta warriors and horses. Each one holds a Tomahawk in his hand, and guards the entrance of the hall like a gold guard.It's a coffin again. There won't be any skeletons. We've all seen the energy of the skeletons just now. If so many skeletons come out together, they won't be able to see them at all.

Although so many coffins are frightening, the temptation of treasure is huge. Tiejing stood still, looked back and said, "everyone, how about going down to have a look?"

Several people didn't object, but tie Jing didn't go ahead this time. Instead, he waited for Taoist huijue to go down first.

Huijue is also an expert. Of course, he won't be frightened by these coffins. He immediately leads two disciples down the stone ladder first, followed by chennan. Tiejing loses one of his disciples and learns to lead them to the back.

Soon several people came down the stone steps to the two figures.

Abbess huijue's eyes stopped for a moment on the figurines and confirmed that the two figurines were not living creatures. As she was preparing to pass by, the two figurines suddenly moved. Quickly turned around, the huge Yue with strong wind to huijue head hit down.

Hui Jue was so frightened that she didn't dare to answer it and backed back in a hurry.


Two tomahawks hit the ground, and Mars was everywhere. However, the two figurines did not stop at all. They actually followed them as if they were walking. The huge tomahawks swept up again.

After a moment's surprise, huijue also reacts. Her body soars into the air and cuts a famous figure with a sword. However, the famous figure actually raised the seal of the Yue, and its action was the same as that of a real person.

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